]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - nominatim-ui.git/history - dist
prepare version 1.2
[nominatim-ui.git] / dist /
2020-07-07 marc tobiasnew context.bSearchRan because handlebar makes it hard...
2020-07-07 marc tobiasremove empty URL parameter when generating target_url
2020-07-07 marc tobiasfix more-results link
2020-07-07 mtmailMerge pull request #17 from mtmail/dont-reload-page
2020-07-07 marc tobiasall templates in one document, deal with window.history...
2020-06-20 mtmailMerge pull request #16 from mtmail/bootstrap-tabs
2020-06-20 marc tobiasforward search: use tabs to switch between simple and...
2020-06-19 mtmailMerge pull request #15 from mtmail/master
2020-06-19 marc tobiasdefault to localhost
2020-06-19 marc tobiascontrol requesting polygons from API without hidden...
2020-06-19 marc tobiassplit configuration into hardcoded default and optional...
2020-05-18 mtmailMerge pull request #12 from mtmail/generate-mapicon-url
2020-05-18 marc tobiasgenerate mapicon URLs from place category and type
2020-05-18 mtmailMerge pull request #11 from mtmail/host-mapicons
2020-05-18 marc tobiasadd mapicons into repository
2020-05-18 marc tobiasindex.html: opening html tag was missing
2020-05-18 mtmailMerge pull request #10 from mtmail/skip-empty-values
2020-05-18 marc tobiaswhen calling API skip any empty parameter values
2020-05-18 marc tobiasset HTML content type
2020-05-17 mtmailMerge pull request #8 from mtmail/bootstrap-v4
2020-05-17 marc tobiasupgrade CSS from Bootstrap 3.x => 4.x
2020-05-14 mtmailMerge pull request #7 from mtmail/npm-package-upgrades2
2020-05-14 marc tobiasupdate jquery, url-search-params, eslint. Remove unused...
2020-05-07 mtmailMerge pull request #6 from osm-search/structured-search...
2020-05-07 marc tobiasstructured search form
2020-04-10 marc tobiasupdate jquery 3.4.1 => 3.5
2020-04-10 marc tobiasadd pages /deletable.html, /polygons.html
2020-04-07 marc tobiasdetails page: addressline.isaddress is a boolean, not...
2020-04-07 mtmailMerge pull request #5 from osm-search/use-place-type...
2020-04-07 marc tobiasuse new place_type from details JSON endpoint
2020-03-04 marc tobiasadd moreURL/pagination feature
2020-02-23 marc tobiasupdate /dist after eslint fixes
2020-02-21 marc tobiasmax line length for javascript = 100
2020-02-21 marc tobiaseslint configuration and fixed lots of warnings
2020-02-21 marc tobiasSet HTML title for all pages
2020-02-20 marc tobiasupdate handlebar library
2020-02-03 marc tobiasLink to documentation on nominatim.org rather than...
2020-02-03 marc tobiasdetails html page: no longer use place_id in URLs
2019-12-02 marc tobiasadd dist/ directory for first time