Feature: Object details
Check details page for correctness
+ Scenario: Details by place ID
+ When sending details query for 107077
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | place_id |
+ | 107077 |
Scenario Outline: Details via OSM id
- When sending <format> details query for <object>
- Then the result is valid <format>
+ When sending details query for <type><id>
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id |
+ | <type> | <id> |
+ Examples:
+ | type | id |
+ | N | 5484325405 |
+ | W | 43327921 |
+ | R | 123924 |
+ Scenario Outline: Details for different class types for the same OSM id
+ When sending details query for N300209696:<class>
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | category |
+ | N | 300209696 | <class> |
- | format | object |
- | html | 492887 |
- | json | 492887 |
- | html | N4267356889 |
- | json | N4267356889 |
- | html | W230804120 |
- | json | W230804120 |
- | html | R123924 |
- | json | R123924 |
+ | class |
+ | tourism |
+ | natural |
+ | mountain_pass |
Scenario Outline: Details via unknown OSM id
- When sending <format> details query for <object>
- Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ When sending details query for <object>
+ Then a HTTP 404 is returned
- | format | object |
- | html | 1 |
- | json | 1 |
- | html | R1 |
- | json | R1 |
- Scenario: Details with keywords
- When sending details query for W78099902
- | keywords |
- | 1 |
+ | object |
+ | 1 |
+ | R1 |
+ | N300209696:highway |
+ @v1-api-php-only
+ Scenario: Details for interpolation way just return the dependent street
+ When sending details query for W1
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category |
+ | highway |
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ Scenario: Details for interpolation way return the interpolation
+ When sending details query for W1
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category | type | osm_type | osm_id | admin_level |
+ | place | houses | W | 1 | 15 |
+ @v1-api-php-only
+ @Fail
+ Scenario: Details for Tiger way just return the dependent street
+ When sending details query for 112871
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category |
+ | highway |
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ @Fail
+ Scenario: Details for interpolation way return the interpolation
+ When sending details query for 112871
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category | type | admin_level |
+ | place | houses | 15 |
+ And result has not attributes osm_type,osm_id
+ @v1-api-php-only
+ @Fail
+ Scenario: Details for postcodes just return the dependent place
+ When sending details query for 112820
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category |
+ | boundary |
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ @Fail
+ Scenario: Details for interpolation way return the interpolation
+ When sending details query for 112820
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category | type | admin_level |
+ | place | postcode | 15 |
+ And result has not attributes osm_type,osm_id
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ Scenario Outline: Details debug output returns no errors
+ When sending debug details query for <feature>
Then the result is valid html
+ Examples:
+ | feature |
+ | N5484325405 |
+ | W1 |
+ | 112820 |
+ | 112871 |