From: Matt Amos Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2017 10:02:07 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Add explanatory header for full-experimental CC BY-SA planets. X-Git-Url: Add explanatory header for full-experimental CC BY-SA planets. Thanks to @pnorman for pointing out the difference between them. Since it confused me, seems worth adding a little comment at the top to say what each one is (and why the earlier one says "final"). --- diff --git a/cookbooks/planet/files/default/ccbysa_history_cgi/HEADER.cgi b/cookbooks/planet/files/default/ccbysa_history_cgi/HEADER.cgi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..252473797 --- /dev/null +++ b/cookbooks/planet/files/default/ccbysa_history_cgi/HEADER.cgi @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +print """ + + + OpenStreetMap historical CC BY-SA 2.0 licensed data + + + + + - CC BY-SA experimental history files.


These files are the last experimental history files produced under the CC BY-SA license. More recent data under the ODbL license is available here.


The full-planet-120401-final.osm.bz2 file is the last dump of data before redactions were run to remove data which could not be released under ODbL. The full-planet-120601-1150.osm.bz2 is the last dump of data available under CC BY-SA, but after the redactions were run. This means it may have less data in some areas, although many redactions were quickly re-mapped.


Licensed under the CC BY-SA 2.0



+""" diff --git a/cookbooks/planet/recipes/default.rb b/cookbooks/planet/recipes/default.rb index 5d4e063cd..b84c5ba5d 100644 --- a/cookbooks/planet/recipes/default.rb +++ b/cookbooks/planet/recipes/default.rb @@ -61,6 +61,16 @@ remote_directory node[:planet][:dump][:xml_history_directory] do files_mode 0o755 end +remote_directory "/store/planet/cc-by-sa/full-experimental" do + source "ccbysa_history_cgi" + owner "www-data" + group "planet" + mode 0o775 + files_owner "root" + files_group "root" + files_mode 0o755 +end + [:xml_directory, :xml_history_directory, :pbf_directory, :pbf_history_directory].each do |dir| directory node[:planet][:dump][dir] do