// Show / use polygons
- $bShowPolygons = isset($_GET['polygon']) && $_GET['polygon'];
+ $bShowPolygons = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon']) && $_GET['polygon'];
+ $bAsGeoJSON = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_geojson']) && $_GET['polygon_geojson'];
+ $bAsKML = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_kml']) && $_GET['polygon_kml'];
+ $bAsSVG = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_svg']) && $_GET['polygon_svg'];
+ $bAsText = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_text']) && $_GET['polygon_text'];
+ if ((($bShowPolygons?1:0)
+ + ($bAsGeoJSON?1:0)
+ + ($bAsKML?1:0)
+ + ($bAsSVG?1:0)
+ + ($bAsText?1:0)
+ ) > CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes) {
+ if (CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes) {
+ userError("Select only ".CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes." polgyon output option");
+ } else {
+ userError("Polygon output is disabled");
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
// Show address breakdown
$bShowAddressDetails = isset($_GET['addressdetails']) && $_GET['addressdetails'];
- // Prefered language
- $aLangPrefOrder = getPrefferedLangauges();
+ // Preferred language
+ $aLangPrefOrder = getPreferredLanguages();
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:de'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ru'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ja'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
- // Only certain ranks of feature
+ // Only certain ranks of feature
+ if (isset($_GET['featureType']) && !isset($_GET['featuretype'])) $_GET['featuretype'] = $_GET['featureType'];
if (isset($_GET['featuretype']))
// Search query
$sQuery = (isset($_GET['q'])?trim($_GET['q']):'');
- if (!$sQuery && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'][0] == '/')
+ if (!$sQuery && isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'][0] == '/')
$sQuery = substr($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1);
- // reverse order of '/' seperated string
+ // reverse order of '/' separated string
$aPhrases = explode('/', $sQuery);
$aPhrases = array_reverse($aPhrases);
$sQuery = join(', ',$aPhrases);
+ function structuredAddressElement(&$aStructuredQuery, &$iMinAddressRank, &$iMaxAddressRank, $aParams, $sKey, $iNewMinAddressRank, $iNewMaxAddressRank)
+ {
+ if (!isset($_GET[$sKey])) return false;
+ $sValue = trim($_GET[$sKey]);
+ if (!$sValue) return false;
+ $aStructuredQuery[$sKey] = $sValue;
+ if ($iMinAddressRank == 0 && $iMaxAddressRank == 30) {
+ $iMinAddressRank = $iNewMinAddressRank;
+ $iMaxAddressRank = $iNewMaxAddressRank;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Structured query?
+ $aStructuredOptions = array(
+ array('amenity', 26, 30),
+ array('street', 26, 30),
+ array('city', 14, 24),
+ array('county', 9, 13),
+ array('state', 8, 8),
+ array('country', 4, 4),
+ array('postalcode', 16, 25),
+ );
+ $aStructuredQuery = array();
+ foreach($aStructuredOptions as $aStructuredOption)
+ {
+ loadStructuredAddressElement($aStructuredQuery, $iMinAddressRank, $iMaxAddressRank, $_GET, $aStructuredOption[0], $aStructuredOption[1], $aStructuredOption[2]);
+ }
+ if (sizeof($aStructuredQuery) > 0) {
+ $sQuery = join(', ', $aStructuredQuery);
+ }
if ($sQuery)
$hLog = logStart($oDB, 'search', $sQuery, $aLangPrefOrder);
// Hack to make it handle "new york, ny" (and variants) correctly
$sQuery = str_ireplace(array('New York, ny','new york, new york', 'New York ny','new york new york'), 'new york city, ny', $sQuery);
+ if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:en']))
+ {
+ $sQuery = preg_replace('/,\s*il\s*(,|$)/',', illinois\1', $sQuery);
+ $sQuery = preg_replace('/,\s*al\s*(,|$)/',', alabama\1', $sQuery);
+ $sQuery = preg_replace('/,\s*la\s*(,|$)/',', louisiana\1', $sQuery);
+ }
// If we have a view box create the SQL
// Small is the actual view box, Large is double (on each axis) that
$aCoOrdinates[1] += $fWidth;
$aCoOrdinates[3] -= $fWidth;
$sViewboxLargeSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".(float)$aCoOrdinates[0].",".(float)$aCoOrdinates[1]."),ST_Point(".(float)$aCoOrdinates[2].",".(float)$aCoOrdinates[3].")),4326)";
+ } else {
+ $bBoundingBoxSearch = false;
if (isset($_GET['route']) && $_GET['route'] && isset($_GET['routewidth']) && $_GET['routewidth'])
$aPoints = explode(',',$_GET['route']);
if (sizeof($aPoints) % 2 != 0)
- echo "Uneven number of points";
+ userError("Uneven number of points");
$sViewboxCentreSQL = "ST_SetSRID('LINESTRING(";
$sViewboxSmallSQL = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($sViewboxSmallSQL))
- var_dump($sViewboxSmallSQL);
- exit;
+ failInternalError("Could not get small viewbox.", $sSQL, $sViewboxSmallSQL);
$sViewboxSmallSQL = "'".$sViewboxSmallSQL."'::geometry";
$sViewboxLargeSQL = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($sViewboxLargeSQL))
- var_dump($sViewboxLargeSQL);
- exit;
+ failInternalError("Could not get large viewbox.", $sSQL, $sViewboxLargeSQL);
$sViewboxLargeSQL = "'".$sViewboxLargeSQL."'::geometry";
// Do we have anything that looks like a lat/lon pair?
if (preg_match('/\\b([NS])[ ]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)[ ]+([0-9.]+)?[, ]+([EW])[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)?\\b/', $sQuery, $aData))
- $_GET['nearlat'] = ($aData[1]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[2] + $aData[3]/60);
- $_GET['nearlon'] = ($aData[4]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[5] + $aData[6]/60);
- $sQuery = trim(str_replace($aData[0], ' ', $sQuery));
+ $fQueryLat = ($aData[1]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[2] + $aData[3]/60);
+ $fQueryLon = ($aData[4]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[5] + $aData[6]/60);
+ if ($fQueryLat <= 90.1 && $fQueryLat >= -90.1 && $fQueryLon <= 180.1 && $fQueryLon >= -180.1)
+ {
+ $_GET['nearlat'] = $fQueryLat;
+ $_GET['nearlon'] = $fQueryLon;
+ $sQuery = trim(str_replace($aData[0], ' ', $sQuery));
+ }
elseif (preg_match('/\\b([0-9]+)[ ]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)?[ ]+([NS])[, ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)?[ ]+([EW])\\b/', $sQuery, $aData))
- $_GET['nearlat'] = ($aData[3]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[1] + $aData[2]/60);
- $_GET['nearlon'] = ($aData[6]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[4] + $aData[5]/60);
- $sQuery = trim(str_replace($aData[0], ' ', $sQuery));
+ $fQueryLat = ($aData[3]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[1] + $aData[2]/60);
+ $fQueryLon = ($aData[6]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[4] + $aData[5]/60);
+ if ($fQueryLat <= 90.1 && $fQueryLat >= -90.1 && $fQueryLon <= 180.1 && $fQueryLon >= -180.1)
+ {
+ $_GET['nearlat'] = $fQueryLat;
+ $_GET['nearlon'] = $fQueryLon;
+ $sQuery = trim(str_replace($aData[0], ' ', $sQuery));
+ }
- elseif (preg_match('/(\\[|\\b)(-?[0-9]+[0-9.]*)[, ]+(-?[0-9]+[0-9.]*)(\\]|\\b])/', $sQuery, $aData))
+ elseif (preg_match('/(\\[|^|\\b)(-?[0-9]+[0-9.]*)[, ]+(-?[0-9]+[0-9.]*)(\\]|$|\\b)/', $sQuery, $aData))
- $_GET['nearlat'] = $aData[2];
- $_GET['nearlon'] = $aData[3];
- $sQuery = trim(str_replace($aData[0], ' ', $sQuery));
+ $fQueryLat = $aData[2];
+ $fQueryLon = $aData[3];
+ if ($fQueryLat <= 90.1 && $fQueryLat >= -90.1 && $fQueryLon <= 180.1 && $fQueryLon >= -180.1)
+ {
+ $_GET['nearlat'] = $fQueryLat;
+ $_GET['nearlon'] = $fQueryLon;
+ $sQuery = trim(str_replace($aData[0], ' ', $sQuery));
+ }
- if ($sQuery)
+ if ($sQuery || $aStructuredQuery)
// Start with a blank search
$aSearches = array(
array('iSearchRank' => 0, 'iNamePhrase' => -1, 'sCountryCode' => false, 'aName'=>array(), 'aAddress'=>array(),
preg_match_all('/\\[([a-zA-Z]*)\\]/', $sQuery, $aSpecialTermsRaw, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$aSpecialTerms = array();
+ if (isset($aStructuredQuery['amenity']) && $aStructuredQuery['amenity'])
+ {
+ $aSpecialTermsRaw[] = array('['.$aStructuredQuery['amenity'].']', $aStructuredQuery['amenity']);
+ unset($aStructuredQuery['amenity']);
+ }
foreach($aSpecialTermsRaw as $aSpecialTerm)
$sQuery = str_replace($aSpecialTerm[0], ' ', $sQuery);
$sToken = $oDB->getOne("select make_standard_name('".$aSpecialTerm[1]."') as string");
$sSQL = 'select * from (select word_id,word_token, word, class, type, location, country_code, operator';
- $sSQL .= ' from word where word_token in (\' '.$sToken.'\')) as x where (class is not null and class not in (\'place\',\'highway\')) or country_code is not null';
+ $sSQL .= ' from word where word_token in (\' '.$sToken.'\')) as x where (class is not null and class not in (\'place\')) or country_code is not null';
+ if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($sSQL);
$aSearchWords = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
$aNewSearches = array();
foreach($aSearches as $aSearch)
// Split query into phrases
// Commas are used to reduce the search space by indicating where phrases split
- $aPhrases = explode(',',$sQuery);
+ if (sizeof($aStructuredQuery) > 0)
+ {
+ $aPhrases = $aStructuredQuery;
+ $bStructuredPhrases = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $aPhrases = explode(',',$sQuery);
+ $bStructuredPhrases = false;
+ }
// Convert each phrase to standard form
// Create a list of standard words
$aPhrase = $oDB->getRow("select make_standard_name('".pg_escape_string($sPhrase)."') as string");
if (PEAR::isError($aPhrase))
- var_dump($aPhrase);
+ userError("Illegal query string (not an UTF-8 string): ".$sPhrase);
+ if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($aPhrase);
if (trim($aPhrase['string']))
- }
+ }
// reindex phrases - we make assumptions later on
+ $aPhraseTypes = array_keys($aPhrases);
$aPhrases = array_values($aPhrases);
if (sizeof($aTokens))
// Check which tokens we have, get the ID numbers
$sSQL = 'select word_id,word_token, word, class, type, location, country_code, operator';
$sSQL .= ' from word where word_token in ('.join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aTokens)).')';
- $sSQL .= ' and (class is null or class not in (\'highway\'))';
+ $sSQL .= ' and search_name_count < '.CONST_Max_Word_Frequency;
// $sSQL .= ' group by word_token, word, class, type, location, country_code';
if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($sSQL);
$aDatabaseWords = array();
if (PEAR::IsError($aDatabaseWords))
- var_dump($sSQL, $aDatabaseWords);
- exit;
+ failInternalError("Could not get word tokens.", $sSQL, $aDatabaseWords);
$aPossibleMainWordIDs = array();
foreach($aDatabaseWords as $aToken)
if ($bSuggestion) $sSuggestion = join(', ',$aSuggestion);
// Try and calculate GB postcodes we might be missing
foreach($aTokens as $sToken)
- if (!isset($aValidTokens[$sToken]) && !isset($aValidTokens[' '.$sToken]) && preg_match('/^([A-Z][A-Z]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9])([A-Z][A-Z])$/', strtoupper(trim($sToken)), $aData))
+ // Source of gb postcodes is now definitive - always use
+ if (preg_match('/^([A-Z][A-Z]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9])([A-Z][A-Z])$/', strtoupper(trim($sToken)), $aData))
if (substr($aData[1],-2,1) != ' ')
+ foreach($aTokens as $sToken)
+ {
+ // Unknown single word token with a number - assume it is a house number
+ if (!isset($aValidTokens[' '.$sToken]) && strpos($sToken,' ') === false && preg_match('/[0-9]/', $sToken))
+ {
+ $aValidTokens[' '.$sToken] = array(array('class'=>'place','type'=>'house'));
+ }
+ }
// Any words that have failed completely?
// TODO: suggestions
Calculate all searches using aValidTokens i.e.
'Wodsworth Road, Sheffield' =>
Phrase Wordset
0 0 (wodsworth road)
0 1 (wodsworth)(road)
1 0 (sheffield)
Score how good the search is so they can be ordered
foreach($aPhrases as $iPhrase => $sPhrase)
$aNewPhraseSearches = array();
+ if ($bStructuredPhrases) $sPhraseType = $aPhraseTypes[$iPhrase];
+ else $sPhraseType = '';
- foreach($aPhrases[$iPhrase]['wordsets'] as $iWordset => $aWordset)
+ foreach($aPhrases[$iPhrase]['wordsets'] as $aWordset)
$aWordsetSearches = $aSearches;
// Add all words from this wordset
- foreach($aWordset as $sToken)
+ foreach($aWordset as $iToken => $sToken)
//echo "<br><b>$sToken</b>";
$aNewWordsetSearches = array();
foreach($aWordsetSearches as $aCurrentSearch)
//echo "<i>";
$aSearch = $aCurrentSearch;
- if ($aSearchTerm['country_code'] !== null && $aSearchTerm['country_code'] != '0')
+ if (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'country') && $aSearchTerm['country_code'] !== null && $aSearchTerm['country_code'] != '0')
if ($aSearch['sCountryCode'] === false)
$aSearch['sCountryCode'] = strtolower($aSearchTerm['country_code']);
- // Country is almost always at the end of the string - increase score for finding it anywhere else (opimisation)
- if ($iWordset+1 != sizeof($aPhrases[$iPhrase]['wordsets']) || $iPhrase+1 != sizeof($aPhrases)) $aSearch['iSearchRank'] += 5;
+ // Country is almost always at the end of the string - increase score for finding it anywhere else (optimisation)
+ if ($iToken+1 != sizeof($aWordset) || $iPhrase+1 != sizeof($aPhrases)) $aSearch['iSearchRank'] += 5;
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
- elseif ($aSearchTerm['lat'] !== '' && $aSearchTerm['lat'] !== null)
+ elseif (isset($aSearchTerm['lat']) && $aSearchTerm['lat'] !== '' && $aSearchTerm['lat'] !== null)
if ($aSearch['fLat'] === '')
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
- elseif ($aSearchTerm['class'] == 'place' && $aSearchTerm['type'] == 'house')
+ elseif (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'street') && $aSearchTerm['class'] == 'place' && $aSearchTerm['type'] == 'house')
if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber'] === '')
- elseif ($aSearchTerm['class'] !== '' && $aSearchTerm['class'] !== null)
+ elseif ($sPhraseType == '' && $aSearchTerm['class'] !== '' && $aSearchTerm['class'] !== null)
if ($aSearch['sClass'] === '')
if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
- else
+ elseif (isset($aSearchTerm['word_id']) && $aSearchTerm['word_id'])
if (sizeof($aSearch['aName']))
- if (!isset($aValidTokens[$sToken]) || strlen($sToken) < 4 || strpos($sToken, ' ') !== false)
+ if (($sPhraseType != 'street' && $sPhraseType != 'country') && (!isset($aValidTokens[$sToken]) || strlen($sToken) < 4 || strpos($sToken, ' ') !== false))
$aSearch['aAddress'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
// Allow searching for a word - but at extra cost
foreach($aValidTokens[$sToken] as $aSearchTerm)
- if (sizeof($aCurrentSearch['aName']) && strlen($sToken) >= 4)
+ if (isset($aSearchTerm['word_id']) && $aSearchTerm['word_id'])
- $aSearch = $aCurrentSearch;
- $aSearch['iSearchRank'] += 1;
- $aSearch['aAddress'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
- if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
- }
+ if (($sPhraseType != 'street') && sizeof($aCurrentSearch['aName']) && strlen($sToken) >= 4)
+ {
+ $aSearch = $aCurrentSearch;
+ $aSearch['iSearchRank'] += 1;
+ $aSearch['aAddress'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
+ if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
+ }
- if (!sizeof($aCurrentSearch['aName']) || $aCurrentSearch['iNamePhrase'] == $iPhrase)
- {
- $aSearch = $aCurrentSearch;
- $aSearch['iSearchRank'] += 2;
- if (preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $sToken)) $aSearch['iSearchRank'] += 2;
- $aSearch['aName'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
- $aSearch['iNamePhrase'] = $iPhrase;
- if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
+ if (!sizeof($aCurrentSearch['aName']) || $aCurrentSearch['iNamePhrase'] == $iPhrase)
+ {
+ $aSearch = $aCurrentSearch;
+ $aSearch['iSearchRank'] += 2;
+ if (preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $sToken)) $aSearch['iSearchRank'] += 2;
+ $aSearch['aName'][$aSearchTerm['word_id']] = $aSearchTerm['word_id'];
+ $aSearch['iNamePhrase'] = $iPhrase;
+ if ($aSearch['iSearchRank'] < $iMaxRank) $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $aSearch;
+ }
if (4 >= $iMinAddressRank && 4 <= $iMaxAddressRank)
- $sSQL = "select place_id from placex where country_code='".$aSearch['sCountryCode']."' and rank_search = 4 order by st_area(geometry) desc limit 1";
+ $sSQL = "select place_id from placex where country_code='".$aSearch['sCountryCode']."' and rank_search = 4";
+ if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
+ $sSQL .= " order by st_area(geometry) desc limit 1";
$aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
if (!$aSearch['sClass']) continue;
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump('<hr>',$aSearch);
if (CONST_Debug) _debugDumpGroupedSearches(array($iGroupedRank => array($aSearch)), $aValidTokens);
$sSQL = "select count(*) from pg_tables where tablename = 'place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']."'";
if ($oDB->getOne($sSQL))
- $sSQL = "select place_id from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType'];
+ $sSQL = "select place_id from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']." ct";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " join placex using (place_id)";
- $sSQL .= " where st_contains($sViewboxSmallSQL, centroid)";
+ $sSQL .= " where st_contains($sViewboxSmallSQL, ct.centroid) and linked_place_id is null";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
- if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, centroid) asc";
+ if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
if (!sizeof($aPlaceIDs))
- $sSQL = "select place_id from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType'];
+ $sSQL = "select place_id from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']." ct";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " join placex using (place_id)";
- $sSQL .= " where st_contains($sViewboxLargeSQL, centroid)";
+ $sSQL .= " where st_contains($sViewboxLargeSQL, ct.centroid) and linked_place_id is null";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
- if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, centroid) asc";
+ if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
$sSQL = "select place_id from placex where class='".$aSearch['sClass']."' and type='".$aSearch['sType']."'";
- $sSQL .= " and st_contains($sViewboxSmallSQL, centroid)";
+ $sSQL .= " and st_contains($sViewboxSmallSQL, geometry) and linked_place_id is null";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, centroid) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
// First we need a position, either aName or fLat or both
$aTerms = array();
$aOrder = array();
+ // TODO: filter out the pointless search terms (2 letter name tokens and less)
+ // they might be right - but they are just too darned expensive to run
if (sizeof($aSearch['aName'])) $aTerms[] = "name_vector @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aName'],",")."]";
if (sizeof($aSearch['aAddress']) && $aSearch['aName'] != $aSearch['aAddress']) $aTerms[] = "nameaddress_vector @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aAddress'],",")."]";
if ($aSearch['sCountryCode']) $aTerms[] = "country_code = '".pg_escape_string($aSearch['sCountryCode'])."'";
$sSQL .= " from search_name";
$sSQL .= " where ".join(' and ',$aTerms);
$sSQL .= " order by ".join(', ',$aOrder);
- if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber'])
+ if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber'] || $aSearch['sClass'])
$sSQL .= " limit 50";
elseif (!sizeof($aSearch['aName']) && !sizeof($aSearch['aAddress']) && $aSearch['sClass'])
$sSQL .= " limit 1";
$aViewBoxPlaceIDs = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($aViewBoxPlaceIDs))
- var_dump($sSQL, $aViewBoxPlaceIDs);
- exit;
+ failInternalError("Could not get places for search terms.", $sSQL, $aViewBoxPlaceIDs);
// Did we have an viewbox matches?
$sPlaceIDs = join(',',$aPlaceIDs);
// Now they are indexed look for a house attached to a street we found
- $sHouseNumberRegex = '\\\\m'.str_replace(' ','[-, ]',$aSearch['sHouseNumber']).'\\\\M';
+ $sHouseNumberRegex = '\\\\m'.str_replace(' ','[-,/ ]',$aSearch['sHouseNumber']).'\\\\M';
$sSQL = "select place_id from placex where parent_place_id in (".$sPlaceIDs.") and housenumber ~* E'".$sHouseNumberRegex."'";
if (sizeof($aExcludePlaceIDs))
// Fallback to the road
- if (!sizeof($aPlaceIDs))
+ if (!sizeof($aPlaceIDs) && preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $aSearch['sHouseNumber']))
$aPlaceIDs = $aRoadPlaceIDs;
$sPlaceIDs = join(',',$aPlaceIDs);
+ $aResultPlaceIDs = array();
if (!$aSearch['sOperator'] || $aSearch['sOperator'] == 'name')
// If they were searching for a named class (i.e. 'Kings Head pub') then we might have an extra match
$sSQL = "select place_id from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and class='".$aSearch['sClass']."' and type='".$aSearch['sType']."'";
+ $sSQL .= " and linked_place_id is null";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
$sSQL .= " order by rank_search asc limit $iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aResultPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
if (!$aSearch['sOperator'] || $aSearch['sOperator'] == 'near') // & in
- $sSQL = "select rank_search from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) order by rank_search asc limit 1";
+ $sSQL = "select count(*) from pg_tables where tablename = 'place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']."'";
+ $bCacheTable = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $iMaxRank = ((int)$oDB->getOne($sSQL)) + 5;
+ $sSQL = "select min(rank_search) from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs)";
- $sSQL = "select place_id from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and rank_search < $iMaxRank";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
- $sPlaceIDs = join(',',$aPlaceIDs);
+ $iMaxRank = ((int)$oDB->getOne($sSQL));
+ // For state / country level searches the normal radius search doesn't work very well
+ $sPlaceGeom = false;
+ if ($iMaxRank < 9 && $bCacheTable)
+ {
+ // Try and get a polygon to search in instead
+ $sSQL = "select geometry from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and rank_search < $iMaxRank + 5 and st_geometrytype(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') order by rank_search asc limit 1";
+ if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ $sPlaceGeom = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
+ }
+ if ($sPlaceGeom)
+ {
+ $sPlaceIDs = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $iMaxRank += 5;
+ $sSQL = "select place_id from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and rank_search < $iMaxRank";
+ if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $sPlaceIDs = join(',',$aPlaceIDs);
+ }
- if ($sPlaceIDs)
+ if ($sPlaceIDs || $sPlaceGeom)
$fRange = 0.01;
- $sSQL = "select count(*) from pg_tables where tablename = 'place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']."'";
- if ($oDB->getOne($sSQL))
+ if ($bCacheTable)
// More efficient - can make the range bigger
- $fRange = 0.05;
- $sSQL = "select l.place_id from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']." as l";
+ $fRange = 0.05;
+ $sOrderBySQL = '';
+ if ($sNearPointSQL) $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance($sNearPointSQL, l.centroid)";
+ else if ($sPlaceIDs) $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance(l.centroid, f.geometry)";
+ else if ($sPlaceGeom) $sOrderBysSQL = "ST_Distance(st_centroid('".$sPlaceGeom."'), l.centroid)";
+ $sSQL = "select distinct l.place_id".($sOrderBySQL?','.$sOrderBySQL:'')." from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']." as l";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " join placex as lp using (place_id)";
- $sSQL .= ",placex as f where ";
- $sSQL .= "f.place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and ST_DWithin(l.centroid, st_centroid(f.geometry), $fRange) ";
+ if ($sPlaceIDs)
+ {
+ $sSQL .= ",placex as f where ";
+ $sSQL .= "f.place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and ST_DWithin(l.centroid, st_centroid(f.geometry), $fRange) ";
+ }
+ if ($sPlaceGeom)
+ {
+ $sSQL .= " where ";
+ $sSQL .= "ST_Contains('".$sPlaceGeom."', l.centroid) ";
+ }
if (sizeof($aExcludePlaceIDs))
$sSQL .= " and l.place_id not in (".join(',',$aExcludePlaceIDs).")";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and lp.country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
- if ($sNearPointSQL) $sSQL .= " order by ST_Distance($sNearPointSQL, l.centroid) ASC";
- else $sSQL .= " order by ST_Distance(l.centroid, f.geometry) asc";
+ if ($sOrderBySQL) $sSQL .= "order by ".$sOrderBySQL." asc";
+ if ($iOffset) $sSQL .= " offset $iOffset";
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aResultPlaceIDs = array_merge($aResultPlaceIDs, $oDB->getCol($sSQL));
if (isset($aSearch['fRadius']) && $aSearch['fRadius']) $fRange = $aSearch['fRadius'];
- $sSQL = "select l.place_id from placex as l,placex as f where ";
+ $sOrderBySQL = '';
+ if ($sNearPointSQL) $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance($sNearPointSQL, l.geometry)";
+ else $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance(l.geometry, f.geometry)";
+ $sSQL = "select distinct l.place_id".($sOrderBysSQL?','.$sOrderBysSQL:'')." from placex as l,placex as f where ";
$sSQL .= "f.place_id in ( $sPlaceIDs) and ST_DWithin(l.geometry, st_centroid(f.geometry), $fRange) ";
$sSQL .= "and l.class='".$aSearch['sClass']."' and l.type='".$aSearch['sType']."' ";
if (sizeof($aExcludePlaceIDs))
$sSQL .= " and l.place_id not in (".join(',',$aExcludePlaceIDs).")";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and l.country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
- if ($sNearPointSQL) $sSQL .= " order by ST_Distance($sNearPointSQL, l.geometry) ASC";
- else $sSQL .= " order by ST_Distance(l.geometry, f.geometry) asc, l.rank_search ASC";
+ if ($sOrderBy) $sSQL .= "order by ".$OrderBysSQL." asc";
+ if ($iOffset) $sSQL .= " offset $iOffset";
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aResultPlaceIDs = array_merge($aResultPlaceIDs, $oDB->getCol($sSQL));
+ $aPlaceIDs = $aResultPlaceIDs;
if (PEAR::IsError($aPlaceIDs))
- var_dump($sSQL, $aPlaceIDs);
- exit;
+ failInternalError("Could not get place IDs from tokens." ,$sSQL, $aPlaceIDs);
if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($aPlaceIDs);
$sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as placename,";
$sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as lon,avg(ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as lat, ";
- $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
+// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
$sSQL .= "coalesce(importance,0.9-(rank_search::float/30)) as importance ";
$sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and placex.rank_address between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ $sSQL .= "and linked_place_id is null ";
$sSQL .= "group by osm_type,osm_id,class,type,admin_level,rank_search,rank_address,country_code,importance";
if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
$sSQL .= ",get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
$sSQL .= "null as placename,";
$sSQL .= "null as ref,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
- $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
+// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
$sSQL .= "-0.15 as importance ";
$sSQL .= "from location_property_tiger where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
$sSQL .= "null as placename,";
$sSQL .= "null as ref,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
- $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
+// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
+ $sSQL .= "-0.10 as importance ";
+ $sSQL .= "from location_property_aux where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
+ $sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ $sSQL .= "group by place_id";
+ if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
+ $sSQL .= ",get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
+ $sSQL .= "order by importance desc";
+// $sSQL .= "order by rank_search,rank_address,porder asc";
+ if (CONST_Debug) var_dump('<hr>',$sSQL);
+ $aSearchResults = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ if (PEAR::IsError($aSearchResults))
+ {
+ failInternalError("Could not get details for place.", $sSQL, $aSearchResults);
+ }
+ }
+ } // end if ($sQuery)
+ else
+ {
+ if (isset($_GET['nearlat']) && trim($_GET['nearlat'])!=='' && isset($_GET['nearlon']) && trim($_GET['nearlon']) !== '')
+ {
+ $iPlaceID = geocodeReverse($_GET['nearlat'], $_GET['nearlon']);
+ $aResultPlaceIDs = array($iPlaceID);
+ // TODO: this needs refactoring!
+ // Get the details for display (is this a redundant extra step?)
+ $sPlaceIDs = join(',',$aResultPlaceIDs);
+ $sOrderSQL = 'CASE ';
+ foreach(array_keys($aResultPlaceIDs) as $iOrder => $iPlaceID)
+ {
+ $sOrderSQL .= 'when min(place_id) = '.$iPlaceID.' then '.$iOrder.' ';
+ }
+ $sOrderSQL .= ' ELSE 10000000 END';
+ $sSQL = "select osm_type,osm_id,class,type,admin_level,rank_search,rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id,country_code,";
+ $sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
+ $sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as placename,";
+ $sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,";
+ $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as lon,avg(ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as lat, ";
+// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
+ $sSQL .= "coalesce(importance,0.9-(rank_search::float/30)) as importance ";
+ $sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
+ $sSQL .= "and placex.rank_address between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ $sSQL .= "group by osm_type,osm_id,class,type,admin_level,rank_search,rank_address,country_code,importance";
+ if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
+ $sSQL .= ",get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
+ $sSQL .= ",get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
+ $sSQL .= ",get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) ";
+ $sSQL .= " union ";
+ $sSQL .= "select 'T' as osm_type,place_id as osm_id,'place' as class,'house' as type,null as admin_level,30 as rank_search,30 as rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id,'us' as country_code,";
+ $sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
+ $sSQL .= "null as placename,";
+ $sSQL .= "null as ref,";
+ $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
+// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
$sSQL .= "-0.15 as importance ";
+ $sSQL .= "from location_property_tiger where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
+ $sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ $sSQL .= "group by place_id";
+ if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
+ $sSQL .= " union ";
+ $sSQL .= "select 'L' as osm_type,place_id as osm_id,'place' as class,'house' as type,null as admin_level,30 as rank_search,30 as rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id,'us' as country_code,";
+ $sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
+ $sSQL .= "null as placename,";
+ $sSQL .= "null as ref,";
+ $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
+// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
+ $sSQL .= "-0.10 as importance ";
$sSQL .= "from location_property_aux where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
$sSQL .= "group by place_id";
if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
$sSQL .= ",get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
- $sSQL .= "order by porder asc";
+ $sSQL .= "order by importance desc";
// $sSQL .= "order by rank_search,rank_address,porder asc";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump('<hr>',$sSQL);
$aSearchResults = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($aSearchResults))
- var_dump($sSQL, $aSearchResults);
- exit;
+ failInternalError("Could not get details for place (near).", $sSQL, $aSearchResults);
$aClassType = getClassTypesWithImportance();
+ $aRecheckWords = preg_split('/\b/',$sQuery);
+ foreach($aRecheckWords as $i => $sWord)
+ {
+ if (!$sWord) unset($aRecheckWords[$i]);
+ }
foreach($aSearchResults as $iResNum => $aResult)
- if (CONST_Search_AreaPolygons || true)
+ if (CONST_Search_AreaPolygons)
// Get the bounding box and outline polygon
$sSQL = "select place_id,numfeatures,area,outline,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_Y(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(outline)),4)) as minlat,ST_Y(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(outline)),2)) as maxlat,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_X(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(outline)),1)) as minlon,ST_X(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(outline)),3)) as maxlon,";
+ $sSQL .= "ST_Y(ST_PointN(ST_ExteriorRing(Box2D(outline)),4)) as minlat,ST_Y(ST_PointN(ST_ExteriorRing(Box2D(outline)),2)) as maxlat,";
+ $sSQL .= "ST_X(ST_PointN(ST_ExteriorRing(Box2D(outline)),1)) as minlon,ST_X(ST_PointN(ST_ExteriorRing(Box2D(outline)),3)) as maxlon,";
$sSQL .= "ST_AsText(outline) as outlinestring from get_place_boundingbox_quick(".$aResult['place_id'].")";
$sSQL = "select place_id,0 as numfeatures,st_area(geometry) as area,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_Y(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(geometry)),4)) as minlat,ST_Y(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(geometry)),2)) as maxlat,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_X(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(geometry)),1)) as minlon,ST_X(ST_PointN(ExteriorRing(ST_Box2D(geometry)),3)) as maxlon,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_AsText(geometry) as outlinestring from placex where place_id = ".$aResult['place_id'].' and st_geometrytype(ST_Box2D(geometry)) = \'ST_Polygon\'';
+ $sSQL .= "ST_Y(centroid) as centrelat,ST_X(centroid) as centrelon,";
+ $sSQL .= "ST_Y(ST_PointN(ST_ExteriorRing(Box2D(geometry)),4)) as minlat,ST_Y(ST_PointN(ST_ExteriorRing(Box2D(geometry)),2)) as maxlat,";
+ $sSQL .= "ST_X(ST_PointN(ST_ExteriorRing(Box2D(geometry)),1)) as minlon,ST_X(ST_PointN(ST_ExteriorRing(Box2D(geometry)),3)) as maxlon";
+ if ($bAsGeoJSON) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsGeoJSON(geometry) as asgeojson";
+ if ($bAsKML) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsKML(geometry) as askml";
+ if ($bAsSVG) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsSVG(geometry) as assvg";
+ if ($bAsText) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsText(geometry) as astext";
+ if ($bShowPolygons) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsText(geometry) as outlinestring";
+ $sSQL .= " from placex where place_id = ".$aResult['place_id'].' and st_geometrytype(Box2D(geometry)) = \'ST_Polygon\'';
$aPointPolygon = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($aPointPolygon))
- var_dump($sSQL, $aPointPolygon);
- exit;
+ failInternalError("Could not get outline.", $sSQL, $aPointPolygon);
if ($aPointPolygon['place_id'])
- // Translate geometary string to point array
- if (preg_match('#POLYGON\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
- {
- preg_match_all('/(-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)/',$aMatch[1],$aPolyPoints,PREG_SET_ORDER);
+ if ($bAsGeoJSON) $aResult['asgeojson'] = $aPointPolygon['asgeojson'];
+ if ($bAsKML) $aResult['askml'] = $aPointPolygon['askml'];
+ if ($bAsSVG) $aResult['assvg'] = $aPointPolygon['assvg'];
+ if ($bAsText) $aResult['astext'] = $aPointPolygon['astext'];
+ if ($aPointPolygon['centrelon'] !== null && $aPointPolygon['centrelat'] !== null ) {
+ $aResult['lat'] = $aPointPolygon['centrelat'];
+ $aResult['lon'] = $aPointPolygon['centrelon'];
- elseif (preg_match('#POINT\\((-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)\\)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
+ if ($bShowPolygons)
- $fRadius = 0.01;
- $iSteps = ($fRadius * 40000)^2;
- $fStepSize = (2*pi())/$iSteps;
- $aPolyPoints = array();
- for($f = 0; $f < 2*pi(); $f += $fStepSize)
+ // Translate geometary string to point array
+ if (preg_match('#POLYGON\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
+ {
+ preg_match_all('/(-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)/',$aMatch[1],$aPolyPoints,PREG_SET_ORDER);
+ }
+ elseif (preg_match('#MULTIPOLYGON\\(\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
+ {
+ preg_match_all('/(-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)/',$aMatch[1],$aPolyPoints,PREG_SET_ORDER);
+ }
+ elseif (preg_match('#POINT\\((-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)\\)#',$aPointPolygon['outlinestring'],$aMatch))
- $aPolyPoints[] = array('',$aMatch[1]+($fRadius*sin($f)),$aMatch[2]+($fRadius*cos($f)));
+ $fRadius = 0.01;
+ $iSteps = ($fRadius * 40000)^2;
+ $fStepSize = (2*pi())/$iSteps;
+ $aPolyPoints = array();
+ for($f = 0; $f < 2*pi(); $f += $fStepSize)
+ {
+ $aPolyPoints[] = array('',$aMatch[1]+($fRadius*sin($f)),$aMatch[2]+($fRadius*cos($f)));
+ }
+ $aPointPolygon['minlat'] = $aPointPolygon['minlat'] - $fRadius;
+ $aPointPolygon['maxlat'] = $aPointPolygon['maxlat'] + $fRadius;
+ $aPointPolygon['minlon'] = $aPointPolygon['minlon'] - $fRadius;
+ $aPointPolygon['maxlon'] = $aPointPolygon['maxlon'] + $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['minlat'] = $aPointPolygon['minlat'] - $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['maxlat'] = $aPointPolygon['maxlat'] + $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['minlon'] = $aPointPolygon['minlon'] - $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['maxlon'] = $aPointPolygon['maxlon'] + $fRadius;
// Output data suitable for display (points and a bounding box)
- if ($bShowPolygons)
+ if ($bShowPolygons && isset($aPolyPoints))
$aResult['aPolyPoints'] = array();
foreach($aPolyPoints as $aPoint)
$aResult['icon'] = CONST_Website_BaseURL.'images/mapicons/'.$aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type']]['icon'].'.p.20.png';
+ if (isset($aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type']]['label'])
+ && $aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type']]['label'])
+ {
+ $aResult['label'] = $aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type']]['label'];
+ }
if ($bShowAddressDetails)
$aResult['address'] = getAddressDetails($oDB, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL, $aResult['place_id'], $aResult['country_code']);
+ // Adjust importance for the number of exact string matches in the result
+ $aResult['importance'] = max(0.001,$aResult['importance']);
+ $iCountWords = 0;
+ $sAddress = $aResult['langaddress'];
+ foreach($aRecheckWords as $i => $sWord)
+ {
+ if (stripos($sAddress, $sWord)!==false) $iCountWords++;
+ }
+ $aResult['importance'] = $aResult['importance'] + ($iCountWords*0.1); // 0.1 is a completely arbitrary number but something in the range 0.1 to 0.5 would seem right
//if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type'].':'.$aResult['admin_level']);
if (isset($aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type'].':'.$aResult['admin_level']]['importance'])
$aResult['foundorder'] = $iResNum;
$aSearchResults[$iResNum] = $aResult;
uasort($aSearchResults, 'byImportance');
$bFirst = false;
if (!$bDeDupe || (!isset($aOSMIDDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['osm_id']])
- && !isset($aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['osm_class'].$aResult['name']])))
+ && !isset($aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['class'].$aResult['name']])))
$aOSMIDDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['osm_id']] = true;
- $aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['osm_class'].$aResult['name']] = true;
+ $aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['class'].$aResult['name']] = true;
$aSearchResults[] = $aResult;
+ // Absolute limit on number of results
+ if (sizeof($aSearchResults) >= $iLimit) break;
$sDataDate = $oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '1 day'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD') from import_status limit 1");