- # Define a load balancer for the local backends
- #
- <Proxy balancer://backend>
- ProxySet lbmethod=bybusyness
-<% node[:web][:backends].each do |backend| -%>
- BalancerMember https://<%= backend %> disablereuse=on
-<% end -%>
- </Proxy>
- #
- # Define a load balancer for the IC backends
- #
- <Proxy balancer://ic>
- ProxySet lbmethod=bybusyness
-<% ["rails1.ic", "rails2.ic", "rails3.ic"].each do |backend| -%>
- BalancerMember https://<%= backend %> disablereuse=on
-<% end -%>
- </Proxy>
- #
- # Define a load balancer for the Bytemark backends
- #
- <Proxy balancer://bytemark>
- ProxySet lbmethod=bybusyness
-<% ["rails4.bm", "rails5.bm"].each do |backend| -%>
- BalancerMember https://<%= backend %> disablereuse=on
-<% end -%>
- </Proxy>
- #
- # Redirect api requests made to www.osm.org to api.osm.org