+* version 3.2.1 - 2021-05-11
+ * Fix: some npm modules no longer support node version 10
+* version 3.2.0 - 2021-05-10
+ * Upgrade layout framework to Bootstrap version 5
+ * Removed polygon parameters from debug URLs, rarely needed. Thanks darkshredder
+ * Fix: Search page didn't load when Nominatim_API_Endpoint was set to a relative path. Thanks darkshredder
+ * Fix: Detail search allows lowercase OSM types, e.g. n123. Thanks darkshredder
+ * Fix: Better deal with empty child place responses from the API
+ * Fix: Make sure a full build happens before running tests
+* version 3.1.0 - 2021-04-26
+ * Configuration: new options to set API endpoint headers and additional paramters, thanks petoc
+ * Test suite: New test suite using a headless browser for UI interaction, thanks darkshredder
+ * Fix: Links to API URL weren't displayed after a search
+ * Fix: On result pages the map icons were not cleared between searches (caching issue)
+ * Fix: On reverse page switching empty coordinates no longer leads to string 'null' searches
+* version 3.0.5 - 2021-04-14
+ * Details page: better indicate places having no name, thanks darkshredder
+ * Last updated: avoid race conditions, make less API requests
+* version 3.0.4 - 2021-04-12
+ * Search page: when clicking to reverse page keep the map position
+ * Search page: automatically switch to structured form when URL contains structured fields
+ * Search page: validate country-codes fields with a regular expression before form submission, thanks otbutz
+ * Reverse page: validate latitude and longitude fields before form submission
+ * Details page: help text next to 'calculated postcode'
+ * fix a build warning
+* version 3.0.3 - 2021-03-12
+ * new Status page
+ * fixed validation of polygon simplification form field
+* version 3.0.2 - 2021-03-05