# limitations under the License.
-actions :create, :drop
default_action :create
-attribute :user, :kind_of => String, :name_attribute => true
-attribute :password, :kind_of => String
+property :user, :kind_of => String, :name_attribute => true
+property :password, :kind_of => String
-Chef::MySQL::USER_PRIVILEGES.each do |privilege|
- attribute privilege, :default => false
+OpenStreetMap::MySQL::USER_PRIVILEGES.each do |privilege|
+ property privilege, :default => false
+action :create do
+ user = mysql_canonicalise_user(new_resource.user)
+ password = new_resource.password ? "IDENTIFIED BY '#{new_resource.password}'" : ""
+ unless mysql_users.include?(user)
+ converge_by("create #{new_resource}") do
+ Chef::Log.info("Creating #{new_resource}")
+ mysql_execute(:command => "CREATE USER #{user} #{password}")
+ end
+ end
+ current_privileges = mysql_users.fetch(new_resource.user, {})
+ new_privileges = Hash[OpenStreetMap::MySQL::USER_PRIVILEGES.collect do |privilege|
+ [privilege, new_resource.send(privilege)]
+ end]
+ new_privileges.each do |privilege, new_enabled|
+ old_enabled = current_privileges.fetch(privilege, false)
+ if new_enabled && !old_enabled
+ converge_by("grant #{privilege} for #{new_resource}") do
+ Chef::Log.info("Granting #{privilege} for #{new_resource}")
+ mysql_execute(:command => "GRANT #{mysql_privilege_name(privilege)} ON *.* TO #{user}")
+ end
+ elsif old_enabled && !new_enabled
+ converge_by("revoke #{privilege} for #{new_resource}") do
+ Chef::Log.info("Revoking #{privilege} for #{new_resource}")
+ mysql_execute(:command => "REVOKE #{mysql_privilege_name(privilege)} ON *.* FROM #{user}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+action :drop do
+ user = mysql_canonicalise_user(new_resource.user)
+ if mysql_users.include?(user)
+ converge_by("drop #{new_resource}") do
+ Chef::Log.info("Dropping #{new_resource}")
+ mysql_execute(:command => "DROP USER #{user}")
+ end
+ end
+action_class do
+ include OpenStreetMap::MySQL