1 Nominatim - Core Package
4 Nominatim is a tool to search OpenStreetMap data
5 by name and address (geocoding) and to generate synthetic addresses of
6 OSM points (reverse geocoding).
8 This is the core pacakage containing resources and code shared by
9 Nominatim's frontend `nominatim-api` and backend `nominatim-db`. You
10 usually don't want to install this package directly.
15 The documentation of the latest development version is in the
16 `docs/` subdirectory. A HTML version can be found at
17 https://nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/ .
22 The Python source code is available under a GPL license version 3 or later.
23 The Lua configuration files for osm2pgsql are released under the
24 Apache License, Version 2.0. All other files are under a GPLv2 license.