-### PHP "open_basedir restriction in effect" warnings
- PHP Warning: file_get_contents(): open_basedir restriction in effect.
-You need to adjust the
-setting in your PHP configuration (`php.ini` file). By default this setting may
-look like this:
- open_basedir = /srv/http/:/home/:/tmp/:/usr/share/pear/
-Either add reported directories to the list or disable this setting temporarily
-by adding ";" at the beginning of the line. Don't forget to enable this setting
-again once you are done with the PHP command line operations.
-### PHP timezeone warnings
-The Apache log may contain lots of PHP warnings like this:
- `PHP Warning: date_default_timezone_set() function.`
-You should set the default time zone as instructed in the warning in
-your `php.ini` file. Find the entry about timezone and set it to
-something like this:
- ; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
- ; https://php.net/date.timezone
- date.timezone = 'America/Denver'
-echo "date.timezone = 'America/Denver'" > /etc/php.d/timezone.ini
-### nominatim.so version mismatch
-When running the import you may get a version mismatch:
-`COPY_END for place failed: ERROR: incompatible library "/srv/Nominatim/nominatim/build/module/nominatim.so": version mismatch`
-pg_config seems to use bad includes sometimes when multiple versions
-of PostgreSQL are available in the system. Make sure you remove the
-server development libraries (`postgresql-server-dev-9.5` on Ubuntu)
-and recompile (`cmake .. && make`).
-### I see the error "ERROR: permission denied for language c"
-`nominatim.so`, written in C, is required to be installed on the database
-server. Some managed database (cloud) services like Amazon RDS do not allow
-this. There is currently no work-around other than installing a database
-on a non-managed machine.
-### I see the error: "function transliteration(text) does not exist"
-Reinstall the nominatim functions with `setup.php --create--functions`
-and check for any errors, e.g. a missing `nominatim.so` file.