+ | format | object |
+ | json | 107077 |
+ | json | N5484325405 |
+ | json | W43327921 |
+ | json | R123924 |
+ Scenario Outline: Details via unknown OSM id
+ When sending <format> details query for <object>
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Examples:
+ | format | object |
+ | json | 1 |
+ | json | R1 |
+ Scenario: Details with keywords
+ When sending details query for W43327921
+ | keywords |
+ | 1 |
+ Then the result is valid json
+ # ticket #1343
+ Scenario: Details of a country with keywords
+ When sending details query for R1155955
+ | keywords |
+ | 1 |
+ Then the result is valid json