-# Cookbook Name:: postgresql
+# Cookbook:: postgresql
# Recipe:: default
-# Copyright 2012, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2012, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# limitations under the License.
+include_recipe "apt::postgresql"
+include_recipe "munin"
+include_recipe "prometheus"
+package "locales-all"
package "postgresql-common"
node[:postgresql][:versions].each do |version|
defaults = node[:postgresql][:settings][:defaults] || {}
settings = node[:postgresql][:settings][version] || {}
+ standby_mode = settings[:standby_mode] || defaults[:standby_mode]
+ primary_conninfo = settings[:primary_conninfo] || defaults[:primary_conninfo]
+ passwords = if primary_conninfo
+ data_bag_item(primary_conninfo[:passwords][:bag],
+ primary_conninfo[:passwords][:item])
+ end
template "/etc/postgresql/#{version}/main/postgresql.conf" do
source "postgresql.conf.erb"
owner "postgres"
group "postgres"
- mode 0o644
- variables :version => version, :defaults => defaults, :settings => settings
+ mode "644"
+ variables :version => version,
+ :defaults => defaults,
+ :settings => settings,
+ :primary_conninfo => primary_conninfo,
+ :passwords => passwords
notifies :reload, "service[postgresql]"
+ only_if { ::Dir.exist?("/etc/postgresql/#{version}/main") }
template "/etc/postgresql/#{version}/main/pg_hba.conf" do
source "pg_hba.conf.erb"
owner "postgres"
group "postgres"
- mode 0o640
+ mode "640"
variables :early_rules => settings[:early_authentication_rules] || defaults[:early_authentication_rules],
:late_rules => settings[:late_authentication_rules] || defaults[:late_authentication_rules]
notifies :reload, "service[postgresql]"
+ only_if { ::Dir.exist?("/etc/postgresql/#{version}/main") }
template "/etc/postgresql/#{version}/main/pg_ident.conf" do
source "pg_ident.conf.erb"
owner "postgres"
group "postgres"
- mode 0o640
+ mode "640"
variables :maps => settings[:user_name_maps] || defaults[:user_name_maps]
notifies :reload, "service[postgresql]"
+ only_if { ::Dir.exist?("/etc/postgresql/#{version}/main") }
link "/var/lib/postgresql/#{version}/main/server.crt" do
to "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem"
+ only_if { ::Dir.exist?("/var/lib/postgresql/#{version}/main") }
link "/var/lib/postgresql/#{version}/main/server.key" do
to "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key"
+ only_if { ::Dir.exist?("/var/lib/postgresql/#{version}/main") }
- standby_mode = settings[:standby_mode] || defaults[:standby_mode]
- primary_conninfo = settings[:primary_conninfo] || defaults[:primary_conninfo]
- restore_command = settings[:restore_command] || defaults[:restore_command]
- if restore_command || standby_mode == "on"
- passwords = if primary_conninfo
- data_bag_item(primary_conninfo[:passwords][:bag],
- primary_conninfo[:passwords][:item])
- end
- template "/var/lib/postgresql/#{version}/main/recovery.conf" do
- source "recovery.conf.erb"
+ if standby_mode == "on"
+ file "/var/lib/postgresql/#{version}/main/standby.signal" do
owner "postgres"
group "postgres"
- mode 0o640
- variables :standby_mode => standby_mode,
- :primary_conninfo => primary_conninfo,
- :restore_command => restore_command,
- :passwords => passwords
- notifies :reload, "service[postgresql]"
+ mode "640"
- template "/var/lib/postgresql/#{version}/main/recovery.conf" do
+ file "/var/lib/postgresql/#{version}/main/standby.signal" do
action :delete
- notifies :reload, "service[postgresql]"
ohai_plugin "postgresql" do
- template_source "ohai.rb.erb"
+ template "ohai.rb.erb"
-package "ptop"
+package "pgtop"
package "libdbd-pg-perl"
clusters = node[:postgresql][:clusters] || []
+passwords = data_bag_item("postgresql", "passwords")
clusters.each do |name, details|
- suffix = name.tr("/", ":")
+ prometheus_suffix = name.tr("/", "-")
+ prometheus_database = node[:postgresql][:monitor_database]
+ postgresql_user "prometheus" do
+ cluster name
+ password passwords["prometheus"]
+ roles "pg_monitor"
+ not_if { ::File.exist?("/var/lib/postgresql/#{name}/standby.signal") }
+ end
+ prometheus_exporter "postgres" do
+ port 10000 + details[:port].to_i
+ service "postgres-#{prometheus_suffix}"
+ labels "cluster" => name
+ scrape_interval "1m"
+ scrape_timeout "1m"
+ options %w[
+ --collector.database_wraparound
+ --collector.long_running_transactions
+ --collector.process_idle
+ --collector.stat_activity_autovacuum
+ --collector.stat_wal_receiver
+ --collector.statio_user_indexes
+ ]
+ environment "DATA_SOURCE_NAME" => "postgres:///#{prometheus_database}?host=/run/postgresql&port=#{details[:port]}&user=prometheus&password=#{passwords['prometheus']}"
+ restrict_address_families "AF_UNIX"
+ subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/prometheus/exporters/postgres_queries.yml]"
+ end
+ if node[:postgresql][:monitor_queries]
+ template "/etc/prometheus/exporters/sql_exporter.yml" do
+ source "sql_exporter.yml.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+ end
+ prometheus_exporter "sql" do
+ port 20000 + details[:port].to_i
+ service "sql-#{prometheus_suffix}"
+ labels "cluster" => name
+ scrape_interval "1m"
+ scrape_timeout "1m"
+ options "--config.file=/etc/prometheus/exporters/sql_exporter.yml"
+ environment "SQLEXPORTER_TARGET_DSN" => "postgres://prometheus:#{passwords['prometheus']}@/run/postgresql:#{details[:port]}/#{prometheus_database}"
+ restrict_address_families "AF_UNIX"
+ subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/prometheus/exporters/sql_exporter.yml]"
+ end
+ else
+ prometheus_exporter "sql" do
+ action :delete
+ service "sql-#{prometheus_suffix}"
+ end
+ file "/etc/prometheus/exporters/sql_exporter.yml" do
+ action :delete
+ end
+ end
+ munin_suffix = name.tr("/", ":")
- munin_plugin "postgres_bgwriter_#{suffix}" do
+ munin_plugin "postgres_bgwriter_#{munin_suffix}" do
target "postgres_bgwriter"
conf "munin.erb"
conf_variables :port => details[:port]
- munin_plugin "postgres_checkpoints_#{suffix}" do
+ munin_plugin "postgres_checkpoints_#{munin_suffix}" do
target "postgres_checkpoints"
conf "munin.erb"
conf_variables :port => details[:port]
- munin_plugin "postgres_connections_db_#{suffix}" do
+ munin_plugin "postgres_connections_db_#{munin_suffix}" do
target "postgres_connections_db"
conf "munin.erb"
conf_variables :port => details[:port]
- munin_plugin "postgres_users_#{suffix}" do
+ munin_plugin "postgres_users_#{munin_suffix}" do
target "postgres_users"
conf "munin.erb"
conf_variables :port => details[:port]
- munin_plugin "postgres_xlog_#{suffix}" do
+ munin_plugin "postgres_xlog_#{munin_suffix}" do
target "postgres_xlog"
conf "munin.erb"
conf_variables :port => details[:port]
next unless File.exist?("/var/lib/postgresql/#{details[:version]}/main/recovery.conf")
- munin_plugin "postgres_replication_#{suffix}" do
+ munin_plugin "postgres_replication_#{munin_suffix}" do
target "postgres_replication"
conf "munin.erb"
conf_variables :port => details[:port]