-drop table IF EXISTS reverse_cache;
-CREATE TABLE reverse_cache (
- latlonzoomid integer,
- country_code varchar(2),
- place_id BIGINT
- );
-GRANT SELECT on reverse_cache to "www-data" ;
-GRANT INSERT on reverse_cache to "www-data" ;
-CREATE INDEX idx_reverse_cache_latlonzoomid ON reverse_cache USING BTREE (latlonzoomid);
-drop table country;
-CREATE TABLE country (
- country_code varchar(2),
- country_name hstore,
- country_default_language_code varchar(2)
- );
-SELECT AddGeometryColumn('country', 'geometry', 4326, 'POLYGON', 2);
-insert into country select iso3166::varchar(2), 'name:en'->cntry_name, null,
- ST_Transform(geometryn(the_geom, generate_series(1, numgeometries(the_geom))), 4326) from worldboundaries;
-CREATE INDEX idx_country_country_code ON country USING BTREE (country_code);
-CREATE INDEX idx_country_geometry ON country USING GIST (geometry);
-drop table placex;