+use v5.12;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::Trig qw(deg2rad pip2 great_circle_distance);
use JSON::XS;
use LWP::UserAgent;
-use YAML;
+use YAML::XS qw(LoadFile DumpFile);
my $originfile = shift @ARGV;
my $clusterfile = shift @ARGV;
my $zone = shift @ARGV;
my $targetoriginfile = shift @ARGV;
-my $origins = YAML::LoadFile($originfile);
-my $clusters = YAML::LoadFile($clusterfile);
+my $origins = LoadFile($originfile);
+my $clusters = LoadFile($clusterfile);
+my $gdnsname = shift @ARGV;
my @servers;
# Initialise cluster details
if ($cluster->{servers})
- $cluster->{bandwidth} = 0;
+ $cluster->{requests} = 0;
foreach my $server (@{$cluster->{servers}})
$server->{cluster} = $cluster;
- $cluster->{bandwidth} = $cluster->{bandwidth} + $server->{bandwidth};
+ $cluster->{requests} = $cluster->{requests} + $server->{requests};
push @servers, $server;
- else
+ elsif ($cluster->{requests} > 0)
my $server = {
cluster => $cluster,
- pingdom => $cluster->{pingdom},
- bandwidth => $cluster->{bandwidth},
+ statuscake => $cluster->{statuscake},
+ requests => $cluster->{requests},
+ cname => $cluster->{cname},
ipv4 => $cluster->{ipv4},
ipv6 => $cluster->{ipv6}
push @servers, $server;
+ else
+ {
+ $cluster->{servers} = [];
+ }
$cluster->{name} = $name;
$cluster->{status} = "down";
$server->{status} = "up";
-# If pingdom support is enabled then check which servers are up
+# If statuscake support is enabled then check which servers are up
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $cache;
- $ua->timeout(5);
- $ua->default_header("App-Key", "2cohi62u5haxvqmypk3ljqqrze1jufrh");
- $ua->credentials("api.pingdom.com:443", "Pingdom API", $ENV{PINGDOM_USERNAME}, $ENV{PINGDOM_PASSWORD});
+ $ua->agent("mkgeo/1.0");
+ $ua->default_header("Authorization", "Bearer $ENV{STATUSCAKE_APIKEY}");
- if (-f "pingdom.yml")
+ if (-f "statuscake.yml")
- $cache = YAML::LoadFile("pingdom.yml");
+ $cache = LoadFile("statuscake.yml");
$cache = {};
- foreach my $server (@servers)
+ my $page = 1;
+ my $pages = 1;
+ while ($page <= $pages)
- if (my $checkid = $server->{pingdom})
+ my $response = $ua->get("https://api.statuscake.com/v1/uptime?nouptime=true&limit=100&page=${page}");
+ if ($response->is_success)
- my $response = $ua->get("https://api.pingdom.com/api/2.0/checks/${checkid}");
+ my $uptime = decode_json($response->content);
- if ($response->is_success)
+ foreach my $test (@{$uptime->{data}})
- my $check = decode_json($response->content);
- $server->{status} = $check->{check}->{status};
- $cache->{$server->{pingdom}} = $check->{check}->{status};
+ my $testid = $test->{id};
+ if ($test->{status} eq "up" && !$test->{paused})
+ {
+ $cache->{$testid} = "up";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $cache->{$testid} = "down";
+ }
- else
+ $page = $page + 1;
+ $pages = $uptime->{metadata}->{page_count};
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $server (@servers)
+ {
+ if (my $testids = $server->{statuscake})
+ {
+ $server->{status} = "up";
+ for my $testid (@$testids)
- $server->{status} = $cache->{$server->{pingdom}} || "down";
+ my $testresult = $cache->{$testid} || "down";
+ $server->{status} = "down" if $testresult eq "down";
- YAML::DumpFile("pingdom.yml", $cache);
+ DumpFile("statuscake-$$.yml", $cache);
+ rename("statuscake-$$.yml", "statuscake.yml");
# Mark a cluster as up if any servers are up
- $server->{cluster}->{bandwidth} = $server->{cluster}->{bandwidth} - $server->{bandwidth};
+ $server->{cluster}->{requests} = $server->{cluster}->{requests} - $server->{requests};
# Initialise cluster details
while (my($name,$cluster) = each %$clusters)
- $cluster->{bandwidth_limit} = $cluster->{bandwidth} * 1024 * 1024;
- $cluster->{bandwidth_used} = 0;
+ $cluster->{requests_limit} = $cluster->{requests};
+ $cluster->{requests_used} = 0;
+ next if $cluster->{global};
$targetorigins->{$cluster->{name}} = {
code => $cluster->{name},
name => $cluster->{name},
lat => $cluster->{lat},
lon => $cluster->{lon},
- bandwidth => 0
+ requests => 0
if ($cluster->{status} eq "up" && $match ne "denied")
my $priority = $match eq "preferred" ? 20 : 10;
- my $distance = distance($origin->{lat}, $origin->{lon}, $cluster->{lat}, $cluster->{lon});
+ my $distance;
+ if ($cluster->{global})
+ {
+ $distance = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $distance = distance($origin->{lat}, $origin->{lon}, $cluster->{lat}, $cluster->{lon});
+ }
push @mappings, {
origin => $origin, cluster => $cluster,
# If we failed to allocate every origin then loop, increasing
-# the bandwidth for each cluster by a little and retrying until
+# the requests for each cluster by a little and retrying until
# we manage to allocate everything
while (grep { !exists($_->{cluster}) } values %$origins)
delete $origin->{cluster};
- # Reset bandwidth usage for clusters and increase limits by 10%
+ # Reset requests usage for clusters and increase limits by 10%
foreach my $cluster (values %$clusters)
- $cluster->{bandwidth_used} = 0;
- $cluster->{bandwidth_limit} = $cluster->{bandwidth_limit} * 1.1;
+ $cluster->{requests_used} = 0;
+ $cluster->{requests_limit} = $cluster->{requests_limit} * 1.1;
# Try the allocate again
+# Report on allocation results
+foreach my $name (sort keys %$clusters)
+ my $cluster = $clusters->{$name};
+ my $used = int($cluster->{requests_used} + 0.5);
+ my $limit = $cluster->{requests_limit};
+ if ($limit > 0)
+ {
+ my $proportion = int($used / $limit * 100 + 0.5);
+ print "${name}: used ${used} of ${limit} (${proportion}%)\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "${name}: used ${used} of ${limit}\n";
+ }
# Create JSON collection object
my @json;
# Open output files
-my $zonefile = IO::File->new("> data/${zone}") || die "$!";
-my $jsonfile = IO::File->new("> json/${zone}.json") || die "$!";
+my $zonefile = IO::File->new("> include/${zone}.js") || die "$!";
+my $jsonfile = IO::File->new("> json/${zone}.openstreetmap.org.json") || die "$!";
+# Output headers
+$zonefile->print("var \U${zone}\E_RECORDS = [\n");
# Output details for each country
-foreach my $origin (values %$origins)
+foreach my $origin (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } values %$origins)
my $cluster = $origin->{cluster};
- my $clon = $origin->{lon};
- my $clat = $origin->{lat};
- my $slon = $cluster->{lon};
- my $slat = $cluster->{lat};
- if ($clon > 0 && $slon < 0 && 360 + $slon - $clon < $clon - $slon)
- {
- $slon = $slon + 360;
- }
- elsif ($slon > 0 && $clon < 0 && 360 + $clon - $slon < $slon - $clon)
+ if (!defined($gdnsname))
- $clon = $clon + 360;
+ $zonefile->print(" CNAME(\"\L$origin->{code}\E.${zone}\", \"$cluster->{name}.${zone}.openstreetmap.org.\", TTL(\"10m\")),\n");
- $zonefile->print("# $origin->{name}\n");
- $zonefile->print("C\L$origin->{code}\E.${zone}:$cluster->{name}.${zone}:600\n");
+ if ($cluster->{lon} && $cluster->{lat})
+ {
+ my $clon = $origin->{lon};
+ my $clat = $origin->{lat};
+ my $slon = $cluster->{lon};
+ my $slat = $cluster->{lat};
- push @json, {
- type => "Feature",
- geometry => {
- type => "LineString",
- coordinates => [ [ $clon, $clat ], [ $slon, $slat ] ]
- },
- properties => {
- origin => $origin->{name},
- server => $cluster->{name},
- colour => $cluster->{colour}
+ if ($clon > 0 && $slon < 0 && 360 + $slon - $clon < $clon - $slon)
+ {
+ $slon = $slon + 360;
+ }
+ elsif ($slon > 0 && $clon < 0 && 360 + $clon - $slon < $slon - $clon)
+ {
+ $clon = $clon + 360;
- };
- $targetorigins->{$cluster->{name}}->{bandwidth} += $origin->{bandwidth};
+ push @json, {
+ type => "Feature",
+ geometry => {
+ type => "LineString",
+ coordinates => [ [ $clon, $clat ], [ $slon, $slat ] ]
+ },
+ properties => {
+ origin => $origin->{name},
+ server => $cluster->{name},
+ colour => $cluster->{colour}
+ }
+ };
+ }
-# Header for default records
-$zonefile->print("# Unknown origins\n");
+ next if $cluster->{global};
-# Output default records for IPs that can't be mapped to a country
-while (my($name,$cluster) = each %$clusters)
+ $targetorigins->{$cluster->{name}}->{requests} += $origin->{requests};
+# Skip default records if we don't need them
+if (!defined($gdnsname))
- if (my $default = $cluster->{default})
- {
- output_server($zonefile, "${default}.${zone}", $cluster);
- }
- elsif (exists($cluster->{default}))
+ # Output default records for IPs that can't be mapped to a country
+ foreach my $cluster (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } values %$clusters)
- output_server($zonefile, "${zone}", $cluster);
+ my $name = $cluster->{name};
+ if (my $default = $cluster->{default})
+ {
+ output_server($zonefile, "${default}.${zone}", $cluster, 0);
+ }
+ elsif (exists($cluster->{default}))
+ {
+ output_server($zonefile, "${zone}", $cluster, 0);
+ }
-# Header for underlying servers
-$zonefile->print("# Servers\n");
# Output A records for each cluster
-while (my($name,$cluster) = each %$clusters)
+foreach my $cluster (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } values %$clusters)
- output_server($zonefile, "${name}.${zone}", $cluster);
+ my $name = $cluster->{name};
+ if (@{$cluster->{servers}} > 1)
+ {
+ output_server($zonefile, "${name}-%02d.${zone}", $cluster, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ output_server($zonefile, "${name}.${zone}", $cluster, 1);
+ }
# Output the GeoJSON text
+# Output footers
# Close the output files
+# Output gdnsd configuration
+if (defined($gdnsname))
+ my $gdnsmapfile = IO::File->new("> gdns/${gdnsname}.map") || die "$!";
+ my $gdnsresourcefile = IO::File->new("> gdns/${gdnsname}.resource") || die "$!";
+ my $gdnsweightedfile = IO::File->new("> gdns/${gdnsname}.weighted") || die "$!";
+ my $continent = "";
+ $gdnsmapfile->print("${gdnsname} => {\n");
+ $gdnsmapfile->print(" geoip2_db => /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb\n");
+ $gdnsmapfile->print(" datacenters => [" . join(",", sort(keys(%$clusters))) . "]\n");
+ $gdnsmapfile->print(" map => {\n");
+ $gdnsmapfile->print(" default => [" . join(",", sort(map { $_->{name} } grep { $_->{default} } values(%$clusters))) . "]\n");
+ foreach my $origin (sort { $a->{continent} cmp $b->{continent} || $a->{code} cmp $b->{code} } values %$origins)
+ {
+ my $code = $origin->{code};
+ my $cluster = $origin->{cluster}->{name};
+ next if $code eq "XK";
+ if ($continent ne $origin->{continent})
+ {
+ $gdnsmapfile->print(" }\n") if $continent;
+ $continent = $origin->{continent};
+ $gdnsmapfile->print(" ${continent} => {\n");
+ }
+ $gdnsmapfile->print(" ${code} => [${cluster}]\n");
+ }
+ $gdnsmapfile->print(" }\n") if $continent;
+ $gdnsmapfile->print(" }\n");
+ $gdnsmapfile->print("}\n");
+ $gdnsresourcefile->print("${gdnsname} => {\n");
+ $gdnsresourcefile->print(" map => ${gdnsname}\n");
+ $gdnsresourcefile->print(" dcmap => {\n");
+ foreach my $cluster (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } values %$clusters)
+ {
+ my $name = $cluster->{name};
+ if (@{$cluster->{servers}} > 1 && grep { $_->{status} eq "up" } @{$cluster->{servers}})
+ {
+ $gdnsweightedfile->print("${name} => {\n");
+ while (my($index,$server) = each @{$cluster->{servers}})
+ {
+ if ($server->{status} eq "up")
+ {
+ my $number = sprintf("%02d", $index + 1);
+ my $requests = $server->{requests};
+ if (my $cname = $server->{cname})
+ {
+ $gdnsweightedfile->print(" ${name}-${number} = [ ${cname}., ${requests} ]\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $gdnsweightedfile->print(" ${name}-${number} = [ ${name}-${number}.${zone}.openstreetmap.org., ${requests} ]\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $gdnsweightedfile->print("}\n");
+ $gdnsresourcefile->print(" ${name} => %weighted!${name}\n");
+ }
+ elsif (my $cname = $cluster->{cname})
+ {
+ $gdnsresourcefile->print(" ${name} => ${cname}.\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $gdnsresourcefile->print(" ${name} => ${name}.${zone}.openstreetmap.org.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ $gdnsresourcefile->print(" }\n");
+ $gdnsresourcefile->print("}\n");
+ $gdnsweightedfile->close();
+ $gdnsresourcefile->close();
+ $gdnsmapfile->close();
# Output the target details in origin format if required
-YAML::DumpFile($targetoriginfile, $targetorigins) if $targetoriginfile;
+DumpFile($targetoriginfile, $targetorigins) if $targetoriginfile;
exit 0;
my $match;
if ($cluster->{preferred} &&
- $cluster->{preferred}->{countries} &&
- grep { $_ eq $origin->{country} } @{$cluster->{preferred}->{countries}})
+ $cluster->{preferred}->{origins} &&
+ grep { $_ eq $origin->{name} } @{$cluster->{preferred}->{origins}})
+ {
+ $match = "preferred";
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster->{allowed} &&
+ $cluster->{allowed}->{origins} &&
+ grep { $_ eq $origin->{name} } @{$cluster->{allowed}->{origins}})
+ {
+ $match = "allowed";
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster->{preferred} &&
+ $cluster->{preferred}->{countries} &&
+ grep { $_ eq $origin->{country} } @{$cluster->{preferred}->{countries}})
$match = "preferred";
my @mappings = sort { compare_mappings($a, $b) } @_;
# Loop over the mappings, trying to assign each origin to the
- # nearest cluster, but subject to the bandwidth limits
+ # nearest cluster, but subject to the request limits
while (my $mapping = shift @mappings)
my @group;
push @group, shift @mappings;
- for my $mapping (sort compare_bandwidth @group)
+ for my $mapping (sort compare_requests @group)
my $origin = $mapping->{origin};
my $cluster = $mapping->{cluster};
if (!exists($origin->{cluster}) &&
- $cluster->{bandwidth_used} + $origin->{bandwidth} <= $cluster->{bandwidth_limit})
+ $cluster->{requests_used} + $origin->{requests} <= $cluster->{requests_limit})
$origin->{cluster} = $cluster;
- $cluster->{bandwidth_used} = $cluster->{bandwidth_used} + $origin->{bandwidth};
+ $cluster->{requests_used} = $cluster->{requests_used} + $origin->{requests};
# Compare two mappings to decide which to try first
-sub compare_bandwidth
+sub compare_requests
- my $a_used = ( $a->{cluster}->{bandwidth_used} * 100.0 ) / ( $a->{cluster}->{bandwidth_limit} * 1.0 );
- my $b_used = ( $b->{cluster}->{bandwidth_used} * 100.0 ) / ( $b->{cluster}->{bandwidth_limit} * 1.0 );
+ my $a_used = ( $a->{cluster}->{requests_used} * 100.0 ) / ( $a->{cluster}->{requests_limit} * 1.0 );
+ my $b_used = ( $b->{cluster}->{requests_used} * 100.0 ) / ( $b->{cluster}->{requests_limit} * 1.0 );
return $a_used <=> $b_used;
my $zonefile = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $cluster = shift;
+ my $all = shift;
- foreach my $server (@{$cluster->{servers}})
+ while (my($index,$server) = each @{$cluster->{servers}})
- if ($server->{status} eq "up")
+ if ($all || $server->{status} eq "up")
- $zonefile->print("+${name}:$server->{ipv4}:600\n");
+ if ($server->{ipv4})
+ {
+ $zonefile->printf(" A(\"${name}\", \"$server->{ipv4}\", TTL(\"10m\")),\n", $index + 1);
+ }
if ($server->{ipv6})
-# $zonefile->print("3${name}:$server->{ipv6}:600\n");
+ $zonefile->printf(" AAAA(\"${name}\", \"$server->{ipv6}\", TTL(\"10m\")),\n", $index + 1);