-require "chef/mixin/command"
+require "chef/mixin/shell_out"
require "rexml/document"
class Chef
class MySQL
- include Chef::Mixin::Command
+ include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
:select, :insert, :update, :delete, :create, :drop, :reload,
:show_db, :super, :create_tmp_table, :lock_tables, :execute,
:repl_slave, :repl_client, :create_view, :show_view, :create_routine,
:alter_routine, :create_user, :event, :trigger, :create_tablespace
- ]
+ ].freeze
:select, :insert, :update, :delete, :create, :drop, :grant,
:references, :index, :alter, :create_tmp_table, :lock_tables,
:create_view, :show_view, :create_routine, :alter_routine,
:execute, :event, :trigger
- ]
+ ].freeze
def execute(options)
# Create argument array
# Work out how to authenticate
if options[:user]
- args.push("--username=#{options[:user]}")
- args.push("--password=#{options[:password]}") if options[:password]
+ args.push("--username")
+ args.push(options[:user])
+ if options[:password]
+ args.push("--password")
+ args.push(options[:password])
+ end
- # Build the other arguments
- args.push("--execute=\"#{options[:command]}\"") if options[:command]
+ # Set output format
+ args.push("--xml") if options[:xml]
- # Get the database to use
- database = options[:database] || "mysql"
- # Build the command to run
- command = "/usr/bin/mysql #{args.join(' ')} #{database}"
+ # Add any SQL command to execute
+ if options[:command]
+ args.push("--execute")
+ args.push(options[:command])
+ end
- # Escape backticks in the command
- command.gsub!(/`/, "\\\\`")
+ # Add the database name
+ args.push(options[:database] || "mysql")
# Run the command
- run_command(:command => command, :user => "root", :group => "root")
+ shell_out!("/usr/bin/mysql", *args, :user => "root", :group => "root")
def query(sql, options = {})
- # Get the database to use
- database = options[:database] || "mysql"
- # Construct the command string
- command = "/usr/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --xml --execute='#{sql}' #{database}"
# Run the query
- status, stdout, stderr = output_of_command(command, :user => "root", :group => "root")
- handle_command_failures(status, "STDOUT: #{stdout}\nSTDERR: #{stderr}", :output_on_failure => true)
+ result = execute(options.merge(:command => sql, :xml => true))
# Parse the output
- document = REXML::Document.new(stdout)
+ document = REXML::Document.new(result.stdout)
# Create
records = []
query("SELECT * FROM db").each do |record|
- next unless database = @databases[record[:db]]
+ database = @databases[record[:db]]
+ next unless database
user = "'#{record[:user]}'@'#{record[:host]}'"
def canonicalise_user(user)
local, host = user.split("@")
- host = "%" unless host
+ host ||= "%"
local = "'#{local}'" unless local =~ /^'.*'$/
host = "'#{host}'" unless host =~ /^'.*'$/