# Main web servers and their aliases
# Rails application servers
# Nominatim server
-# XAPI server
-# Tile cache server
# JXAPI server
# OWL server
# Map geographic zones to tile servers
+# remove IPv6 until we have IPv6 capable squid
+# 3sjobo.tile.openstreetmap:2a02008000003ff8022264fffe2a2714:3600
+# remove IPv6 until we have IPv6 capable squid
+# 3brisbane.tile.openstreetmap:2402640000010006021708fffe5640c3:3600
# Services machine
# Database server
# Development server with wildcard alias for user sites
-# Imagery server
+# Imagery servers
# Munin server
+# Gosmore routing server
# Spare machines
# APC power switches
# Wiki server
# Tile cache servers
# Blog aggregator (on Shaun McDonald's VM)
-# Cruise (on Shaun McDonald's VM)
+# Continuous integration server (on Shaun McDonald's machine)
# Donation site
+# DMCA Notice site
# HOT site
# Jochen Topf's taginfo service, running on openstreetmap.de hardware