-// You can overwrite any defaults in dist/theme/config.theme.js
+// You can overwrite any defaults in dist/theme/config.theme.js (see
+// *.js.example file in that directory)
let Nominatim_Config = {
Page_Title: 'Nominatim Demo',
// Where Nominatim API runs. Remember to add port if needed and trailing slash.
Nominatim_API_Endpoint: 'http://localhost/nominatim/',
+ // Alternatively provide a function callback
+ // Nominatim_API_Endpoint: function (endpoint) {
+ // var url = 'http://localhost/nominatim/';
+ // if (endpoint) { url += endpoint + '.php' };
+ // return url;
+ // }
// Additional request headers for Nominatim API.
Nominatim_API_Endpoint_Headers: {},
// Additional query parameters for Nominatim API.
Nominatim_API_Endpoint_Params: {},
+ // If database has no search index, then hide search page
+ Reverse_Only: false,
// relative path or full URL
Images_Base_Url: 'mapicons/',
Map_Default_Lat: 20.0,
Map_Default_Lon: 0.0,
Map_Default_Zoom: 2,
+ Map_Default_Bounds: null,
// For what {x}, {y} etc stand for see
- // https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.6.0.html#tilelayer
- Map_Tile_URL: 'https://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
+ // https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.9.1.html#tilelayer
+ Map_Tile_URL: 'https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
// Can be text or HTML. To hide set to ''
Map_Tile_Attribution: '<a href="https://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap contributors</a>'