:database_password => database_password
-apt_package "otrs2" do
- options "-t #{node[:lsb][:codename]}-backports"
+# Ensure the OTRS package in backports has a priority preference.
+apt_preference "otrs2" do
+ pin "release o=Debian Backports"
+ pin_priority "600"
+apt_package "otrs2"
# Ensure debconf is repopulated on a dbconfig change
execute "dpkg-reconfigure-otrs2" do
action :nothing
description "OTRS Daemon"
type "forking"
user "otrs"
- group "otrs"
+ group "www-data"
exec_start_pre "-/usr/share/otrs/bin/otrs.Daemon.pl stop" # Stop if race with deb cron
exec_start "/usr/share/otrs/bin/otrs.Daemon.pl start"
private_tmp true
protect_system "strict"
protect_home true
- read_write_paths ["/var/lib/otrs", "/var/log/exim4", "/var/spool/exim4"]
+ runtime_directory "otrs"
+ runtime_directory_mode 0o770
+ runtime_directory_preserve true
+ read_write_paths ["/var/lib/otrs", "/run/otrs", "/var/log/exim4", "/var/spool/exim4"]
service "otrs" do