2020-02-16 | Tom Hughes | Add tests for web cookbook | tree | commitdiff |
2020-02-15 | Tom Hughes | Add tests for planet cookbook | tree | commitdiff |
2020-02-14 | Tom Hughes | Add test for donate cookbook | tree | commitdiff |
2020-02-10 | Tom Hughes | Stub searchs for certificates in tests | tree | commitdiff |
2017-02-11 | Tom Hughes | Add framework for managing letsencrypt certificates | tree | commitdiff |
2017-02-04 | Tom Hughes | Add tests for otrs cookbook | tree | commitdiff |
2017-01-26 | Tom Hughes | Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/pull/102' | tree | commitdiff |
2016-11-28 | Tom Hughes | Add cookbook for blogs.openstreetmap.org | tree | commitdiff |
2016-10-27 | Tom Hughes | Add tests for the forum cookbook | tree | commitdiff |
2016-10-27 | Tom Hughes | Add self-signed SSL certificates and keys for testing | tree | commitdiff |
2016-10-27 | Tom Hughes | Add basic tests for apache cookbook | tree | commitdiff |