- {{#each aSearchResults as |aResult|}}
- {{>partial_one_result iResNum=@index aResult=aResult env=env}}
- {{/each}}
- {{#if aSearchResults}}
- {{#if sMoreURL}}
- {{/if}}
- {{else}}
- {{else}}
- No search results found
- {{/if}}
- {{/if}}
- Welcome to Nominatim
- -Nominatim is a search engine for OpenStreetMap - data. This is the debugging interface. You may search for a name or address(forward search) or - look up data by its geographic coordinate(reverse search). Each result comes with a - link to a details page where you can inspect what data about the object is saved in - the database and investigate how the address of the object has been computed.
- - For more information visit the Nominatim wiki page. -