log().section('Analyze query (using ICU tokenizer)')
normalized = list(filter(lambda p: p.text,
- (qmod.Phrase(p.ptype, self.normalizer.transliterate(p.text))
+ (qmod.Phrase(p.ptype, self.normalize_text(p.text))
for p in phrases)))
query = qmod.QueryStruct(normalized)
log().var_dump('Normalized query', query.source)
return query
+ def normalize_text(self, text: str) -> str:
+ """ Bring the given text into a normalized form. That is the
+ standardized form search will work with. All information removed
+ at this stage is inevitably lost.
+ """
+ return cast(str, self.normalizer.transliterate(text))
def split_query(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> Tuple[QueryParts, WordDict]:
""" Transliterate the phrases and split them into tokens.