$aSearchResults = array();
$aExcludePlaceIDs = array();
$sCountryCodesSQL = false;
- $sSuggestion = $sSuggestionURL = false;
$bDeDupe = isset($_GET['dedupe'])?(bool)$_GET['dedupe']:true;
$bReverseInPlan = false;
$iFinalLimit = isset($_GET['limit'])?(int)$_GET['limit']:10;
$iLimit = $iFinalLimit + min($iFinalLimit, 10);
$iMinAddressRank = 0;
$iMaxAddressRank = 30;
+ $aAddressRankList = array();
$sAllowedTypesSQLList = false;
// Format for output
$sQuery = join(', ',$aPhrases);
- function structuredAddressElement(&$aStructuredQuery, &$iMinAddressRank, &$iMaxAddressRank, $aParams, $sKey, $iNewMinAddressRank, $iNewMaxAddressRank)
- {
- if (!isset($_GET[$sKey])) return false;
- $sValue = trim($_GET[$sKey]);
- if (!$sValue) return false;
- $aStructuredQuery[$sKey] = $sValue;
- if ($iMinAddressRank == 0 && $iMaxAddressRank == 30)
- {
- $iMinAddressRank = $iNewMinAddressRank;
- $iMaxAddressRank = $iNewMaxAddressRank;
- }
- return true;
- }
// Structured query?
$aStructuredOptions = array(
- array('amenity', 26, 30),
- array('street', 26, 30),
- array('city', 14, 24),
- array('county', 9, 13),
- array('state', 8, 8),
- array('country', 4, 4),
- array('postalcode', 5, 11),
+ array('amenity', 26, 30, false),
+ array('street', 26, 30, false),
+ array('city', 14, 24, false),
+ array('county', 9, 13, false),
+ array('state', 8, 8, false),
+ array('country', 4, 4, false),
+ array('postalcode', 5, 11, array(5, 11)),
$aStructuredQuery = array();
$sAllowedTypesSQLList = '';
foreach($aStructuredOptions as $aStructuredOption)
- loadStructuredAddressElement($aStructuredQuery, $iMinAddressRank, $iMaxAddressRank, $_GET, $aStructuredOption[0], $aStructuredOption[1], $aStructuredOption[2]);
+ loadStructuredAddressElement($aStructuredQuery, $iMinAddressRank, $iMaxAddressRank, $aAddressRankList, $_GET, $aStructuredOption[0], $aStructuredOption[1], $aStructuredOption[2], $aStructuredOption[3]);
if (sizeof($aStructuredQuery) > 0)
$bStructuredPhrases = false;
// Convert each phrase to standard form
// Create a list of standard words
// Get all 'sets' of words
if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($aPhrases, $aValidTokens);
- $aSuggestion = array();
- $bSuggestion = false;
- if (CONST_Suggestions_Enabled)
- {
- foreach($aPhrases as $iPhrase => $aPhrase)
- {
- if (!isset($aValidTokens[' '.$aPhrase['wordsets'][0][0]]))
- {
- $sQuotedPhrase = getDBQuoted(' '.$aPhrase['wordsets'][0][0]);
- $aSuggestionWords = getWordSuggestions($oDB, $aPhrase['wordsets'][0][0]);
- $aRow = $aSuggestionWords[0];
- if ($aRow && $aRow['word'])
- {
- $aSuggestion[] = $aRow['word'];
- $bSuggestion = true;
- }
- else
- {
- $aSuggestion[] = $aPhrase['string'];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $aSuggestion[] = $aPhrase['string'];
- }
- }
- }
- if ($bSuggestion) $sSuggestion = join(', ',$aSuggestion);
// Try and calculate GB postcodes we might be missing
foreach($aTokens as $sToken)
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
+ elseif ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode')
+ {
+ // We need to try the case where the postal code is the primary element (i.e. no way to tell if it is (postalcode, city) OR (city, postalcode) so try both
+ if (sizeof($aSearch['aName']))
+ {
+ $aSearch['aAddress'] = array_merge($aSearch['aAddress'], $aSearch['aName']);
+ $aSearch['aName'] = array();
+ $aSearch['aName'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
+ }
+ if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
+ }
elseif (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'street') && $aSearchTerm['class'] == 'place' && $aSearchTerm['type'] == 'house')
if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber'] === '')
if ($sViewboxLargeSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " * case when ST_Contains($sViewboxLargeSQL, centroid) THEN 1 ELSE 0.5 END";
$aOrder[] = "$sImportanceSQL DESC";
if (sizeof($aSearch['aFullNameAddress']))
+ {
$aOrder[] = '(select count(*) from (select unnest(ARRAY['.join($aSearch['aFullNameAddress'],",").']) INTERSECT select unnest(nameaddress_vector))s) DESC';
+ }
if (sizeof($aTerms))
if ($iQueryLoop > 20) break;
+ if (isset($aResultPlaceIDs) && sizeof($aResultPlaceIDs) && ($iMinAddressRank != 0 || $iMaxAddressRank != 30))
+ {
+ // Need to verify passes rank limits before dropping out of the loop (yuk!)
+ $sSQL = "select place_id from placex where place_id in (".join(',',$aResultPlaceIDs).") ";
+ $sSQL .= "and (placex.rank_address between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ if (14 >= $iMinAddressRank && 14 <= $iMaxAddressRank) $sSQL .= " OR (extratags->'place') = 'city'";
+ if ($aAddressRankList) $sSQL .= " OR placex.rank_address in (".join(',',$aAddressRankList).")";
+ $sSQL .= ") UNION select place_id from location_property_tiger where place_id in (".join(',',$aResultPlaceIDs).") ";
+ $sSQL .= "and (30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ if ($aAddressRankList) $sSQL .= " OR 30 in (".join(',',$aAddressRankList).")";
+ $sSQL .= ")";
+ if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ $aResultPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ }
if (isset($aResultPlaceIDs) && sizeof($aResultPlaceIDs)) break;
if ($iGroupLoop > 4) break;
$sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and (placex.rank_address between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
if (14 >= $iMinAddressRank && 14 <= $iMaxAddressRank) $sSQL .= " OR (extratags->'place') = 'city'";
+ if ($aAddressRankList) $sSQL .= " OR placex.rank_address in (".join(',',$aAddressRankList).")";
$sSQL .= ") ";
if ($sAllowedTypesSQLList) $sSQL .= "and placex.class in $sAllowedTypesSQLList ";
$sSQL .= "and linked_place_id is null ";
$sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and (placex.rank_address between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
if (14 >= $iMinAddressRank && 14 <= $iMaxAddressRank) $sSQL .= " OR (extratags->'place') = 'city'";
+ if ($aAddressRankList) $sSQL .= " OR placex.rank_address in (".join(',',$aAddressRankList).")";
$sSQL .= ") ";
$sSQL .= "group by osm_type,osm_id,class,type,admin_level,rank_search,rank_address,calculated_country_code,importance";
if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
if ($bShowAddressDetails) $sMoreURL .= '&addressdetails=1';
if (isset($_GET['viewbox']) && $_GET['viewbox']) $sMoreURL .= '&viewbox='.urlencode($_GET['viewbox']);
if (isset($_GET['nearlat']) && isset($_GET['nearlon'])) $sMoreURL .= '&nearlat='.(float)$_GET['nearlat'].'&nearlon='.(float)$_GET['nearlon'];
- if ($sSuggestion)
- {
- $sSuggestionURL = $sMoreURL.'&q='.urlencode($sSuggestion);
- }
$sMoreURL .= '&q='.urlencode($sQuery);
if (CONST_Debug) exit;