class Geocode
protected $oDB;
protected $oPlaceLookup;
+ protected $oTokenizer;
protected $aLangPrefOrder = array();
protected $sQuery = false;
protected $aStructuredQuery = false;
- protected $oNormalizer = null;
public function __construct(&$oDB)
$this->oDB =& $oDB;
$this->oPlaceLookup = new PlaceLookup($this->oDB);
- $this->oNormalizer = \Transliterator::createFromRules(CONST_Term_Normalization_Rules);
- }
- private function normTerm($sTerm)
- {
- if ($this->oNormalizer === null) {
- return $sTerm;
- }
- return $this->oNormalizer->transliterate($sTerm);
+ $this->oTokenizer = new \Nominatim\Tokenizer($this->oDB);
public function setLanguagePreference($aLangPref)
foreach ($oValidTokens->get(' '.$sToken) as $oSearchTerm) {
$aNewSearches = $oCurrentSearch->extendWithFullTerm(
- $oValidTokens->contains($sToken)
- && strpos($sToken, ' ') === false,
$iToken == 0 && $iPhrase == 0,
$iPhrase == 0,
$iSearchCount = 0;
$aSearches = array();
- foreach ($aGroupedSearches as $iScore => $aNewSearches) {
+ foreach ($aGroupedSearches as $aNewSearches) {
$iSearchCount += count($aNewSearches);
$aSearches = array_merge($aSearches, $aNewSearches);
if ($iSearchCount > 50) break;
if ($this->aCountryCodes) {
+ $this->oTokenizer->setCountryRestriction($this->aCountryCodes);
Debug::newSection('Query Preprocessing');
- $sNormQuery = $this->normTerm($this->sQuery);
- Debug::printVar('Normalized query', $sNormQuery);
- $sLanguagePrefArraySQL = $this->oDB->getArraySQL(
- $this->oDB->getDBQuotedList($this->aLangPrefOrder)
- );
$sQuery = $this->sQuery;
if (!preg_match('//u', $sQuery)) {
userError('Query string is not UTF-8 encoded.');
if ($sSpecialTerm && !$aSearches[0]->hasOperator()) {
- $sSpecialTerm = pg_escape_string($sSpecialTerm);
- $sToken = $this->oDB->getOne(
- 'SELECT make_standard_name(:term)',
- array(':term' => $sSpecialTerm),
- 'Cannot decode query. Wrong encoding?'
- );
- $sSQL = 'SELECT class, type FROM word ';
- $sSQL .= ' WHERE word_token in (\' '.$sToken.'\')';
- $sSQL .= ' AND class is not null AND class not in (\'place\')';
- Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
- $aSearchWords = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL);
- $aNewSearches = array();
- foreach ($aSearches as $oSearch) {
- foreach ($aSearchWords as $aSearchTerm) {
- $oNewSearch = clone $oSearch;
- $oNewSearch->setPoiSearch(
- Operator::TYPE,
- $aSearchTerm['class'],
- $aSearchTerm['type']
- );
- $aNewSearches[] = $oNewSearch;
+ $aTokens = $this->oTokenizer->tokensForSpecialTerm($sSpecialTerm);
+ if (!empty($aTokens)) {
+ $aNewSearches = array();
+ foreach ($aSearches as $oSearch) {
+ foreach ($aTokens as $oToken) {
+ $oNewSearch = clone $oSearch;
+ $oNewSearch->setPoiSearch(
+ $oToken->iOperator,
+ $oToken->sClass,
+ $oToken->sType
+ );
+ $aNewSearches[] = $oNewSearch;
+ }
+ $aSearches = $aNewSearches;
- $aSearches = $aNewSearches;
// Split query into phrases
// Commas are used to reduce the search space by indicating where phrases split
+ $aPhrases = array();
if ($this->aStructuredQuery) {
- $aInPhrases = $this->aStructuredQuery;
+ foreach ($this->aStructuredQuery as $iPhrase => $sPhrase) {
+ $aPhrases[] = new Phrase($sPhrase, $iPhrase);
+ }
} else {
- $aInPhrases = explode(',', $sQuery);
+ foreach (explode(',', $sQuery) as $sPhrase) {
+ $aPhrases[] = new Phrase($sPhrase, '');
+ }
Debug::printDebugArray('Search context', $oCtx);
Debug::printDebugArray('Base search', empty($aSearches) ? null : $aSearches[0]);
- Debug::printVar('Final query phrases', $aInPhrases);
- // Convert each phrase to standard form
- // Create a list of standard words
- // Get all 'sets' of words
- // Generate a complete list of all
- $aTokens = array();
- $aPhrases = array();
- foreach ($aInPhrases as $iPhrase => $sPhrase) {
- $sPhrase = $this->oDB->getOne(
- 'SELECT make_standard_name(:phrase)',
- array(':phrase' => $sPhrase),
- 'Cannot normalize query string (is it a UTF-8 string?)'
- );
- if (trim($sPhrase)) {
- $oPhrase = new Phrase($sPhrase, is_string($iPhrase) ? $iPhrase : '');
- $oPhrase->addTokens($aTokens);
- $aPhrases[] = $oPhrase;
- }
- }
- Debug::printVar('Tokens', $aTokens);
- $oValidTokens = new TokenList();
- if (!empty($aTokens)) {
- $oValidTokens->addTokensFromDB(
- $this->oDB,
- $aTokens,
- $this->aCountryCodes,
- $sNormQuery,
- $this->oNormalizer
- );
+ $oValidTokens = $this->oTokenizer->extractTokensFromPhrases($aPhrases);
+ if ($oValidTokens->count() > 0) {
- // Try more interpretations for Tokens that could not be matched.
- foreach ($aTokens as $sToken) {
- if ($sToken[0] == ' ' && !$oValidTokens->contains($sToken)) {
- if (preg_match('/^ ([0-9]{5}) [0-9]{4}$/', $sToken, $aData)) {
- // US ZIP+4 codes - merge in the 5-digit ZIP code
- $oValidTokens->addToken(
- $sToken,
- new Token\Postcode(null, $aData[1], 'us')
- );
- } elseif (preg_match('/^ [0-9]+$/', $sToken)) {
- // Unknown single word token with a number.
- // Assume it is a house number.
- $oValidTokens->addToken(
- $sToken,
- new Token\HouseNumber(null, trim($sToken))
- );
- }
- }
- }
+ $aPhrases = array_filter($aPhrases, function ($oPhrase) {
+ return $oPhrase->getWordSets() !== null;
+ });
// Any words that have failed completely?
// TODO: suggestions
Debug::printGroupTable('Valid Tokens', $oValidTokens->debugInfo());
- foreach ($aPhrases as $oPhrase) {
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets($oValidTokens);
- }
Debug::printDebugTable('Phrases', $aPhrases);
Debug::newSection('Search candidates');
$aToFilter = $aSearchResults;
$aSearchResults = array();
- $bFirst = true;
foreach ($aToFilter as $aResult) {
$this->aExcludePlaceIDs[$aResult['place_id']] = $aResult['place_id'];
- if ($bFirst) {
- $fLat = $aResult['lat'];
- $fLon = $aResult['lon'];
- if (isset($aResult['zoom'])) $iZoom = $aResult['zoom'];
- $bFirst = false;
- }
if (!$this->oPlaceLookup->doDeDupe() || (!isset($aOSMIDDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['osm_id']])
&& !isset($aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['class'].$aResult['type'].$aResult['name'].$aResult['admin_level']]))
) {