-!!! Warning
- For larger installations you **must have** PostgreSQL 11+ and PostGIS 3+
- otherwise import and queries will be slow to the point of being unusable.
- Query performance has marked improvements with PostgreSQL 13+ and PostGIS 3.2+.
-For compiling:
- * [cmake](https://cmake.org/)
- * [expat](https://libexpat.github.io/)
- * [proj](https://proj.org/)
- * [bzip2](http://www.bzip.org/)
- * [zlib](https://www.zlib.net/)
- * [ICU](http://site.icu-project.org/)
- * [Boost libraries](https://www.boost.org/), including system and filesystem
- * PostgreSQL client libraries
- * a recent C++ compiler (gcc 5+ or Clang 3.8+)