2 Tests for functions to maintain the artificial postcode table.
8 from nominatim.tools import postcodes
11 class MockPostcodeTable:
12 """ A location_postcode table for testing.
14 def __init__(self, conn):
16 with conn.cursor() as cur:
17 cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE location_postcode (
19 parent_place_id BIGINT,
21 rank_address SMALLINT,
22 indexed_status SMALLINT,
23 indexed_date TIMESTAMP,
24 country_code varchar(2),
26 geometry GEOMETRY(Geometry, 4326))""")
27 cur.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION token_normalized_postcode(postcode TEXT)
28 RETURNS TEXT AS $$ BEGIN RETURN postcode; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
30 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_country_code(place geometry)
33 END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
37 def add(self, country, postcode, x, y):
38 with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
39 cur.execute("""INSERT INTO location_postcode (place_id, indexed_status,
40 country_code, postcode,
42 VALUES (nextval('seq_place'), 1, %s, %s,
43 'SRID=4326;POINT(%s %s)')""",
44 (country, postcode, x, y))
50 with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
51 cur.execute("""SELECT country_code, postcode,
52 ST_X(geometry), ST_Y(geometry)
53 FROM location_postcode""")
54 return set((tuple(row) for row in cur))
59 return dummy_tokenizer.DummyTokenizer(None, None)
62 def postcode_table(temp_db_conn, placex_table, word_table):
63 return MockPostcodeTable(temp_db_conn)
66 def test_postcodes_empty(dsn, postcode_table, place_table,
68 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
70 assert not postcode_table.row_set
73 def test_postcodes_add_new(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path,
74 insert_implicit_postcode, tokenizer):
75 insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'xx', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='9486'))
76 postcode_table.add('yy', '9486', 99, 34)
78 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
80 assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', '9486', 10, 12), }
83 def test_postcodes_replace_coordinates(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path,
84 insert_implicit_postcode, tokenizer):
85 insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'xx', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
86 postcode_table.add('xx', 'AB 4511', 99, 34)
88 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
90 assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12)}
93 def test_postcodes_replace_coordinates_close(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path,
94 insert_implicit_postcode, tokenizer):
95 insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'xx', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
96 postcode_table.add('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 11.99999)
98 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
100 assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 11.99999)}
103 def test_postcodes_remove(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path,
104 insert_implicit_postcode, tokenizer):
105 insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'xx', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
106 postcode_table.add('xx', 'badname', 10, 12)
108 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
110 assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12)}
113 def test_postcodes_ignore_empty_country(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path,
114 insert_implicit_postcode, tokenizer):
115 insert_implicit_postcode(1, None, 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
116 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
117 print(postcode_table.row_set)
118 assert not postcode_table.row_set
121 def test_postcodes_remove_all(dsn, postcode_table, place_table,
122 tmp_path, tokenizer):
123 postcode_table.add('ch', '5613', 10, 12)
124 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
126 assert not postcode_table.row_set
129 def test_postcodes_multi_country(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path,
130 insert_implicit_postcode, tokenizer):
131 insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'de', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='54451'))
132 insert_implicit_postcode(2, 'cc', 'POINT(100 56)', dict(postcode='DD23 T'))
133 insert_implicit_postcode(3, 'de', 'POINT(10.3 11.0)', dict(postcode='54452'))
134 insert_implicit_postcode(4, 'cc', 'POINT(10.3 11.0)', dict(postcode='54452'))
136 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
138 assert postcode_table.row_set == {('de', '54451', 10, 12),
139 ('de', '54452', 10.3, 11.0),
140 ('cc', '54452', 10.3, 11.0),
141 ('cc', 'DD23 T', 100, 56)}
144 @pytest.mark.parametrize("gzipped", [True, False])
145 def test_postcodes_extern(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path,
146 insert_implicit_postcode, tokenizer, gzipped):
147 insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'xx', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
149 extfile = tmp_path / 'xx_postcodes.csv'
150 extfile.write_text("postcode,lat,lon\nAB 4511,-4,-1\nCD 4511,-5, -10")
153 subprocess.run(['gzip', str(extfile)])
154 assert not extfile.is_file()
156 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
158 assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12),
159 ('xx', 'CD 4511', -10, -5)}
162 def test_postcodes_extern_bad_column(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path,
163 insert_implicit_postcode, tokenizer):
164 insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'xx', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
166 extfile = tmp_path / 'xx_postcodes.csv'
167 extfile.write_text("postode,lat,lon\nAB 4511,-4,-1\nCD 4511,-5, -10")
169 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
171 assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12)}
174 def test_postcodes_extern_bad_number(dsn, insert_implicit_postcode,
175 postcode_table, tmp_path, tokenizer):
176 insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'xx', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
178 extfile = tmp_path / 'xx_postcodes.csv'
179 extfile.write_text("postcode,lat,lon\nXX 4511,-4,NaN\nCD 4511,-5, -10\n34,200,0")
181 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
183 assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12),
184 ('xx', 'CD 4511', -10, -5)}
186 def test_can_compute(dsn, table_factory):
187 assert not postcodes.can_compute(dsn)
188 table_factory('place')
189 assert postcodes.can_compute(dsn)
191 def test_no_placex_entry(dsn, tmp_path, temp_db_cursor, place_row, postcode_table, tokenizer):
192 #Rewrite the get_country_code function to verify its execution.
193 temp_db_cursor.execute("""
194 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_country_code(place geometry)
197 END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
199 place_row(geom='SRID=4326;POINT(10 12)', address=dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
200 postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
202 assert postcode_table.row_set == {('fr', 'AB 4511', 10, 12)}
205 def insert_implicit_postcode(placex_table, place_row):
207 Inserts data into the placex and place table
208 which can then be used to compute one postcode.
210 def _insert_implicit_postcode(osm_id, country, geometry, address):
211 placex_table.add(osm_id=osm_id, country=country, geom=geometry)
212 place_row(osm_id=osm_id, geom='SRID=4326;'+geometry, address=address)
214 return _insert_implicit_postcode