+ * Create A, optional AAAA, and optional HTTPS (SVCB) records for an OSM web service,
+ * with optional Cloudflare proxy support.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name - Hostname (e.g. "www").
+ * @param {string[]} servers - Required array of servers.
+ * @param {Object} [options] - Optional settings for HTTPS and Cloudflare.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.h1=false] - If true, sets HTTPS apn=http1.1
+ * @param {boolean} [options.h2=true] - If true, sets HTTPS apn=h2
+ * @param {boolean} [options.h3=false] - If true, sets HTTPS apn=h3
+ * @param {boolean} [options.cfproxy=false] - If true, enables Cloudflare proxy on A/AAAA.
+ *
+ */
+function osm_web_service(
+ name,
+ servers,
+ options
+) {
+ // If servers is a string, convert to a single-element array
+ if (typeof servers === "string") {
+ servers = [servers];
+ }
+ if (options === undefined) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ // Set default values for options.h1, options.h2, and options.h3
+ options.h1 = options.h1 !== undefined ? options.h1 : false;
+ options.h2 = options.h2 !== undefined ? options.h2 : true;
+ options.h3 = options.h3 !== undefined ? options.h3 : false;
+ var records = [];
+ var ipv4s = [];
+ var ipv6s = [];
+ servers.forEach(function(serverName) {
+ if (IPV4[serverName]) {
+ ipv4s.push(IPV4[serverName]);
+ if (!options.cfproxy) {
+ records.push(A(name, IPV4[serverName]));
+ } else {
+ records.push(A(name, IPV4[serverName], CF_PROXY_ON));
+ }
+ }
+ if (IPV6[serverName]) {
+ ipv6s.push(IPV6[serverName]);
+ if (!options.cfproxy) {
+ records.push(AAAA(name, IPV6[serverName]));
+ } else {
+ records.push(AAAA(name, IPV6[serverName], CF_PROXY_ON));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (ipv4s.length === 0 && ipv6s.length === 0) {
+ throw new Error("An IPv4 or IPv6 address is required for " + name + " service");
+ }
+ //
+ // Build a parameter string for DNSControl HTTPS() syntax.
+ // Example: "ipv4hint=, ipv6hint=2001:db8::1,2001:db8::2 alpn=h2"
+ //
+ var paramParts = [];
+ if (ipv4s.length > 0) {
+ // Join IPv4 addresses with comma+space
+ paramParts.push("ipv4hint=" + ipv4s.join(","));
+ }
+ if (ipv6s.length > 0) {
+ // Join IPv6 addresses with comma+space
+ paramParts.push("ipv6hint=" + ipv6s.join(","));
+ }
+ if (options.h1 || options.h2 || options.h3) {
+ var paramPartsALPN = [];
+ if (options.h3) {
+ paramPartsALPN.push("h3");
+ }
+ if (options.h2) {
+ paramPartsALPN.push("h2");
+ }
+ if (options.h1) {
+ paramPartsALPN.push("http/1.1");
+ }
+ paramParts.push("alpn=" + paramPartsALPN.join(","));
+ }
+ // Join the parts with a space
+ var paramString = paramParts.join(" ");
+ // Create the HTTPS record with 4 arguments
+ records.push(HTTPS(name, 1, ".", paramString));
+ return records;
+// Ensure that the reverse DNS records are in RFC 4183 notation
+var IPV4 = require("src/ipv4.json");
+var IPV6 = require("src/ipv6.json");
+var HOST_RECORDS = [];
+for (var name in IPV4) {
+ HOST_RECORDS.push(A(name, IPV4[name]));
+for (var name in IPV6) {
+ HOST_RECORDS.push(AAAA(name, IPV6[name]));