2) sleep(60); if ($fLoadAvg > 4) sleep(120); if ($fLoadAvg > 6) { userError("Bulk User: Temporary block due to high server load"); exit; } } $oDB =& getDB(); ini_set('memory_limit', '200M'); // Format for output $sOutputFormat = getParamSet('format', array('xml', 'json'), 'xml'); // Preferred language $aLangPrefOrder = getPreferredLanguages(); $hLog = logStart($oDB, 'place', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $aLangPrefOrder); $aSearchResults = array(); $aCleanedQueryParts = array(); $oPlaceLookup = new PlaceLookup($oDB); $oPlaceLookup->setLanguagePreference($aLangPrefOrder); $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeAddressDetails(getParamBool('addressdetails', true)); $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeExtraTags(getParamBool('extratags', false)); $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeNameDetails(getParamBool('namedetails', false)); $aOsmIds = explode(',', getParamString('osm_ids', '')); if (count($aOsmIds) > CONST_Places_Max_ID_count) { userError('Bulk User: Only ' . CONST_Places_Max_ID_count . " ids are allowed in one request."); } foreach ($aOsmIds AS $sItem) { // Skip empty sItem if (empty($sItem)) continue; $sType = $sItem[0]; $iId = (int) substr($sItem, 1); if ( $iId > 0 && ($sType == 'N' || $sType == 'W' || $sType == 'R') ) { $aCleanedQueryParts[] = $sType . $iId; $oPlaceLookup->setOSMID($sType, $iId); $oPlace = $oPlaceLookup->lookup(); if ($oPlace){ // we want to use the search-* output templates, so we need to fill // $aSearchResults and slightly change the (reverse search) oPlace // key names $oResult = $oPlace; unset($oResult['aAddress']); if (isset($oPlace['aAddress'])) $oResult['address'] = $oPlace['aAddress']; unset($oResult['langaddress']); $oResult['name'] = $oPlace['langaddress']; $aSearchResults[] = $oResult; } } } if (CONST_Debug) exit; $sXmlRootTag = 'lookupresults'; $sQuery = join(',',$aCleanedQueryParts); // we initialize these to avoid warnings in our logfile $sViewBox = ''; $bShowPolygons = ''; $aExcludePlaceIDs = []; $sMoreURL = ''; include(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/template/search-'.$sOutputFormat.'.php');