+def test_postcodes_extern_bad_column(dsn, postcode_table, tmp_path,
+ insert_implicit_postcode, tokenizer):
+ insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'xx', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
+ extfile = tmp_path / 'xx_postcodes.csv'
+ extfile.write_text("postode,lat,lon\nAB 4511,-4,-1\nCD 4511,-5, -10")
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12)}
+def test_postcodes_extern_bad_number(dsn, insert_implicit_postcode,
+ postcode_table, tmp_path, tokenizer):
+ insert_implicit_postcode(1, 'xx', 'POINT(10 12)', dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
+ extfile = tmp_path / 'xx_postcodes.csv'
+ extfile.write_text("postcode,lat,lon\nXX 4511,-4,NaN\nCD 4511,-5, -10\n34,200,0")
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert postcode_table.row_set == {('xx', 'AB 4511', 10, 12),
+ ('xx', 'CD 4511', -10, -5)}
+def test_can_compute(dsn, table_factory):
+ assert not postcodes.can_compute(dsn)
+ table_factory('place')
+ assert postcodes.can_compute(dsn)
+def test_no_placex_entry(dsn, tmp_path, temp_db_cursor, place_row, postcode_table, tokenizer):
+ #Rewrite the get_country_code function to verify its execution.
+ temp_db_cursor.execute("""
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_country_code(place geometry)
+ RETURN 'fr';
+ END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+ """)
+ place_row(geom='SRID=4326;POINT(10 12)', address=dict(postcode='AB 4511'))
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(dsn, tmp_path, tokenizer)
+ assert postcode_table.row_set == {('fr', 'AB 4511', 10, 12)}
+def insert_implicit_postcode(placex_table, place_row):
+ """
+ Inserts data into the placex and place table
+ which can then be used to compute one postcode.
+ """
+ def _insert_implicit_postcode(osm_id, country, geometry, address):
+ placex_table.add(osm_id=osm_id, country=country, geom=geometry)
+ place_row(osm_id=osm_id, geom='SRID=4326;'+geometry, address=address)
+ return _insert_implicit_postcode