-## Essential
-* need polyfill for URLSearchParams https://caniuse.com/#feat=urlsearchparams
-* Nominatim backend API
- * need /status to support &format=json
- * need /details to support &format=json
-* all pages: "you need javascript enabled" default text
-* reverse: zoom not set
-* error message on API error or timeout
-* reverse: support `osm_type`, `osm_id` paramters
-* search page: add pagination, moreurl
-* search page: add viewbox
-* details page: add "There are more child objects which are not shown" back in
-* set acceptlanguage to API request
-* move this TODO.txt to github issues
-* write install instructions
-* check output of /dist into repository
-## Unknown
-* config vs config.local.js
-* should it be possible to add comments to config?
-* snake_case vs camelCase
-* support for proxy environment variables?
-* support nearlat,nearlon parameters
-* need a `<link href="nominatim.xml" rel="search" title="Nominatim Search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml">` file
-* do we an /src/assets directory?
-* in which repository should the images/mapicons/ live?