]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - chef.git/shortlog
2023-10-15 Tom HughesStop trying to URI encode passwords
2023-10-15 Tom HughesMake postgres exporter connect as the prometheus user
2023-10-15 Tom HughesGrant roles to newly created users
2023-10-15 Tom HughesRemove some old cleanup code
2023-10-15 Tom HughesAdd a prometheus user to all postgres clusters
2023-10-15 Tom HughesAdd support for granting roles to postgres users
2023-10-14 Tom HughesSwitch nidhogg to use postgres 16
2023-10-13 Tom HughesSwitch culebre to use postgres 16
2023-10-13 Tom HughesAdd alert for interface redundancy
2023-10-13 Tom HughesReport bond mode for bonded interfaces
2023-10-13 Grant Slateroxidized: add libyaml-dev requirement
2023-10-13 Tom HughesUse the directory name as the certificate name for...
2023-10-12 Tom HughesStatically configure backup replication metrics
2023-10-12 Tom HughesSet roundingPeriod explicitly for all jobs
2023-10-12 Tom HughesSplit daily metrics into separate jobs
2023-10-12 Tom HughesLook back two days for S2 daily statistics
2023-10-12 Grant SlaterRevert "cloudwatch: add eu-north-1 for osm-main to...
2023-10-12 Grant SlaterRevert "cloudwatch: Own job for Replication Metrics"
2023-10-12 Grant Slatercloudwatch: Own job for Replication Metrics
2023-10-12 Grant Slatercloudwatch: add eu-north-1 for osm-main to collect...
2023-10-11 Tom HughesFix query interval for billing metrics
2023-10-11 Grant Slatercloudwatch: Add other billed accounts
2023-10-11 Tom HughesAdd monitoring for AWS billing metrics
2023-10-11 Tom HughesAdd monitoring for some EC2 metrics
2023-10-11 Tom HughesInstall awscli on prometheus server
2023-10-11 Grant Slatercloudwatch: add account name comment
2023-10-11 Grant Slatercloudwatch: add sts-region
2023-10-11 Tom HughesAdd dummy openid connect key for tests
2023-10-11 Tom HughesAdd additional roles and regions to S3 monitoring
2023-10-11 Tom HughesEnable some optional features for the cloudwatch exporter
2023-10-10 Tom HughesRestart cloudwatch exporter when the configuration...
2023-10-10 Tom HughesIncrease period for daily S3 metrics
2023-10-10 Tom HughesConfigure cloudwatch exporter to collect S3 metrics
2023-10-10 Tom HughesSend osmdbt log files to S3
2023-10-10 Tom HughesAdd AWS credentials for osmdbt uploads
2023-10-10 Grant Slaterwordpress: unpin wp-fail2ban release
2023-10-08 Tom HughesSwitch odin and ysera to use postgres 16
2023-10-08 Tom HughesFix user creation for new dev sites
2023-10-08 Tom HughesAdd rails71 dev site
2023-10-08 Tom HughesUse local variables in functions to avoid damaging...
2023-10-06 Tom HughesIgnore ancestry when switching svn branches
2023-10-06 Guillaume RischardFreeze mutable objects assigned to constants
2023-10-06 Guillaume RISCHARDcivicrm version bump, new plugins, cleanup
2023-10-06 Tom HughesSimplify configuration of database permissions
2023-10-06 Tom HughesIgnore system tables and sequences
2023-10-06 Tom HughesMinimise permissions for planetdump and planetdiff...
2023-10-05 Tom HughesRun smokeping on prometheus servers
2023-10-05 Tom HughesAdd additional PostgreSQL ACL permission decoding
2023-10-05 Tom HughesManage permissions for database tables and sequences
2023-10-05 Tom HughesRemove role for nepomuk
2023-10-05 Tom HughesDrop role for firnen
2023-10-05 Tom HughesAdd postgresql_sequence for managing sequences
2023-10-05 Tom HughesLimit postgresql_table to acting on tables
2023-10-05 Tom HughesManage cgimap postgres user
2023-10-05 Tom HughesDrop gpximport postgres users that is no longer used
2023-10-05 Sarah Hoffmannnominatim: update OpenSearch description
2023-10-04 Grant Slaterirc: Use new image name
2023-10-03 Tom HughesConfigure signing key for OpenID Connect
2023-10-02 Tom HughesAdd laser power alerts for switches
2023-10-02 Tom HughesDrop role for pyrene
2023-09-29 Tom HughesEnable network access for planetdump service so it...
2023-09-29 Tom HughesAdd OOB for grisu to dhcp
2023-09-28 Tom HughesRun a yearly reindex of the larger database tables
2023-09-28 Tom HughesSimplify fdirsync and avoid race closing the descriptor
2023-09-28 Grant SlaterFix extra whitespace in planetdump
2023-09-28 Tom HughesMerge remote-tracking branch 'github/pull/626'
2023-09-28 Grant SlaterDo not report progress on scripted s3 uploads
2023-09-28 Grant SlaterTune s3 upload speed and concurrency
2023-09-28 Grant Slaterplanet: add tile_logs S3 redirect
2023-09-28 Tom HughesCorrect interface name for bowser
2023-09-28 Tom HughesSwitch balerion to use postgresql 16
2023-09-26 Tom HughesSwitch balerion to use postgresql 16
2023-09-26 Guillaume RISCHARDCivi+extension version bump
2023-09-26 Grant Slaterplanet: remove cleanup code
2023-09-26 Grant Slaterplanet: fix minor typo
2023-09-26 Grant Slaterplanet: fix redirect for full-history osm files
2023-09-26 Grant Slaterplanet: remove old legacy mirror redirect updater
2023-09-26 Grant Slaterplanet: Remove download speed limit
2023-09-26 Grant SlaterAdd redirects to planet S3
2023-09-26 Grant SlaterPort apache-latest-planet-filename to python
2023-09-24 Tom HughesMerge remote-tracking branch 'github/pull/623'
2023-09-24 Grant SlaterAdd geoipupdate depends on planet
2023-09-24 Paul NormanAdd a comment indicating where imagery blacklist reques...
2023-09-24 Tom HughesCopy planet dumps to S3
2023-09-24 Tom HughesCopy tile logs to S3
2023-09-24 Tom HughesCopy hourly and daily replication diffs to S3
2023-09-24 Tom HughesMake paths explicit
2023-09-24 Tom HughesCopy minutely replication diffs to S3
2023-09-24 Tom HughesFix access to AWS credentials for planet services
2023-09-24 Tom HughesAdd support for BindPaths and BindReadOnlyPaths to...
2023-09-24 Tom HughesCopy changeset replication diffs to S3
2023-09-24 Tom HughesEnable some addition postgres collectors
2023-09-24 Tom HughesReplace custom query with process_idle collector
2023-09-24 Tom HughesGive notes dump access to AWS credentials
2023-09-23 Tom HughesAdd DHCP and DNS for new machines
2023-09-23 Tom HughesAdd roles for fume and grisu
2023-09-23 Tom HughesMerge remote-tracking branch 'github/pull/621'
2023-09-23 Grant Slaterdhcpd: use correct netboot.xyz PXE filename.
2023-09-23 Tom HughesMerge remote-tracking branch 'github/pull/622'
2023-09-23 Tom HughesAdd planet::aws recipe to configure awscli for planet...