2014-08-27 | Tom Hughes | Update trac configuration with new defaults | tree | commitdiff |
2014-08-20 | Tom Hughes | Enable version control plugins for trac | tree | commitdiff |
2014-08-20 | Tom Hughes | Use apache 2.4 style access controls | tree | commitdiff |
2014-08-20 | Tom Hughes | Use apache 2.4 style access controls | tree | commitdiff |
2013-10-22 | Grant Slater | Set internal rsync over ssh backups to use arcfour... | tree | commitdiff |
2013-09-09 | Tom Hughes | Enable SSSL in each virtual host | tree | commitdiff |
2013-06-23 | Tom Hughes | Bring trac backup script under chef control | tree | commitdiff |
2013-05-30 | Tom Hughes | Add a bunch more cookbooks | tree | commitdiff |