+async def details_endpoint(api: napi.NominatimAPIAsync, params: ASGIAdaptor) -> Any:
+ """ Server glue for /details endpoint. See API docs for details.
+ """
+ fmt = params.parse_format(napi.DetailedResult, 'json')
+ place_id = params.get_int('place_id', 0)
+ place: napi.PlaceRef
+ if place_id:
+ place = napi.PlaceID(place_id)
+ else:
+ osmtype = params.get('osmtype')
+ if osmtype is None:
+ params.raise_error("Missing ID parameter 'place_id' or 'osmtype'.")
+ place = napi.OsmID(osmtype, params.get_int('osmid'), params.get('class'))
+ debug = params.setup_debugging()
+ details = napi.LookupDetails(address_details=params.get_bool('addressdetails', False),
+ linked_places=params.get_bool('linkedplaces', False),
+ parented_places=params.get_bool('hierarchy', False),
+ keywords=params.get_bool('keywords', False))
+ if params.get_bool('polygon_geojson', False):
+ details.geometry_output = napi.GeometryFormat.GEOJSON
+ locales = napi.Locales.from_accept_languages(params.get_accepted_languages())
+ result = await api.lookup(place, details)
+ if debug:
+ return params.build_response(loglib.get_and_disable())
+ if result is None:
+ params.raise_error('No place with that OSM ID found.', status=404)
+ output = formatting.format_result(result, fmt,
+ {'locales': locales,
+ 'group_hierarchy': params.get_bool('group_hierarchy', False),
+ 'icon_base_url': params.config().MAPICON_URL})
+ return params.build_response(output)
+async def reverse_endpoint(api: napi.NominatimAPIAsync, params: ASGIAdaptor) -> Any:
+ """ Server glue for /reverse endpoint. See API docs for details.
+ """
+ fmt = params.parse_format(napi.ReverseResults, 'xml')
+ debug = params.setup_debugging()
+ coord = napi.Point(params.get_float('lon'), params.get_float('lat'))
+ locales = napi.Locales.from_accept_languages(params.get_accepted_languages())
+ zoom = max(0, min(18, params.get_int('zoom', 18)))
+ details = napi.LookupDetails(address_details=True,
+ geometry_simplification=params.get_float('polygon_threshold', 0.0))
+ numgeoms = 0
+ if params.get_bool('polygon_geojson', False):
+ details.geometry_output |= napi.GeometryFormat.GEOJSON
+ numgeoms += 1
+ if fmt not in ('geojson', 'geocodejson'):
+ if params.get_bool('polygon_text', False):
+ details.geometry_output |= napi.GeometryFormat.TEXT
+ numgeoms += 1
+ if params.get_bool('polygon_kml', False):
+ details.geometry_output |= napi.GeometryFormat.KML
+ numgeoms += 1
+ if params.get_bool('polygon_svg', False):
+ details.geometry_output |= napi.GeometryFormat.SVG
+ numgeoms += 1
+ if numgeoms > params.config().get_int('POLYGON_OUTPUT_MAX_TYPES'):
+ params.raise_error('Too many polgyon output options selected.')
+ result = await api.reverse(coord, REVERSE_MAX_RANKS[zoom],
+ params.get_layers() or
+ napi.DataLayer.ADDRESS | napi.DataLayer.POI,
+ details)
+ if debug:
+ return params.build_response(loglib.get_and_disable())
+ fmt_options = {'locales': locales,
+ 'extratags': params.get_bool('extratags', False),
+ 'namedetails': params.get_bool('namedetails', False),
+ 'addressdetails': params.get_bool('addressdetails', True)}
+ if fmt == 'xml':
+ fmt_options['xml_roottag'] = 'reversegeocode'
+ fmt_options['xml_extra_info'] = {'querystring': 'TODO'}
+ output = formatting.format_result(napi.ReverseResults([result] if result else []),
+ fmt, fmt_options)
+ return params.build_response(output)