-const assert = require('assert');
+import assert from 'assert';
describe('Search Page', function () {
let page;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line mocha/no-setup-in-describe
+ if (process.env.REVERSE_ONLY) return;
describe('No search', function () {
before(async function () {
page = await browser.newPage();
- describe('Search for City of London', function () {
+ describe('Search for Paris', function () {
before(async function () {
page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('http://localhost:9999/search.html');
- await page.type('input[name=q]', 'City of London');
+ await page.type('input[name=q]', 'Paris');
await page.click('button[type=submit]');
await page.waitForSelector('#searchresults');
// await page.screenshot({ path: "./screen.png", fullPage: true });
it('should have a HTML page title', async function () {
- assert.equal(await page.title(), 'Result for City of London | Nominatim Demo');
+ assert.equal(await page.title(), 'Result for Paris | Nominatim Demo');
it('should have added search params', async function () {
let current_url = new URL(await page.url());
- assert.strictEqual(current_url.searchParams.get('q'), 'City of London');
+ assert.strictEqual(current_url.searchParams.get('q'), 'Paris');
it('should atleast one result', async function () {
assert.equal((await page.$$('#map')).length, 1);
+ it('should default to dedupe=1', async function () {
+ const checkbox_checked = await page.$eval('#option_dedupe', el => el.checked);
+ assert.equal(checkbox_checked, true);
+ const links_href = await page.$$eval('#api-request a', links => links.map(l => l.href));
+ let api_request_url = new URL(links_href[0]);
+ let debug_url = new URL(links_href[1]);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(api_request_url.searchParams.has('dedupe'), false);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(debug_url.searchParams.has('dedupe'), false);
+ });
it('should have polygon and marker in map and minimap', async function () {
assert.strictEqual((await page.$$('#map .leaflet-overlay-pane path')).length, 4);
await page.waitForSelector('.container h1');
page_header = await page.$eval('.container h1', el => el.textContent);
- assert.ok(page_header.includes('City of London'));
+ assert.ok(page_header.includes('Paris'));