Custom types for SQLAlchemy.
+from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, Any, cast
import sys
import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy import types
from nominatim.typing import SaColumn, SaBind
#pylint: disable=all
+class Geometry_DistanceSpheroid(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[float]):
+ """ Function to compute the spherical distance in meters.
+ """
+ type = sa.Float()
+ name = 'Geometry_DistanceSpheroid'
+ inherit_cache = True
+@compiles(Geometry_DistanceSpheroid) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def _default_distance_spheroid(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ return "ST_DistanceSpheroid(%s,"\
+ " 'SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]]')"\
+ % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
+@compiles(Geometry_DistanceSpheroid, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def _spatialite_distance_spheroid(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ return "COALESCE(Distance(%s, true), 0.0)" % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
+class Geometry_IsLineLike(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
+ """ Check if the geometry is a line or multiline.
+ """
+ type = sa.Boolean()
+ name = 'Geometry_IsLineLike'
+ inherit_cache = True
+@compiles(Geometry_IsLineLike) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def _default_is_line_like(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ return "ST_GeometryType(%s) IN ('ST_LineString', 'ST_MultiLineString')" % \
+ compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
+@compiles(Geometry_IsLineLike, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def _sqlite_is_line_like(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ return "ST_GeometryType(%s) IN ('LINESTRING', 'MULTILINESTRING')" % \
+ compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
+class Geometry_IsAreaLike(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
+ """ Check if the geometry is a polygon or multipolygon.
+ """
+ type = sa.Boolean()
+ name = 'Geometry_IsLineLike'
+ inherit_cache = True
+@compiles(Geometry_IsAreaLike) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def _default_is_area_like(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ return "ST_GeometryType(%s) IN ('ST_Polygon', 'ST_MultiPolygon')" % \
+ compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
+@compiles(Geometry_IsAreaLike, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def _sqlite_is_area_like(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ return "ST_GeometryType(%s) IN ('POLYGON', 'MULTIPOLYGON')" % \
+ compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
+class Geometry_IntersectsBbox(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
+ """ Check if the bounding boxes of the given geometries intersect.
+ """
+ type = sa.Boolean()
+ name = 'Geometry_IntersectsBbox'
+ inherit_cache = True
+@compiles(Geometry_IntersectsBbox) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def _default_intersects(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ arg1, arg2 = list(element.clauses)
+ return "%s && %s" % (compiler.process(arg1, **kw), compiler.process(arg2, **kw))
+@compiles(Geometry_IntersectsBbox, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def _sqlite_intersects(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ return "MbrIntersects(%s)" % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
+class Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
+ """ Check if the bounding box of the geometry intersects with the
+ given table column, using the spatial index for the column.
+ The index must exist or the query may return nothing.
+ """
+ type = sa.Boolean()
+ name = 'Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox'
+ inherit_cache = True
+@compiles(Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def default_intersects_column(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ arg1, arg2 = list(element.clauses)
+ return "%s && %s" % (compiler.process(arg1, **kw), compiler.process(arg2, **kw))
+@compiles(Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def spatialite_intersects_column(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ arg1, arg2 = list(element.clauses)
+ return "MbrIntersects(%s, %s) and "\
+ "%s.ROWID IN (SELECT ROWID FROM SpatialIndex "\
+ "WHERE f_table_name = '%s' AND f_geometry_column = '%s' "\
+ "AND search_frame = %s)" %(
+ compiler.process(arg1, **kw),
+ compiler.process(arg2, **kw),
+ arg1.table.name, arg1.table.name, arg1.name,
+ compiler.process(arg2, **kw))
+class Geometry_ColumnDWithin(sa.sql.expression.FunctionElement[bool]):
+ """ Check if the geometry is within the distance of the
+ given table column, using the spatial index for the column.
+ The index must exist or the query may return nothing.
+ """
+ type = sa.Boolean()
+ name = 'Geometry_ColumnDWithin'
+ inherit_cache = True
+@compiles(Geometry_ColumnDWithin) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def default_dwithin_column(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ return "ST_DWithin(%s)" % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
+@compiles(Geometry_ColumnDWithin, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def spatialite_dwithin_column(element: SaColumn,
+ compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ geom1, geom2, dist = list(element.clauses)
+ return "ST_Distance(%s, %s) < %s and "\
+ "%s.ROWID IN (SELECT ROWID FROM SpatialIndex "\
+ "WHERE f_table_name = '%s' AND f_geometry_column = '%s' "\
+ "AND search_frame = ST_Expand(%s, %s))" %(
+ compiler.process(geom1, **kw),
+ compiler.process(geom2, **kw),
+ compiler.process(dist, **kw),
+ geom1.table.name, geom1.table.name, geom1.name,
+ compiler.process(geom2, **kw),
+ compiler.process(dist, **kw))
class Geometry(types.UserDefinedType): # type: ignore[type-arg]
""" Simplified type decorator for PostGIS geometry. This type
only supports geometries in 4326 projection.
def get_col_spec(self) -> str:
- return f'GEOMETRY'
+ return f'GEOMETRY({self.subtype}, 4326)'
def bind_processor(self, dialect: 'sa.Dialect') -> Callable[[Any], str]:
return process
+ def column_expression(self, col: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
+ return sa.func.ST_AsEWKB(col)
def bind_expression(self, bindvalue: SaBind) -> SaColumn:
return sa.func.ST_GeomFromText(bindvalue, sa.text('4326'), type_=self)
class comparator_factory(types.UserDefinedType.Comparator): # type: ignore[type-arg]
def intersects(self, other: SaColumn) -> 'sa.Operators':
- return self.op('&&')(other)
+ if isinstance(self.expr, sa.Column):
+ return Geometry_ColumnIntersectsBbox(self.expr, other)
+ return Geometry_IntersectsBbox(self.expr, other)
def is_line_like(self) -> SaColumn:
- return sa.func.ST_GeometryType(self, type_=sa.String).in_(('ST_LineString',
- 'ST_MultiLineString'))
+ return Geometry_IsLineLike(self)
def is_area(self) -> SaColumn:
- return sa.func.ST_GeometryType(self, type_=sa.String).in_(('ST_Polygon',
- 'ST_MultiPolygon'))
+ return Geometry_IsAreaLike(self)
def ST_DWithin(self, other: SaColumn, distance: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
- return sa.func.ST_DWithin(self, other, distance, type_=sa.Boolean)
+ if isinstance(self.expr, sa.Column):
+ return Geometry_ColumnDWithin(self.expr, other, distance)
+ return sa.func.ST_DWithin(self.expr, other, distance)
def ST_DWithin_no_index(self, other: SaColumn, distance: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
return sa.func.ST_DWithin(sa.func.coalesce(sa.null(), self),
- other, distance, type_=sa.Boolean)
+ other, distance)
def ST_Intersects_no_index(self, other: SaColumn) -> 'sa.Operators':
- return sa.func.coalesce(sa.null(), self).op('&&')(other)
+ return Geometry_IntersectsBbox(sa.func.coalesce(sa.null(), self), other)
def ST_Distance(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
def ST_ClosestPoint(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
- return sa.func.ST_ClosestPoint(self, other, type_=Geometry)
+ return sa.func.coalesce(sa.func.ST_ClosestPoint(self, other, type_=Geometry),
+ other)
def ST_Buffer(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
def ST_LineLocatePoint(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
return sa.func.ST_LineLocatePoint(self, other, type_=sa.Float)
+ def distance_spheroid(self, other: SaColumn) -> SaColumn:
+ return Geometry_DistanceSpheroid(self, other)
+@compiles(Geometry, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call]
+def get_col_spec(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
+ return 'GEOMETRY'
+ ('ST_AsEWKB', sa.Text, 'AsEWKB'),
+ ('ST_GeomFromEWKT', Geometry, 'GeomFromEWKT'),
+ ('ST_AsGeoJSON', sa.Text, 'AsGeoJSON'),
+ ('ST_AsKML', sa.Text, 'AsKML'),
+ ('ST_AsSVG', sa.Text, 'AsSVG'),
+ ('ST_LineLocatePoint', sa.Float, 'ST_Line_Locate_Point'),
+ ('ST_LineInterpolatePoint', sa.Float, 'ST_Line_Interpolate_Point'),
+def _add_function_alias(func: str, ftype: type, alias: str) -> None:
+ _FuncDef = type(func, (sa.sql.functions.GenericFunction, ), {
+ "type": ftype(),
+ "name": func,
+ "identifier": func,
+ "inherit_cache": True})
+ func_templ = f"{alias}(%s)"
+ def _sqlite_impl(element: Any, compiler: Any, **kw: Any) -> Any:
+ return func_templ % compiler.process(element.clauses, **kw)
+ compiles(_FuncDef, 'sqlite')(_sqlite_impl) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call]
+ _add_function_alias(*alias)
+class ST_DWithin(sa.sql.functions.GenericFunction[bool]):
+ type = sa.Boolean()
+ name = 'ST_DWithin'
+ inherit_cache = True
+@compiles(ST_DWithin, 'sqlite') # type: ignore[no-untyped-call, misc]
+def default_json_array_each(element: SaColumn, compiler: 'sa.Compiled', **kw: Any) -> str:
+ geom1, geom2, dist = list(element.clauses)
+ return "(MbrIntersects(%s, ST_Expand(%s, %s)) = 1 AND ST_Distance(%s, %s) <= %s)" % (
+ compiler.process(geom1, **kw), compiler.process(geom2, **kw),
+ compiler.process(dist, **kw),
+ compiler.process(geom1, **kw), compiler.process(geom2, **kw),
+ compiler.process(dist, **kw))