require "ipaddr"
require "yaml"
+keys = data_bag_item("networking", "keys")
package ""
netplan = {
if interface[:routes]
interface[:routes].each do |to, parameters|
+ next if parameters[:via] == interface[:address]
route = {
"to" => to
action :purge
+if node[:networking][:wireguard][:enabled]
+ wireguard_id = persistent_token("networking", "wireguard")
+ node.default[:networking][:wireguard][:address] = "fd43:e709:ea6d:1:#{wireguard_id[0, 4]}:#{wireguard_id[4, 4]}:#{wireguard_id[8, 4]}:#{wireguard_id[12, 4]}"
+ package "wireguard-tools" do
+ compile_time true
+ end
+ directory "/var/lib/systemd/wireguard" do
+ owner "root"
+ group "systemd-network"
+ mode "750"
+ compile_time true
+ end
+ file "/var/lib/systemd/wireguard/private.key" do
+ action :create_if_missing
+ owner "root"
+ group "systemd-network"
+ mode "640"
+ content %x(wg genkey)
+ compile_time true
+ end
+ node.default[:networking][:wireguard][:public_key] = %x(wg pubkey < /var/lib/systemd/wireguard/private.key).chomp
+ file "/var/lib/systemd/wireguard/preshared.key" do
+ action :create_if_missing
+ owner "root"
+ group "systemd-network"
+ mode "640"
+ content keys["wireguard"]
+ end
+ if node[:roles].include?("gateway")
+ search(:node, "roles:gateway") do |gateway|
+ next if ==
+ next unless gateway[:networking][:wireguard] && gateway[:networking][:wireguard][:enabled]
+ allowed_ips = gateway.interfaces(:role => :internal).map do |interface|
+ "#{interface[:network]}/#{interface[:prefix]}"
+ end
+ node.default[:networking][:wireguard][:peers] << {
+ :public_key => gateway[:networking][:wireguard][:public_key],
+ :allowed_ips => allowed_ips,
+ :endpoint => "#{}:51820"
+ }
+ end
+ search(:node, "roles:mail") do |server|
+ allowed_ips = server.interfaces(:role => :internal).map do |interface|
+ "#{interface[:network]}/#{interface[:prefix]}"
+ end
+ if server[:networking][:private_address]
+ allowed_ips << "#{server[:networking][:private_address]}/32"
+ end
+ node.default[:networking][:wireguard][:peers] << {
+ :public_key => server[:networking][:wireguard][:public_key],
+ :allowed_ips => allowed_ips,
+ :endpoint => "#{}:51820"
+ }
+ end
+ node.default[:networking][:wireguard][:peers] << {
+ :public_key => "7Oj9ufNlgidyH/xDc+aHQKMjJPqTmD/ab13agMh6AxA=",
+ :allowed_ips => "",
+ :endpoint => ""
+ }
+ end
+ template "/etc/systemd/network/wireguard.netdev" do
+ source "wireguard.netdev.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "systemd-network"
+ mode "640"
+ end
+ template "/etc/systemd/network/" do
+ source ""
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+ end
+ if node[:lsb][:release].to_f < 20.04
+ execute "ip-link-delete-wg0" do
+ action :nothing
+ command "ip link delete wg0"
+ subscribes :run, "template[/etc/systemd/network/wireguard.netdev]"
+ only_if { ::File.exist?("/sys/class/net/wg0") }
+ end
+ service "systemd-networkd" do
+ action :nothing
+ subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/systemd/network/wireguard.netdev]"
+ subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/systemd/network/]"
+ not_if { ENV.key?("TEST_KITCHEN") }
+ end
+ else
+ execute "networkctl-delete-wg0" do
+ action :nothing
+ command "networkctl delete wg0"
+ subscribes :run, "template[/etc/systemd/network/wireguard.netdev]"
+ only_if { ::File.exist?("/sys/class/net/wg0") }
+ end
+ execute "networkctl-reload" do
+ action :nothing
+ command "networkctl reload"
+ subscribes :run, "template[/etc/systemd/network/wireguard.netdev]"
+ subscribes :run, "template[/etc/systemd/network/]"
+ not_if { ENV.key?("TEST_KITCHEN") }
+ end
+ end
ohai "reload-hostname" do
action :nothing
plugin "hostname"
if node[:filesystem][:by_mountpoint][:"/etc/resolv.conf"]
- mount "/etc/resolv.conf" do
- action :umount
- device node[:filesystem][:by_mountpoint][:"/etc/resolv.conf"][:devices].first
+ execute "umount-resolve-conf" do
+ command "umount -c /etc/resolv.conf"
to "../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf"
-node.interfaces(:role => :internal) do |interface|
- if interface[:gateway] && interface[:gateway] != interface[:address]
- search(:node, "networking_interfaces*address:#{interface[:gateway]}") do |gateway|
- next unless gateway[:openvpn]
- gateway[:openvpn][:tunnels].each_value do |tunnel|
- if tunnel[:peer][:address]
- route tunnel[:peer][:address] do
- netmask ""
- gateway interface[:gateway]
- device interface[:interface]
- end
- end
- next unless tunnel[:peer][:networks]
- tunnel[:peer][:networks].each do |network|
- route network[:address] do
- netmask network[:netmask]
- gateway interface[:gateway]
- device interface[:interface]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
zones = {}
search(:node, "networking:interfaces").collect do |n|
template "/etc/shorewall/rules" do
+ action :nothing
source "shorewall-rules.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
notifies :restart, "service[shorewall]"
-service "shorewall" do
- action [:enable, :start]
- supports :restart => true
- status_command "shorewall status"
+notify_group "shorewall-rules" do
+ action :run
+ notifies :create, "template[/etc/shorewall/rules]"
+if node[:networking][:firewall][:enabled]
+ service "shorewall" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
+ supports :restart => true
+ status_command "shorewall status"
+ ignore_failure true
+ end
+ service "shorewall" do
+ action [:disable, :stop]
+ supports :restart => true
+ status_command "shorewall status"
+ ignore_failure true
+ end
template "/etc/logrotate.d/shorewall" do
rate_limit "s:1/sec:5"
-%w[ucl ams bm].each do |zone|
- firewall_rule "accept-openvpn-#{zone}" do
+if node[:networking][:wireguard][:enabled]
+ wireguard_source = if node[:roles].include?("gateway")
+ "net"
+ else
+ "osm"
+ end
+ firewall_rule "accept-wireguard" do
action :accept
- source zone
+ source wireguard_source
dest "fw"
proto "udp"
- dest_ports "1194:1197"
- source_ports "1194:1197"
+ dest_ports "51820"
+ source_ports "51820"
template "/etc/shorewall6/rules" do
+ action :nothing
source "shorewall-rules.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
notifies :restart, "service[shorewall6]"
- service "shorewall6" do
- action [:enable, :start]
- supports :restart => true
- status_command "shorewall6 status"
+ notify_group "shorewall6-rules" do
+ action :run
+ notifies :create, "template[/etc/shorewall6/rules]"
+ end
+ if node[:networking][:firewall][:enabled]
+ service "shorewall6" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
+ supports :restart => true
+ status_command "shorewall6 status"
+ ignore_failure true
+ end
+ else
+ service "shorewall6" do
+ action [:disable, :stop]
+ supports :restart => true
+ status_command "shorewall6 status"
+ ignore_failure true
+ end
template "/etc/logrotate.d/shorewall6" do