$sDatabaseDate = getDatabaseDate($oDB);
pg_query($oDB->connection, 'TRUNCATE import_status');
- $sSQL = "INSERT INTO import_status (lastimportdate) VALUES('".$sDatabaseDate."')";
- pg_query($oDB->connection, $sSQL);
- echo "Latest data imported from $sDatabaseDate.\n";
+ if ($sDatabaseDate === false) {
+ echo "WARNING: could not determine database date.\n";
+ } else {
+ $sSQL = "INSERT INTO import_status (lastimportdate) VALUES('".$sDatabaseDate."')";
+ pg_query($oDB->connection, $sSQL);
+ echo "Latest data imported from $sDatabaseDate.\n";
+ }
if ($aCMDResult['import-tiger-data']) {
if ($aCMDResult['calculate-postcodes'] || $aCMDResult['all']) {
$bDidSomething = true;
$oDB =& getDB();
- if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, 'DELETE from placex where osm_type=\'P\'')) fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
- $sSQL = "insert into placex (osm_type,osm_id,class,type,address,country_code,geometry) ";
- $sSQL .= "select 'P',nextval('seq_postcodes'),'place','postcode',";
- $sSQL .= "hstore('postcode', pc),country_code,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(x,y),4326) as geometry from (select country_code,";
- $sSQL .= "address->'postcode' as pc,";
- $sSQL .= "avg(st_x(st_centroid(geometry))) as x,avg(st_y(st_centroid(geometry))) as y ";
- $sSQL .= "from placex where address ? 'postcode' group by country_code,pc) as x ";
- $sSQL .= "where ST_Point(x,y) is not null";
- if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, $sSQL)) fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
+ if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, 'TRUNCATE location_postcode')) {
+ fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
+ }
+ $sSQL = "INSERT INTO location_postcode";
+ $sSQL .= " (place_id, indexed_status, country_code, postcode, geometry) ";
+ $sSQL .= "SELECT nextval('seq_place'), 1, country_code,";
+ $sSQL .= " upper(trim (both ' ' from address->'postcode')) as pc,";
+ $sSQL .= " ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(ST_Centroid(geometry)))";
+ $sSQL .= " FROM placex";
+ $sSQL .= " WHERE address ? 'postcode' AND address->'postcode' NOT SIMILAR TO '%(,|;)%'";
+ $sSQL .= " AND geometry IS NOT null";
+ $sSQL .= " GROUP BY country_code, pc";
+ if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, $sSQL)) {
+ fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
+ }
if (CONST_Use_Extra_US_Postcodes) {
- $sSQL = "insert into placex (osm_type,osm_id,class,type,address,country_code,geometry) ";
- $sSQL .= "select 'P',nextval('seq_postcodes'),'place','postcode',";
- $sSQL .= "hstore('postcode', postcode),'us',";
- $sSQL .= "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(x,y),4326) as geometry from us_postcode";
+ // only add postcodes that are not yet available in OSM
+ $sSQL = "INSERT INTO location_postcode";
+ $sSQL .= " (place_id, indexed_status, country_code, postcode, geometry) ";
+ $sSQL .= "SELECT nextval('seq_place'), 1, 'us', postcode,";
+ $sSQL .= " ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(x,y),4326)";
+ $sSQL .= " FROM us_postcode WHERE postcode NOT IN";
+ $sSQL .= " (SELECT postcode FROM location_postcode";
+ $sSQL .= " WHERE country_code = 'us')";
if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, $sSQL)) fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
+ echo "Indexing postcodes....\n";
+ $sSQL = 'UPDATE location_postcode SET indexed_status = 0';
+ if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, $sSQL)) fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
if ($aCMDResult['osmosis-init']) {