1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
3 # This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
5 # Copyright (C) 2023 by the Nominatim developer community.
6 # For a full list of authors see the git log.
8 Custom types for SQLAlchemy.
10 from __future__ import annotations
11 from typing import Callable, Any, cast
14 import sqlalchemy as sa
15 from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
16 from sqlalchemy import types
18 from nominatim.typing import SaColumn, SaBind
22 class Geometry_DistanceSpheroid(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[float]):
23 """ Function to compute the spherical distance in meters.
26 name = 'Geometry_DistanceSpheroid'
30 @compiles(Geometry_DistanceSpheroid) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
31 def _default_distance_spheroid(element: SaColumn,
32 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
33 return "ST_DistanceSpheroid(%s,"\
34 " 'SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]]')"\
35 % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
38 @compiles(Geometry_DistanceSpheroid, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
39 def _spatialite_distance_spheroid(element: SaColumn,
40 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
41 return "Distance(%s, true)" % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
44 class Geometry_IsLineLike(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
45 """ Check if the geometry is a line or multiline.
48 name = 'Geometry_IsLineLike'
52 @compiles(Geometry_IsLineLike) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
53 def _default_is_line_like(element: SaColumn,
54 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
55 return "ST_GeometryType(%s) IN ('ST_LineString', 'ST_MultiLineString')" % \
56 compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
59 @compiles(Geometry_IsLineLike, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
60 def _sqlite_is_line_like(element: SaColumn,
61 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
62 return "ST_GeometryType(%s) IN ('LINESTRING', 'MULTILINESTRING')" % \
63 compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
66 class Geometry_IsAreaLike(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
67 """ Check if the geometry is a polygon or multipolygon.
70 name = 'Geometry_IsLineLike'
74 @compiles(Geometry_IsAreaLike) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
75 def _default_is_area_like(element: SaColumn,
76 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
77 return "ST_GeometryType(%s) IN ('ST_Polygon', 'ST_MultiPolygon')" % \
78 compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
81 @compiles(Geometry_IsAreaLike, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
82 def _sqlite_is_area_like(element: SaColumn,
83 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
84 return "ST_GeometryType(%s) IN ('POLYGON', 'MULTIPOLYGON')" % \
85 compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
88 class Geometry_IntersectsBbox(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
89 """ Check if the bounding boxes of the given geometries intersect.
92 name = 'Geometry_IntersectsBbox'
96 @compiles(Geometry_IntersectsBbox) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
97 def _default_intersects(element: SaColumn,
98 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
99 arg1, arg2 = list(element.clauses)
100 return "%s && %s" % (compiler.process(arg1, **kw), compiler.process(arg2, **kw))
103 @compiles(Geometry_IntersectsBbox, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
104 def _sqlite_intersects(element: SaColumn,
105 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
106 return "MbrIntersects(%s)" % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
109 class Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
110 """ Check if the bounding box of the geometry intersects with the
111 given table column, using the spatial index for the column.
113 The index must exist or the query may return nothing.
116 name = 'Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox'
120 @compiles(Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
121 def default_intersects_column(element: SaColumn,
122 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
123 arg1, arg2 = list(element.clauses)
124 return "%s && %s" % (compiler.process(arg1, **kw), compiler.process(arg2, **kw))
127 @compiles(Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
128 def spatialite_intersects_column(element: SaColumn,
129 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
130 arg1, arg2 = list(element.clauses)
131 return "MbrIntersects(%s, %s) and "\
132 "%s.ROWID IN (SELECT ROWID FROM SpatialIndex "\
133 "WHERE f_table_name = '%s' AND f_geometry_column = '%s' "\
134 "AND search_frame = %s)" %(
135 compiler.process(arg1, **kw),
136 compiler.process(arg2, **kw),
137 arg1.table.name, arg1.table.name, arg1.name,
138 compiler.process(arg2, **kw))
141 class Geometry_ColumnDWithin(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
142 """ Check if the geometry is within the distance of the
143 given table column, using the spatial index for the column.
145 The index must exist or the query may return nothing.
148 name = 'Geometry_ColumnDWithin'
152 @compiles(Geometry_ColumnDWithin) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
153 def default_dwithin_column(element: SaColumn,
154 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
155 return "ST_DWithin(%s)" % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
157 @compiles(Geometry_ColumnDWithin, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
158 def spatialite_dwithin_column(element: SaColumn,
159 compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
160 geom1, geom2, dist = list(element.clauses)
161 return "ST_Distance(%s, %s) < %s and "\
162 "%s.ROWID IN (SELECT ROWID FROM SpatialIndex "\
163 "WHERE f_table_name = '%s' AND f_geometry_column = '%s' "\
164 "AND search_frame = ST_Expand(%s, %s))" %(
165 compiler.process(geom1, **kw),
166 compiler.process(geom2, **kw),
167 compiler.process(dist, **kw),
168 geom1.table.name, geom1.table.name, geom1.name,
169 compiler.process(geom2, **kw),
170 compiler.process(dist, **kw))
174 class Geometry(types.UserDefinedType): # type: ignore[type-arg]
175 """ Simplified type decorator for PostGIS geometry. This type
176 only supports geometries in 4326 projection.
180 def __init__(self, subtype: str = 'Geometry'):
181 self.subtype = subtype
184 def get_col_spec(self) -> str:
185 return f'GEOMETRY({self.subtype}, 4326)'
188 def bind_processor(self, dialect: 'sa.Dialect') -> Callable[[Any], str]:
189 def process(value: Any) -> str:
190 if isinstance(value, str):
193 return cast(str, value.to_wkt())
197 def result_processor(self, dialect: 'sa.Dialect', coltype: object) -> Callable[[Any], str]:
198 def process(value: Any) -> str:
199 assert isinstance(value, str)
204 def column_expression(self, col: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
205 return sa.func.ST_AsEWKB(col)
208 def bind_expression(self, bindvalue: SaBind) -> SaColumn:
209 return sa.func.ST_GeomFromText(bindvalue, sa.text('4326'), type_=self)
212 class comparator_factory(types.UserDefinedType.Comparator): # type: ignore[type-arg]
214 def intersects(self, other: SaColumn) -> 'sa.Operators':
215 if isinstance(self.expr, sa.Column):
216 return Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox(self.expr, other)
218 return Geometry_IntersectsBbox(self.expr, other)
221 def is_line_like(self) -> SaColumn:
222 return Geometry_IsLineLike(self)
225 def is_area(self) -> SaColumn:
226 return Geometry_IsAreaLike(self)
229 def ST_DWithin(self, other: SaColumn, distance: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
230 if isinstance(self.expr, sa.Column):
231 return Geometry_ColumnDWithin(self.expr, other, distance)
233 return sa.func.ST_DWithin(self.expr, other, distance)
236 def ST_DWithin_no_index(self, other: SaColumn, distance: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
237 return sa.func.ST_DWithin(sa.func.coalesce(sa.null(), self),
241 def ST_Intersects_no_index(self, other: SaColumn) -> 'sa.Operators':
242 return Geometry_IntersectsBbox(sa.func.coalesce(sa.null(), self), other)
245 def ST_Distance(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
246 return sa.func.ST_Distance(self, other, type_=sa.Float)
249 def ST_Contains(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
250 return sa.func.ST_Contains(self, other, type_=sa.Boolean)
253 def ST_CoveredBy(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
254 return sa.func.ST_CoveredBy(self, other, type_=sa.Boolean)
257 def ST_ClosestPoint(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
258 return sa.func.coalesce(sa.func.ST_ClosestPoint(self, other, type_=Geometry),
262 def ST_Buffer(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
263 return sa.func.ST_Buffer(self, other, type_=Geometry)
266 def ST_Expand(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
267 return sa.func.ST_Expand(self, other, type_=Geometry)
270 def ST_Collect(self) -> SaColumn:
271 return sa.func.ST_Collect(self, type_=Geometry)
274 def ST_Centroid(self) -> SaColumn:
275 return sa.func.ST_Centroid(self, type_=Geometry)
278 def ST_LineInterpolatePoint(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
279 return sa.func.ST_LineInterpolatePoint(self, other, type_=Geometry)
282 def ST_LineLocatePoint(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
283 return sa.func.ST_LineLocatePoint(self, other, type_=sa.Float)
286 def distance_spheroid(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
287 return Geometry_DistanceSpheroid(self, other)
290 @compiles(Geometry, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call]
291 def get_col_spec(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
296 ('ST_AsEWKB', sa.Text, 'AsEWKB'),
297 ('ST_GeomFromEWKT', Geometry, 'GeomFromEWKT'),
298 ('ST_AsGeoJSON', sa.Text, 'AsGeoJSON'),
299 ('ST_AsKML', sa.Text, 'AsKML'),
300 ('ST_AsSVG', sa.Text, 'AsSVG'),
301 ('ST_LineLocatePoint', sa.Float, 'ST_Line_Locate_Point'),
302 ('ST_LineInterpolatePoint', sa.Float, 'ST_Line_Interpolate_Point'),
305 def _add_function_alias(func: str, ftype: type, alias: str) -> None:
306 _FuncDef = type(func, (sa.sql.functions.GenericFunction, ), {
310 "inherit_cache": True})
312 func_templ = f"{alias}(%s)"
314 def _sqlite_impl(element: Any, compiler: Any, **kw: Any) -> Any:
315 return func_templ % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
317 compiles(_FuncDef, 'sqlite')(_sqlite_impl) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call]
319 for alias in SQLITE_FUNCTION_ALIAS:
320 _add_function_alias(*alias)
323 class ST_DWithin(sa.sql.functions.GenericFunction[bool]):
329 @compiles(ST_DWithin, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
330 def default_json_array_each(element: SaColumn, compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
331 geom1, geom2, dist = list(element.clauses)
332 return "(MbrIntersects(%s, ST_Expand(%s, %s)) = 1 AND ST_Distance(%s, %s) <= %s)" % (
333 compiler.process(geom1, **kw), compiler.process(geom2, **kw),
334 compiler.process(dist, **kw),
335 compiler.process(geom1, **kw), compiler.process(geom2, **kw),
336 compiler.process(dist, **kw))