$iOsmId = $oParams->getInt('osmid', -1);
$sClass = $oParams->getString('class');
-$bIncludeKeywords = $oParams->getBool('keywords');
+$bIncludeKeywords = $oParams->getBool('keywords', false);
$bIncludeAddressDetails = $oParams->getBool('addressdetails', $sOutputFormat == 'html');
-$bIncludeLinkedPlaces = $oParams->getBool('linkedplaces', $sOutputFormat == 'html');
-$bIncludeChildPlaces = $oParams->getBool('childplaces', $sOutputFormat == 'html');
-$bGroupChildPlaces = $oParams->getBool('group_childplaces', false);
+$bIncludeLinkedPlaces = $oParams->getBool('linkedplaces', true);
+$bIncludeHierarchy = $oParams->getBool('hierarchy', $sOutputFormat == 'html');
+$bGroupHierarchy = $oParams->getBool('group_hierarchy', false);
$bIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON = $oParams->getBool('polygon_geojson', $sOutputFormat == 'html');
$oDB =& getDB();
$sSQL = 'SELECT place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, admin_level,';
$sSQL .= ' housenumber, postcode, country_code,';
$sSQL .= ' importance, wikipedia,';
-$sSQL .= " to_char(indexed_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') AS indexed_date,";
+$sSQL .= ' ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch FROM indexed_date)) AS indexed_epoch,';
$sSQL .= ' parent_place_id, ';
$sSQL .= ' rank_address, ';
$sSQL .= ' rank_search, ';
-$sSQL .= ' get_searchrank_label(rank_search) AS rank_search_label,';
+$sSQL .= ' get_searchrank_label(rank_search) AS rank_search_label,'; // only used in HTML output
$sSQL .= " get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) AS localname, ";
$sSQL .= " ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') AS isarea, ";
$sSQL .= ' ST_y(centroid) AS lat, ';
$aPointDetails['localname'] = $aPointDetails['localname']?$aPointDetails['localname']:$aPointDetails['housenumber'];
-$aClassType = getClassTypesWithImportance();
-$sPointClassType = $aPointDetails['class'].':'.$aPointDetails['type'];
-if (isset($aClassType[$sPointClassType]) && $aClassType[$sPointClassType]['icon']) {
- $aPointDetails['icon'] = $aClassType[$sPointClassType]['icon'];
-} else {
- $aPointDetails['icon'] = false;
+$aPointDetails['icon'] = Nominatim\ClassTypes\getProperty($aPointDetails, 'icon', false);
// Get all alternative names (languages, etc)
$sSQL = 'SELECT (each(name)).key,(each(name)).value FROM placex ';
$sSQL .= "WHERE place_id = $iPlaceID ORDER BY (each(name)).key";
$aPointDetails['aNames'] = $oDB->getAssoc($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($aPointDetails['aNames'])) { // possible timeout
- $aPointDetails['aNames'] = [];
+ $aPointDetails['aNames'] = array();
// Address tags
$sSQL .= "WHERE place_id = $iPlaceID ORDER BY key";
$aPointDetails['aAddressTags'] = $oDB->getAssoc($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($aPointDetails['aAddressTags'])) { // possible timeout
- $aPointDetails['aAddressTags'] = [];
+ $aPointDetails['aAddressTags'] = array();
// Extra tags
$sSQL .= "WHERE place_id = $iPlaceID ORDER BY (each(extratags)).key";
$aPointDetails['aExtraTags'] = $oDB->getAssoc($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($aPointDetails['aExtraTags'])) { // possible timeout
- $aPointDetails['aExtraTags'] = [];
+ $aPointDetails['aExtraTags'] = array();
// Address
$sSQL .= ' housenumber';
$aLinkedLines = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($aLinkedLines)) { // possible timeout
- $aLinkedLines = [];
+ $aLinkedLines = array();
// All places this is an imediate parent of
-$aParentOfLines = false;
-if ($bIncludeChildPlaces) {
+$aHierarchyLines = false;
+if ($bIncludeHierarchy) {
$sSQL = 'SELECT obj.place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, housenumber,';
$sSQL .= " admin_level, rank_address, ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') AS isarea,";
$sSQL .= " ST_DistanceSpheroid(geometry, placegeometry, 'SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]]') AS distance, ";
$sSQL .= ' rank_search ASC, ';
$sSQL .= ' localname, ';
$sSQL .= ' housenumber';
- $aParentOfLines = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::isError($aParentOfLines)) { // possible timeout
- $aParentOfLines = [];
+ $aHierarchyLines = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ if (PEAR::isError($aHierarchyLines)) { // possible timeout
+ $aHierarchyLines = array();
$sSQL = "SELECT * FROM search_name WHERE place_id = $iPlaceID";
$aPlaceSearchName = $oDB->getRow($sSQL); // can be null
if (!$aPlaceSearchName || PEAR::isError($aPlaceSearchName)) { // possible timeout
- $aPlaceSearchName = [];
+ $aPlaceSearchName = array();
if (!empty($aPlaceSearchName)) {
$sSQL = 'SELECT * FROM word WHERE word_id in ('.substr($aPlaceSearchName['name_vector'], 1, -1).')';
$aPlaceSearchNameKeywords = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($aPlaceSearchNameKeywords)) { // possible timeout
- $aPlaceSearchNameKeywords = [];
+ $aPlaceSearchNameKeywords = array();
$sSQL = 'SELECT * FROM word WHERE word_id in ('.substr($aPlaceSearchName['nameaddress_vector'], 1, -1).')';
$aPlaceSearchAddressKeywords = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($aPlaceSearchAddressKeywords)) { // possible timeout
- $aPlaceSearchAddressKeywords = [];
+ $aPlaceSearchAddressKeywords = array();