2021-03-09 | Tigerfell | Merge branch 'patch-2' of https://github.com/Tigerfell... | tree | commitdiff |
2020-07-21 | Tom Hughes | Use strings for file modes | tree | commitdiff |
2020-02-13 | Tom Hughes | Improve check for whether to run freshclam | tree | commitdiff |
2020-02-13 | Tom Hughes | Add basic tests for clamav, exim and spamassassin cookbooks | tree | commitdiff |
2019-09-09 | Tom Hughes | Update formatting of header comments | tree | commitdiff |
2018-02-11 | Tom Hughes | Convert more URLs to https | tree | commitdiff |
2017-11-16 | Tim Smith | Use multipackage installs throughout | tree | commitdiff |
2017-01-26 | Tom Hughes | Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/pull/102' | tree | commitdiff |
2016-12-18 | Tom Hughes | Add additional signatures to clamav | tree | commitdiff |
2015-02-03 | Tom Hughes | Yet more rubucop cleanups | tree | commitdiff |
2013-05-31 | Tom Hughes | Add a load more cookbooks | tree | commitdiff |