1 -- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
3 -- This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
5 -- Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
6 -- For a full list of authors see the git log.
8 -- Functions for interpreting wkipedia/wikidata tags and computing importance.
10 DROP TYPE IF EXISTS wikipedia_article_match CASCADE;
11 CREATE TYPE wikipedia_article_match as (
17 DROP TYPE IF EXISTS place_importance CASCADE;
18 CREATE TYPE place_importance as (
24 -- See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6410088/how-can-i-mimic-the-php-urldecode-function-in-postgresql
25 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION decode_url_part(p varchar)
28 SELECT convert_from(CAST(E'\\x' || array_to_string(ARRAY(
29 SELECT CASE WHEN length(r.m[1]) = 1 THEN encode(convert_to(r.m[1], 'SQL_ASCII'), 'hex') ELSE substring(r.m[1] from 2 for 2) END
30 FROM regexp_matches($1, '%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|.', 'gi') AS r(m)
31 ), '') AS bytea), 'UTF8');
36 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION catch_decode_url_part(p varchar)
41 RETURN decode_url_part(p);
43 WHEN others THEN return null;
49 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_wikipedia_match(extratags HSTORE, country_code varchar(2))
50 RETURNS wikipedia_article_match
56 wiki_article_title TEXT;
57 wiki_article_language TEXT;
58 result wikipedia_article_match;
60 langs := ARRAY['english','country','ar','bg','ca','cs','da','de','en','es','eo','eu','fa','fr','ko','hi','hr','id','it','he','lt','hu','ms','nl','ja','no','pl','pt','kk','ro','ru','sk','sl','sr','fi','sv','tr','uk','vi','vo','war','zh'];
63 wiki_article := extratags->(case when langs[i] in ('english','country') THEN 'wikipedia' ELSE 'wikipedia:'||langs[i] END);
64 IF wiki_article is not null THEN
65 wiki_article := regexp_replace(wiki_article,E'^(.*?)([a-z]{2,3}).wikipedia.org/wiki/',E'\\2:');
66 wiki_article := regexp_replace(wiki_article,E'^(.*?)([a-z]{2,3}).wikipedia.org/w/index.php\\?title=',E'\\2:');
67 wiki_article := regexp_replace(wiki_article,E'^(.*?)/([a-z]{2,3})/wiki/',E'\\2:');
68 --wiki_article := regexp_replace(wiki_article,E'^(.*?)([a-z]{2,3})[=:]',E'\\2:');
69 wiki_article := replace(wiki_article,' ','_');
70 IF strpos(wiki_article, ':') IN (3,4) THEN
71 wiki_article_language := lower(trim(split_part(wiki_article, ':', 1)));
72 wiki_article_title := trim(substr(wiki_article, strpos(wiki_article, ':')+1));
74 wiki_article_title := trim(wiki_article);
75 wiki_article_language := CASE WHEN langs[i] = 'english' THEN 'en' WHEN langs[i] = 'country' THEN get_country_language_code(country_code) ELSE langs[i] END;
78 select wikipedia_article.language,wikipedia_article.title,wikipedia_article.importance
79 from wikipedia_article
80 where language = wiki_article_language and
81 (title = wiki_article_title OR title = catch_decode_url_part(wiki_article_title) OR title = replace(catch_decode_url_part(wiki_article_title),E'\\',''))
83 select wikipedia_article.language,wikipedia_article.title,wikipedia_article.importance
84 from wikipedia_redirect join wikipedia_article on (wikipedia_redirect.language = wikipedia_article.language and wikipedia_redirect.to_title = wikipedia_article.title)
85 where wikipedia_redirect.language = wiki_article_language and
86 (from_title = wiki_article_title OR from_title = catch_decode_url_part(wiki_article_title) OR from_title = replace(catch_decode_url_part(wiki_article_title),E'\\',''))
87 order by importance desc limit 1 INTO result;
89 IF result.language is not null THEN
101 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_osm_views(centroid GEOMETRY)
107 SELECT ST_Value(osm_views.rast, centroid)
109 WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_ConvexHull(osm_views.rast), centroid) LIMIT 1 INTO result;
111 return COALESCE(result, 0);
114 LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE;
117 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION normalize_osm_views(views BIGINT)
121 normalized_osm_views FLOAT;
125 -- Get the highest view count to use it in normalizing the data
126 SELECT max_views_count FROM osm_views_stat INTO max_views;
127 normalized_osm_views := (LOG(views))/(LOG(max_views));
129 normalized_osm_views := 0.0;
132 RETURN normalized_osm_views;
138 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION compute_importance(extratags HSTORE,
139 country_code varchar(2),
140 osm_type varchar(1), osm_id BIGINT,
142 RETURNS place_importance
146 result place_importance;
147 osm_views_exists BIGINT;
150 -- check if osm_views table exists
151 SELECT COUNT(table_name)
152 INTO osm_views_exists
153 FROM information_schema.tables
154 WHERE table_schema LIKE 'public' AND
155 table_type LIKE 'BASE TABLE' AND
156 table_name = 'osm_views';
158 -- add importance by OSM views if osm_views table exists
159 IF osm_views_exists THEN
160 views := get_osm_views(centroid);
161 result.importance := normalize_osm_views(views) * 0.35;
164 -- add importance by wiki data if the place has one
165 FOR match IN SELECT * FROM get_wikipedia_match(extratags, country_code)
166 WHERE language is not NULL
168 result.importance := COALESCE(result.importance, 0) + match.importance * 0.65;
169 result.wikipedia := match.language || ':' || match.title;
173 IF extratags ? 'wikidata' THEN
174 FOR match IN SELECT * FROM wikipedia_article
175 WHERE wd_page_title = extratags->'wikidata'
176 ORDER BY language = 'en' DESC, langcount DESC LIMIT 1 LOOP
177 result.importance := COALESCE(result.importance, 0) + match.importance * 0.65;
178 result.wikipedia := match.language || ':' || match.title;