Then the result is valid json
When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
Then the result is valid json
+ When sending geojson reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
+ Then the result is valid geojson
When sending html reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
Then the result is valid html
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then the result is valid json
+ When sending geojson reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
+ | param | value |
+ | <parameter> | <value> |
+ Then the result is valid geojson
+ When sending geocodejson reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
+ | param | value |
+ | <parameter> | <value> |
+ Then the result is valid geocodejson
| parameter | value |
- | polygon | 1 |
- | polygon | 0 |
| polygon_text | 1 |
| polygon_text | 0 |
| polygon_kml | 1 |
When sending <format> reverse coordinates 67.3245,0.456
| json_callback |
| foo |
- Then the result is valid json
+ Then the result is valid <outformat>
- | format |
- | json |
- | jsonv2 |
+ | format | outformat |
+ | json | json |
+ | jsonv2 | json |
+ | geojson | geojson |
Scenario Outline: Boundingbox is returned
When sending <format> reverse coordinates 14.62,108.1
| zoom |
- | 4 |
+ | 8 |
Then result has bounding box in 9,20,102,113
| format |
| json |
| jsonv2 |
+ | geojson |
| xml |
Scenario Outline: Reverse-geocoding with zoom
| format |
| json |
| jsonv2 |
+ | geojson |
| html |
| xml |