it('should have a HTML page title', async function () {
assert.equal(await page.title(), 'Nominatim Demo');
+ it('should have a welcome message', async function () {
+ let welcome_message = await page.$eval('#welcome h2', el => el.textContent);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(welcome_message, 'Welcome to Nominatim');
+ });
+ it('should have a last_updated_: ... ago data', async function () {
+ await page.waitForSelector('abbr[id="data-date"]');
+ let last_updated = await page.$eval('abbr[id="data-date"]', el => el.textContent);
+ assert.ok(last_updated.includes('ago'));
+ });
+ it('should show map bounds buttons', async function () {
+ await page.waitForSelector('#map');
+ let show_map_pos_handle = await page.$('#show-map-position');
+ let map_pos_handle = await page.$('#map-position');
+ await;
+ assert.strictEqual(await map_pos_handle.evaluate(node =>, 'block');
+ let map_pos_details = await page.$eval('#map-position-inner', el => el.textContent);
+ map_pos_details = map_pos_details.split(' \n');
+ let map_center_coor = map_pos_details[0]
+ .split('map center: ')[1].split(' view')[0].split(',');
+ let map_zoom = map_pos_details[1].split('map zoom: ')[1];
+ let map_viewbox = map_pos_details[2].split('viewbox: ')[1].split(',');
+ let last_click = map_pos_details[3].split('last click: ')[1];
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(map_center_coor.length, 2);
+ assert.ok(map_zoom);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(map_viewbox.length, 4);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(last_click, 'undefined');
+ await'#map-position-close a');
+ assert.strictEqual(await map_pos_handle.evaluate(node =>, 'none');
+ });
describe('Search for City of London', function () {
assert.equal(await page.title(), 'Result for City of London | Nominatim Demo');
+ it('should have added search params', async function () {
+ let current_url = new URL(await page.url());
+ assert.strictEqual(current_url.searchParams.get('q'), 'City of London');
+ });
+ it('should atleast one result', async function () {
+ let results_count = await page.$$eval('#searchresults .result', elements => elements.length);
+ assert.ok(results_count > 1);
+ });
+ it('should have show more results button', async function () {
+ let [search_more_btn] = await page.$x("//a[contains(text(), 'Search for more results')]");
+ assert.ok(search_more_btn);
+ });
it('should display the API request and debug URL', async function () {
let link_titles = await page.$$eval('#api-request a', links => => l.innerHTML));
assert.deepEqual(link_titles, ['API request', 'debug output']);
+ it('should not have polygon params in API request and debug URL', async function () {
+ let links_href = await page.$$eval('#api-request a', links => => l.href));
+ let api_request_url = new URL(links_href[0]);
+ let debug_url = new URL(links_href[1]);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(api_request_url.searchParams.has('polygon_geojson'), false);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(debug_url.searchParams.has('polygon_geojson'), false);
+ });
it('should display a map', async function () {
await page.waitForSelector('#map');
assert.equal((await page.$$('#map')).length, 1);
+ it('should have polygon and marker in map and minimap', async function () {
+ assert.strictEqual((await page.$$('#map .leaflet-overlay-pane path')).length, 4);
+ });
+ it('should redirect to details page on clicking details button', async function () {
+ let current_url;
+ let page_header;
+ let results = await page.$$('#searchresults .result a');
+ await results[0].click();
+ await page.waitForNavigation();
+ current_url = new URL(await page.url());
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(current_url.pathname, '/details.html');
+ await page.waitForSelector('.container h1');
+ page_header = await page.$eval('.container h1', el => el.textContent);
+ assert.ok(page_header.includes('City of London'));
+ });