@DB Feature: Import of simple objects by osm2pgsql Testing basic functions of osm2pgsql. Scenario: Import simple objects Given the osm nodes: | id | tags | 1 | 'amenity' : 'prison', 'name' : 'foo' Given the osm nodes: | id | geometry | 100 | 0 0 | 101 | 0 0.1 | 102 | 0.1 0.2 | 200 | 0 0 | 201 | 0 1 | 202 | 1 1 | 203 | 1 0 Given the osm ways: | id | tags | nodes | 1 | 'shop' : 'toys', 'name' : 'tata' | 100 101 102 | 2 | 'ref' : '45' | 200 201 202 203 200 Given the osm relations: | id | tags | members | 1 | 'type' : 'multipolygon', 'tourism' : 'hotel', 'name' : 'XZ' | N1,W2 When loading osm data Then table place contains | object | class | type | name | N1 | amenity | prison | 'name' : 'foo' | W1 | shop | toys | 'name' : 'tata' | R1 | tourism | hotel | 'name' : 'XZ' Scenario: Import object with two main tags Given the osm nodes: | id | tags | 1 | 'tourism' : 'hotel', 'amenity' : 'restaurant', 'name' : 'foo' When loading osm data Then table place contains | object | class | type | name | N1:tourism | tourism | hotel | 'name' : 'foo' | N1:amenity | amenity | restaurant | 'name' : 'foo' Scenario: Import stand-alone house number with postcode Given the osm nodes: | id | tags | 1 | 'addr:housenumber' : '4', 'addr:postcode' : '3345' When loading osm data Then table place contains | object | class | type | N1 | place | house