@define('CONST_Database_Web_User', 'www-data');
@define('CONST_Max_Word_Frequency', '50000');
@define('CONST_Limit_Reindexing', true);
+ // Set to false to avoid importing extra postcodes for the US.
+ @define('CONST_Use_Extra_US_Postcodes', true);
// Proxy settings
@define('CONST_HTTP_Proxy', false);
// Website settings
@define('CONST_NoAccessControl', true);
- @define('CONST_ClosedForIndexing', false);
- @define('CONST_ClosedForIndexingExceptionIPs', '');
@define('CONST_BlockedIPs', '');
@define('CONST_BulkUserIPs', '');
@define('CONST_BlockMessage', ''); // additional info to show for blocked IPs
@define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', 'http://'.php_uname('n').'/');
- @define('CONST_Tile_Default', 'Mapnik');
+ // Language to assume when none is supplied with the query.
+ // When set to false, the local language (i.e. the name tag without suffix)
+ // will be used.
@define('CONST_Default_Language', false);
+ // Appearance of the map in the debug interface.
@define('CONST_Default_Lat', 20.0);
@define('CONST_Default_Lon', 0.0);
@define('CONST_Default_Zoom', 2);
@define('CONST_Map_Tile_URL', 'http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png');
@define('CONST_Map_Tile_Attribution', ''); // Set if tile source isn't osm.org
- @define('CONST_Search_AreaPolygons_Enabled', true);
@define('CONST_Search_AreaPolygons', true);
@define('CONST_Search_BatchMode', false);
// When set to false only selected languages alloow reverse search.
@define('CONST_Search_ReversePlanForAll', true);
+ // Maximum number of OSM ids that may be queried at once
+ // for the places endpoint.
@define('CONST_Places_Max_ID_count', 50);
- // Set to zero to disable polygon output
+ // Number of different geometry formats that may be queried in parallel.
+ // Set to zero to disable polygon output.
@define('CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes', 1);
// Log settings