# limitations under the License.
-include_recipe "tools"
+include_recipe "apt"
+include_recipe "git"
include_recipe "munin"
+include_recipe "sysfs"
+include_recipe "tools"
ohai_plugin "hardware" do
template "ohai.rb.erb"
when "VMware, Inc."
package "open-vm-tools"
+ # Remove timeSync plugin completely
+ # https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/issues/302
+ file "/usr/lib/open-vm-tools/plugins/vmsvc/libtimeSync.so" do
+ action :delete
+ notifies :restart, "service[open-vm-tools]"
+ end
+ # Attempt to tell Host we are not interested in timeSync
+ execute "vmware-toolbox-cmd-timesync-disable" do
+ command "/usr/bin/vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync disable"
+ ignore_failure true
+ end
service "open-vm-tools" do
action [:enable, :start]
supports :status => true, :restart => true
tools_packages = []
status_packages = {}
-node[:kernel][:modules].each_key do |modname|
- case modname
- when "cciss"
- tools_packages << "ssacli"
- status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] ||= []
- when "hpsa"
- tools_packages << "ssacli"
- status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] ||= []
- when "mptsas"
- tools_packages << "lsiutil"
- status_packages["mpt-status"] ||= []
- when "mpt2sas", "mpt3sas"
- tools_packages << "sas2ircu"
- status_packages["sas2ircu-status"] ||= []
- when "megaraid_mm"
- tools_packages << "megactl"
- status_packages["megaraid-status"] ||= []
- when "megaraid_sas"
- tools_packages << "megacli"
- status_packages["megaclisas-status"] ||= []
- when "aacraid"
- tools_packages << "arcconf"
- status_packages["aacraid-status"] ||= []
- when "arcmsr"
- tools_packages << "areca"
+if node[:virtualization][:role] != "guest" ||
+ node[:virtualization][:system] != "lxd"
+ node[:kernel][:modules].each_key do |modname|
+ case modname
+ when "cciss"
+ tools_packages << "ssacli"
+ status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] ||= []
+ when "hpsa"
+ tools_packages << "ssacli"
+ status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] ||= []
+ when "mptsas"
+ tools_packages << "lsiutil"
+ status_packages["mpt-status"] ||= []
+ when "mpt2sas", "mpt3sas"
+ tools_packages << "sas2ircu"
+ status_packages["sas2ircu-status"] ||= []
+ when "megaraid_mm"
+ tools_packages << "megactl"
+ status_packages["megaraid-status"] ||= []
+ when "megaraid_sas"
+ tools_packages << "megacli"
+ status_packages["megaclisas-status"] ||= []
+ when "aacraid"
+ tools_packages << "arcconf"
+ status_packages["aacraid-status"] ||= []
+ when "arcmsr"
+ tools_packages << "areca"
+ end
-node[:block_device].each do |name, attributes|
- next unless attributes[:vendor] == "HP" && attributes[:model] == "LOGICAL VOLUME"
+ node[:block_device].each do |name, attributes|
+ next unless attributes[:vendor] == "HP" && attributes[:model] == "LOGICAL VOLUME"
- if name =~ /^cciss!(c[0-9]+)d[0-9]+$/
- status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] |= ["cciss/#{Regexp.last_match[1]}d0"]
- else
- Dir.glob("/sys/block/#{name}/device/scsi_generic/*").each do |sg|
- status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] |= [File.basename(sg)]
+ if name =~ /^cciss!(c[0-9]+)d[0-9]+$/
+ status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] |= ["cciss/#{Regexp.last_match[1]}d0"]
+ else
+ Dir.glob("/sys/block/#{name}/device/scsi_generic/*").each do |sg|
+ status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] |= [File.basename(sg)]
+ end
git "/opt/areca" do
action :sync
repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/private/areca.git"
+ depth 1
user "root"
group "root"
+ not_if { ENV["TEST_KITCHEN"] }
directory "/opt/areca" do
no_new_privileges true
notifies :restart, "service[cciss-vol-statusd]"
+ systemd_service "cciss-vol-statusd" do
+ action :delete
+ end
+ template "/usr/local/bin/cciss-vol-statusd" do
+ action :delete
+ end
%w[cciss-vol-status mpt-status sas2ircu-status megaraid-status megaclisas-status aacraid-status].each do |status_package|