* need polyfill for URLSearchParams https://caniuse.com/#feat=urlsearchparams
* Nominatim backend API
* need /status to support &format=json
* need /details to support &format=json
* need polyfill for URLSearchParams https://caniuse.com/#feat=urlsearchparams
* Nominatim backend API
* need /status to support &format=json
* need /details to support &format=json
* reverse: zoom not set
* error message on API error or timeout
* reverse: zoom not set
* error message on API error or timeout
* search page: add pagination, moreurl
* search page: add viewbox
* details page: add "There are more child objects which are not shown" back in
* search page: add pagination, moreurl
* search page: add viewbox
* details page: add "There are more child objects which are not shown" back in
* different content for official OSM, e.g. github urls
* set HTML title
* cache `update_data_date` result
* different content for official OSM, e.g. github urls
* set HTML title
* cache `update_data_date` result
* remove Perl dependency from build
* show map bounds section => move to handlebar template, map to partial
* make sure we use https URL to external sites where possible
* remove Perl dependency from build
* show map bounds section => move to handlebar template, map to partial
* make sure we use https URL to external sites where possible