-# TODO list
-## Might never work
-* API returns category, type, but without admin_level we can't derive e.g. state,country
-* setting accept-language without a server component https://github.com/dansingerman/jQuery-Browser-Language
-## Nice-to-have
-* on /details page differenciate between not found (HTTP 404 from API) and missing parameters (HTTP 400 from API)
-* display API errors, e.g. Object { code: 400, message: "Integer number expected for parameter 'limit'" }
-* cache `update_data_date` result somehow?
-* add tests with fixtures
-* add .travis-ci.yml again
-## Code cleanup
-* move all bootstrap CSS overwrite rules into a bootstrap.theme.css file
-* move TODO list into github issues
-* aResults vs aPlace vs aFeature variable naming
-* remove jquery completely (once bootstrap v5 is used)
-* in package.json clarify which dependencies are used in dev and production