If the tokenizer has a default configuration file, this should be saved in
the `settings/<NAME>_tokenizer.<SUFFIX>`.
-### Configuration and Persistance
+### Configuration and Persistence
Tokenizers may define custom settings for their configuration. All settings
must be prefixed with `NOMINATIM_TOKENIZER_`. Settings may be transient or
be listed with a semicolon as delimiter. Must be NULL when the place has no
house numbers.
+FUNCTION token_is_street_address(info JSONB) RETURNS BOOLEAN
+Return true if this is an object that should be parented against a street.
+Only relevant for objects with address rank 30.
+FUNCTION token_has_addr_street(info JSONB) RETURNS BOOLEAN
+Return true if there are street names to match against for finding the
+parent of the object.
+FUNCTION token_has_addr_place(info JSONB) RETURNS BOOLEAN
+Return true if there are place names to match against for finding the
+parent of the object.
FUNCTION token_matches_street(info JSONB, street_tokens INTEGER[]) RETURNS BOOLEAN
both the search token list and the match token list.
-FUNCTION token_normalized_postcode(postcode TEXT) RETURNS TEXT
+FUNCTION token_get_postcode(info JSONB) RETURNS TEXT
-Return the normalized version of the given postcode. This function must return
-the same value as the Python function `AbstractAnalyzer->normalize_postcode()`.
+Return the postcode for the object, if any exists. The postcode must be in
+the form that should also be presented to the end-user.
FUNCTION token_strip_info(info JSONB) RETURNS JSONB