Tests for import special phrases methods
of the class SpecialPhrasesImporter.
+from mocks import MockParamCapture
from nominatim.errors import UsageError
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
TEST_BASE_DIR = Path(__file__) / '..' / '..'
+def test_fetch_existing_words_phrases_basic(special_phrases_importer, word_table,
+ temp_db_conn):
+ """
+ Check for the fetch_existing_words_phrases() method.
+ It should return special phrase term added to the word
+ table.
+ """
+ with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
+ query ="""
+ INSERT INTO word VALUES(99999, 'lookup_token', 'normalized_word',
+ 'class', 'type', null, 0, 'near');
+ """
+ temp_db_cursor.execute(query)
+ assert not special_phrases_importer.words_phrases_to_delete
+ special_phrases_importer._fetch_existing_words_phrases()
+ contained_phrase = special_phrases_importer.words_phrases_to_delete.pop()
+ assert contained_phrase == ('normalized_word', 'class', 'type', 'near')
+def test_fetch_existing_words_phrases_housenumber(special_phrases_importer, word_table,
+ temp_db_conn):
+ """
+ Check for the fetch_existing_words_phrases() method.
+ It should return nothing as the term added correspond
+ to a housenumber term.
+ """
+ with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
+ query ="""
+ INSERT INTO word VALUES(99999, 'lookup_token', 'normalized_word',
+ 'place', 'house', null, 0, 'near');
+ """
+ temp_db_cursor.execute(query)
+ special_phrases_importer._fetch_existing_words_phrases()
+ assert not special_phrases_importer.words_phrases_to_delete
+def test_fetch_existing_words_phrases_postcode(special_phrases_importer, word_table,
+ temp_db_conn):
+ """
+ Check for the fetch_existing_words_phrases() method.
+ It should return nothing as the term added correspond
+ to a postcode term.
+ """
+ with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
+ query ="""
+ INSERT INTO word VALUES(99999, 'lookup_token', 'normalized_word',
+ 'place', 'postcode', null, 0, 'near');
+ """
+ temp_db_cursor.execute(query)
+ special_phrases_importer._fetch_existing_words_phrases()
+ assert not special_phrases_importer.words_phrases_to_delete
+def test_fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables(special_phrases_importer, temp_db_conn):
+ """
+ Check for the fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables() method.
+ It should return the table just created.
+ """
+ with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
+ query = 'CREATE TABLE place_classtype_testclasstypetable()'
+ temp_db_cursor.execute(query)
+ special_phrases_importer._fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables()
+ contained_table = special_phrases_importer.table_phrases_to_delete.pop()
+ assert contained_table == 'place_classtype_testclasstypetable'
def test_check_sanity_class(special_phrases_importer):
Check for _check_sanity() method.
If a wrong class or type is given, an UsageError should raise.
If a good class and type are given, nothing special happens.
- with pytest.raises(UsageError) as wrong_class:
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError):
special_phrases_importer._check_sanity('en', '', 'type')
- with pytest.raises(UsageError) as wrong_type:
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError):
special_phrases_importer._check_sanity('en', 'class', '')
special_phrases_importer._check_sanity('en', 'class', 'type')
- assert wrong_class and wrong_type
def test_load_white_and_black_lists(special_phrases_importer):
Test that _load_white_and_black_lists() well return
Test that _convert_php_settings_if_needed() raise an exception
if the given file is not a valid file.
- with pytest.raises(UsageError) as exceptioninfos:
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError, match='random_file is not a valid file.'):
- assert str(exceptioninfos.value) == 'random_file is not a valid file.'
def test_convert_settings_json_already_exist(special_phrases_importer):
Test that if we give to '_convert_php_settings_if_needed' a php file path
Test that if we give to '_convert_php_settings_if_needed' a json file path
the same path is directly returned
- json_file = (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testfiles' / 'phrase-settings.json').resolve()
+ json_file = (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testfiles' / 'phrase_settings.json').resolve()
returned = special_phrases_importer._convert_php_settings_if_needed(json_file)
assert returned == json_file
def test_process_amenity_with_operator(special_phrases_importer, getorcreate_amenityoperator_funcs,
- word_table, temp_db_conn):
+ temp_db_conn):
Test that _process_amenity() execute well the
getorcreate_amenityoperator() SQL function and that
assert check_amenities_without_op(temp_db_conn)
assert results[class_test] and type_test in results.values()
+def test_remove_non_existent_phrases_from_db(special_phrases_importer, default_phrases,
+ temp_db_conn):
+ """
+ Check for the remove_non_existent_phrases_from_db() method.
+ It should removed entries from the word table which are contained
+ in the words_phrases_to_delete set and not those also contained
+ in the words_phrases_still_exist set.
+ place_classtype tables contained in table_phrases_to_delete should
+ be deleted.
+ """
+ with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
+ to_delete_phrase_tuple = ('normalized_word', 'class', 'type', 'near')
+ to_keep_phrase_tuple = (
+ 'normalized_word_exists', 'class_exists', 'type_exists', 'near'
+ )
+ special_phrases_importer.words_phrases_to_delete = {
+ to_delete_phrase_tuple,
+ to_keep_phrase_tuple
+ }
+ special_phrases_importer.words_phrases_still_exist = {
+ to_keep_phrase_tuple
+ }
+ special_phrases_importer.table_phrases_to_delete = {
+ 'place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_delete'
+ }
+ query_words = 'SELECT word, class, type, operator FROM word;'
+ query_tables = """
+ SELECT table_name
+ FROM information_schema.tables
+ WHERE table_schema='public'
+ AND table_name like 'place_classtype_%';
+ """
+ special_phrases_importer._remove_non_existent_phrases_from_db()
+ temp_db_cursor.execute(query_words)
+ words_result = temp_db_cursor.fetchall()
+ temp_db_cursor.execute(query_tables)
+ tables_result = temp_db_cursor.fetchall()
+ assert len(words_result) == 1 and words_result[0] == [
+ 'normalized_word_exists', 'class_exists', 'type_exists', 'near'
+ ]
+ assert (len(tables_result) == 1 and
+ tables_result[0][0] == 'place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_keep'
+ )
def test_import_from_wiki(monkeypatch, temp_db_conn, def_config, special_phrases_importer, placex_table,
- getorcreate_amenity_funcs, getorcreate_amenityoperator_funcs):
+ getorcreate_amenity_funcs, getorcreate_amenityoperator_funcs, word_table):
Check that the main import_from_wiki() method is well executed.
It should create the place_classtype table, the place_id and centroid indexes,
grand access to the web user and executing the SQL functions for amenities.
+ mock_fetch_existing_words_phrases = MockParamCapture()
+ mock_fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables = MockParamCapture()
+ mock_remove_non_existent_phrases_from_db = MockParamCapture()
+ monkeypatch.setattr('nominatim.tools.special_phrases.SpecialPhrasesImporter._fetch_existing_words_phrases',
+ mock_fetch_existing_words_phrases)
+ monkeypatch.setattr('nominatim.tools.special_phrases.SpecialPhrasesImporter._fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables',
+ mock_fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables)
+ monkeypatch.setattr('nominatim.tools.special_phrases.SpecialPhrasesImporter._remove_non_existent_phrases_from_db',
+ mock_remove_non_existent_phrases_from_db)
monkeypatch.setattr('nominatim.tools.special_phrases.SpecialPhrasesImporter._get_wiki_content', mock_get_wiki_content)
assert check_grant_access(temp_db_conn, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, class_test, type_test)
assert check_amenities_with_op(temp_db_conn)
assert check_amenities_without_op(temp_db_conn)
+ assert mock_fetch_existing_words_phrases.called == 1
+ assert mock_fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables.called == 1
+ assert mock_remove_non_existent_phrases_from_db.called == 1
def mock_get_wiki_content(lang):
yield Path(phpdir)
+def default_phrases(word_table, temp_db_cursor):
+ temp_db_cursor.execute("""
+ INSERT INTO word VALUES(99999, 'lookup_token', 'normalized_word',
+ 'class', 'type', null, 0, 'near');
+ INSERT INTO word VALUES(99999, 'lookup_token', 'normalized_word_exists',
+ 'class_exists', 'type_exists', null, 0, 'near');
+ CREATE TABLE place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_delete();
+ CREATE TABLE place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_keep();""")
def make_strandard_name_func(temp_db_cursor):