- Tests for import special phrases functions
+ Tests for import special phrases methods
+ of the class SPImporter.
+from nominatim.errors import UsageError
+from pathlib import Path
+import tempfile
+from shutil import copyfile
import pytest
-from nominatim.tools.special_phrases import _create_place_classtype_indexes, _create_place_classtype_table, _get_wiki_content, _grant_access_to_webuser, _process_amenity
+from nominatim.tools.special_phrases.sp_importer import SPImporter
+from nominatim.tools.special_phrases.sp_wiki_loader import SPWikiLoader
+from nominatim.tools.special_phrases.sp_csv_loader import SPCsvLoader
+from nominatim.tools.special_phrases.special_phrase import SpecialPhrase
-def test_get_wiki_content():
- assert _get_wiki_content('fr')
+TEST_BASE_DIR = Path(__file__) / '..' / '..'
-def execute_and_verify_add_word(temp_db_conn, phrase_label, normalized_label,
- phrase_class, phrase_type):
- _process_amenity(temp_db_conn, phrase_label, normalized_label,
- phrase_class, phrase_type, '')
+def test_fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables(sp_importer, temp_db_cursor):
+ """
+ Check for the fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables() method.
+ It should return the table just created.
+ """
+ temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE place_classtype_testclasstypetable()')
- with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
- temp_db_cursor.execute(f"""
- SELECT * FROM word
- WHERE word_token=' {normalized_label}'
- AND word='{normalized_label}'
- AND class='{phrase_class}'
- AND type='{phrase_type}'
- AND type='{phrase_type}'""")
- return temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
+ sp_importer._fetch_existing_place_classtype_tables()
+ contained_table = sp_importer.table_phrases_to_delete.pop()
+ assert contained_table == 'place_classtype_testclasstypetable'
-def execute_and_verify_add_word_with_operator(temp_db_conn, phrase_label, normalized_label,
- phrase_class, phrase_type, phrase_operator):
- _process_amenity(temp_db_conn, phrase_label, normalized_label,
- phrase_class, phrase_type, phrase_operator)
+def test_check_sanity_class(sp_importer):
+ """
+ Check for _check_sanity() method.
+ If a wrong class or type is given, an UsageError should raise.
+ If a good class and type are given, nothing special happens.
+ """
- with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
- temp_db_cursor.execute(f"""
- SELECT * FROM word
- WHERE word_token=' {normalized_label}'
- AND word='{normalized_label}'
- AND class='{phrase_class}'
- AND type='{phrase_type}'
- AND operator='{phrase_operator}'""")
- return temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
+ assert not sp_importer._check_sanity(SpecialPhrase('en', '', 'type', ''))
+ assert not sp_importer._check_sanity(SpecialPhrase('en', 'class', '', ''))
-def test_process_amenity_with_near_operator(temp_db_conn, word_table, amenity_operator_funcs):
- phrase_label = ' label '
- normalized_label = 'label'
- phrase_class = 'class'
- phrase_type = 'type'
+ assert sp_importer._check_sanity(SpecialPhrase('en', 'class', 'type', ''))
- assert execute_and_verify_add_word(temp_db_conn, phrase_label, normalized_label,
- phrase_class, phrase_type)
- assert execute_and_verify_add_word_with_operator(temp_db_conn, phrase_label, normalized_label,
- phrase_class, phrase_type, 'near')
- assert execute_and_verify_add_word_with_operator(temp_db_conn, phrase_label, normalized_label,
- phrase_class, phrase_type, 'in')
+def test_load_white_and_black_lists(sp_importer):
+ """
+ Test that _load_white_and_black_lists() well return
+ black list and white list and that they are of dict type.
+ """
+ black_list, white_list = sp_importer._load_white_and_black_lists()
-def index_exists(db_connect, index):
- """ Check that an index with the given name exists in the database.
- """
- with db_connect.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute("""SELECT tablename FROM pg_indexes
- WHERE indexname = %s and schemaname = 'public'""", (index, ))
- if cur.rowcount == 0:
- return False
- return True
-def test_create_place_classtype_indexes(temp_db_conn):
+ assert isinstance(black_list, dict) and isinstance(white_list, dict)
+def test_convert_php_settings(sp_importer):
+ """
+ Test that _convert_php_settings_if_needed() convert the given
+ php file to a json file.
+ """
+ php_file = (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testfiles' / 'phrase_settings.php').resolve()
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ temp_settings = (Path(temp_dir) / 'phrase_settings.php').resolve()
+ copyfile(php_file, temp_settings)
+ sp_importer._convert_php_settings_if_needed(temp_settings)
+ assert (Path(temp_dir) / 'phrase_settings.json').is_file()
+def test_convert_settings_wrong_file(sp_importer):
+ """
+ Test that _convert_php_settings_if_needed() raise an exception
+ if the given file is not a valid file.
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError, match='random_file is not a valid file.'):
+ sp_importer._convert_php_settings_if_needed('random_file')
+def test_convert_settings_json_already_exist(sp_importer):
+ """
+ Test that if we give to '_convert_php_settings_if_needed' a php file path
+ and that a the corresponding json file already exists, it is returned.
+ """
+ php_file = (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testfiles' / 'phrase_settings.php').resolve()
+ json_file = (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testfiles' / 'phrase_settings.json').resolve()
+ returned = sp_importer._convert_php_settings_if_needed(php_file)
+ assert returned == json_file
+def test_convert_settings_giving_json(sp_importer):
+ """
+ Test that if we give to '_convert_php_settings_if_needed' a json file path
+ the same path is directly returned
+ """
+ json_file = (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testfiles' / 'phrase_settings.json').resolve()
+ returned = sp_importer._convert_php_settings_if_needed(json_file)
+ assert returned == json_file
+def test_create_place_classtype_indexes(temp_db_conn, sp_importer):
+ """
+ Test that _create_place_classtype_indexes() create the
+ place_id index and centroid index on the right place_class_type table.
+ """
phrase_class = 'class'
phrase_type = 'type'
- table_name = f'place_classtype_{phrase_class}_{phrase_type}'
+ table_name = 'place_classtype_{}_{}'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type)
with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
temp_db_cursor.execute("CREATE EXTENSION postgis;")
- temp_db_cursor.execute(f'CREATE TABLE {table_name}(place_id BIGINT, centroid GEOMETRY)')
+ temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE {}(place_id BIGINT, centroid GEOMETRY)'.format(table_name))
- _create_place_classtype_indexes(temp_db_conn, '', phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ sp_importer._create_place_classtype_indexes('', phrase_class, phrase_type)
- centroid_index_exists = index_exists(temp_db_conn, f'idx_place_classtype_{phrase_class}_{phrase_type}_centroid')
- place_id_index_exists = index_exists(temp_db_conn, f'idx_place_classtype_{phrase_class}_{phrase_type}_place_id')
+ assert check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_conn, phrase_class, phrase_type)
+def test_create_place_classtype_table(temp_db_conn, placex_table, sp_importer):
+ """
+ Test that _create_place_classtype_table() create
+ the right place_classtype table.
+ """
+ phrase_class = 'class'
+ phrase_type = 'type'
+ sp_importer._create_place_classtype_table('', phrase_class, phrase_type)
- assert centroid_index_exists and place_id_index_exists
+ assert check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, phrase_class, phrase_type)
-def test_create_place_classtype_table(temp_db_conn, placex_table):
+def test_grant_access_to_web_user(temp_db_conn, def_config, sp_importer):
+ """
+ Test that _grant_access_to_webuser() give
+ right access to the web user.
+ """
phrase_class = 'class'
phrase_type = 'type'
- _create_place_classtype_table(temp_db_conn, '', phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ table_name = 'place_classtype_{}_{}'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type)
with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
- temp_db_cursor.execute(f"""
+ temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE {}()'.format(table_name))
+ sp_importer._grant_access_to_webuser(phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ assert check_grant_access(temp_db_conn, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, phrase_class, phrase_type)
+def test_create_place_classtype_table_and_indexes(
+ temp_db_conn, def_config, placex_table,
+ sp_importer):
+ """
+ Test that _create_place_classtype_table_and_indexes()
+ create the right place_classtype tables and place_id indexes
+ and centroid indexes and grant access to the web user
+ for the given set of pairs.
+ """
+ pairs = set([('class1', 'type1'), ('class2', 'type2')])
+ sp_importer._create_place_classtype_table_and_indexes(pairs)
+ for pair in pairs:
+ assert check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, pair[0], pair[1])
+ assert check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_conn, pair[0], pair[1])
+ assert check_grant_access(temp_db_conn, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, pair[0], pair[1])
+def test_remove_non_existent_tables_from_db(sp_importer, default_phrases,
+ temp_db_conn):
+ """
+ Check for the remove_non_existent_phrases_from_db() method.
+ It should removed entries from the word table which are contained
+ in the words_phrases_to_delete set and not those also contained
+ in the words_phrases_still_exist set.
+ place_classtype tables contained in table_phrases_to_delete should
+ be deleted.
+ """
+ with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
+ sp_importer.table_phrases_to_delete = {
+ 'place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_delete'
+ }
+ query_tables = """
+ SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
- WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE'
- AND table_name='place_classtype_{phrase_class}_{phrase_type}'""")
- result = temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
- assert result
+ WHERE table_schema='public'
+ AND table_name like 'place_classtype_%';
+ """
-def test_grant_access_to_web_user(temp_db_conn, def_config):
- phrase_class = 'class'
- phrase_type = 'type'
- table_name = f'place_classtype_{phrase_class}_{phrase_type}'
+ sp_importer._remove_non_existent_tables_from_db()
+ temp_db_cursor.execute(query_tables)
+ tables_result = temp_db_cursor.fetchall()
+ assert (len(tables_result) == 1 and
+ tables_result[0][0] == 'place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_keep'
+ )
+def test_import_phrases(monkeypatch, temp_db_conn, def_config, sp_importer,
+ placex_table, tokenizer_mock):
+ """
+ Check that the main import_phrases() method is well executed.
+ It should create the place_classtype table, the place_id and centroid indexes,
+ grand access to the web user and executing the SQL functions for amenities.
+ It should also update the database well by deleting or preserving existing entries
+ of the database.
+ """
+ #Add some data to the database before execution in order to test
+ #what is deleted and what is preserved.
+ with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
+ temp_db_cursor.execute("""
+ CREATE TABLE place_classtype_amenity_animal_shelter();
+ CREATE TABLE place_classtype_wrongclass_wrongtype();""")
+ monkeypatch.setattr('nominatim.tools.special_phrases.sp_wiki_loader.SPWikiLoader._get_wiki_content',
+ mock_get_wiki_content)
+ tokenizer = tokenizer_mock()
+ sp_importer.import_phrases(tokenizer)
+ assert len(tokenizer.analyser_cache['special_phrases']) == 18
+ class_test = 'aerialway'
+ type_test = 'zip_line'
+ assert check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, class_test, type_test)
+ assert check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_conn, class_test, type_test)
+ assert check_grant_access(temp_db_conn, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, class_test, type_test)
+ assert check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, 'amenity', 'animal_shelter')
+ assert not check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, 'wrong_class', 'wrong_type')
+ #Format (query, should_return_something_bool) use to easily execute all asserts
+ queries_tests = set()
+ #Used to check that correct place_classtype table already in the datase before is still there.
+ query_existing_table = """
+ SELECT table_name
+ FROM information_schema.tables
+ WHERE table_schema='public'
+ AND table_name = 'place_classtype_amenity_animal_shelter';
+ """
+ queries_tests.add((query_existing_table, True))
+ #Used to check that wrong place_classtype table was deleted from the database.
+ query_wrong_table = """
+ SELECT table_name
+ FROM information_schema.tables
+ WHERE table_schema='public'
+ AND table_name = 'place_classtype_wrongclass_wrongtype';
+ """
+ queries_tests.add((query_wrong_table, False))
with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
- temp_db_cursor.execute(f'CREATE TABLE {table_name}()')
+ for query in queries_tests:
+ temp_db_cursor.execute(query[0])
+ if (query[1] == True):
+ assert temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
+ else:
+ assert not temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
+def mock_get_wiki_content(lang):
+ """
+ Mock the _get_wiki_content() method to return
+ static xml test file content.
+ """
+ return get_test_xml_wiki_content()
+def get_test_xml_wiki_content():
+ """
+ return the content of the static xml test file.
+ """
+ xml_test_content_path = (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testdata' / 'special_phrases_test_content.txt').resolve()
+ with open(xml_test_content_path) as xml_content_reader:
+ return xml_content_reader.read()
- _grant_access_to_webuser(temp_db_conn, def_config, phrase_class, phrase_type)
+def check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, phrase_class, phrase_type):
+ """
+ Verify that the place_classtype table exists for the given
+ phrase_class and phrase_type.
+ """
+ table_name = 'place_classtype_{}_{}'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type)
with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
- temp_db_cursor.execute(f"""
+ temp_db_cursor.execute("""
+ FROM information_schema.tables
+ WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE'
+ AND table_name='{}'""".format(table_name))
+ return temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
+def check_grant_access(temp_db_conn, user, phrase_class, phrase_type):
+ """
+ Check that the web user has been granted right access to the
+ place_classtype table of the given phrase_class and phrase_type.
+ """
+ table_name = 'place_classtype_{}_{}'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
+ temp_db_cursor.execute("""
SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_table_grants
- WHERE table_name='{table_name}'
- AND grantee='{def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER}'
- AND privilege_type='SELECT'""")
- result = temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
- assert result
+ WHERE table_name='{}'
+ AND grantee='{}'
+ AND privilege_type='SELECT'""".format(table_name, user))
+ return temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
+def check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_conn, phrase_class, phrase_type):
+ """
+ Check that the place_id index and centroid index exist for the
+ place_classtype table of the given phrase_class and phrase_type.
+ """
+ index_prefix = 'idx_place_classtype_{}_{}_'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ return (
+ temp_db_conn.index_exists(index_prefix + 'centroid')
+ and
+ temp_db_conn.index_exists(index_prefix + 'place_id')
+ )
+def sp_importer(temp_db_conn, def_config, temp_phplib_dir_with_migration):
+ """
+ Return an instance of SPImporter.
+ """
+ loader = SPWikiLoader(def_config, ['en'])
+ return SPImporter(def_config, temp_phplib_dir_with_migration, temp_db_conn, loader)
+def temp_phplib_dir_with_migration():
+ """
+ Return temporary phpdir with migration subdirectory and
+ PhraseSettingsToJson.php script inside.
+ """
+ migration_file = (TEST_BASE_DIR / '..' / 'lib-php' / 'migration'
+ / 'PhraseSettingsToJson.php').resolve()
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as phpdir:
+ (Path(phpdir) / 'migration').mkdir()
+ migration_dest_path = (Path(phpdir) / 'migration' / 'PhraseSettingsToJson.php').resolve()
+ copyfile(migration_file, migration_dest_path)
+ yield Path(phpdir)
-def amenity_operator_funcs(temp_db_cursor):
- temp_db_cursor.execute(f"""
- AS $$
- o TEXT;
- RETURN trim(name); --Basically return only the trimed name for the tests
- END;
- $$
- CREATE SEQUENCE seq_word start 1;
- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getorcreate_amenity(lookup_word TEXT, normalized_word TEXT,
- lookup_class text, lookup_type text)
- AS $$
- lookup_token TEXT;
- return_word_id INTEGER;
- lookup_token := ' '||trim(lookup_word);
- SELECT min(word_id) FROM word
- WHERE word_token = lookup_token and word = normalized_word
- and class = lookup_class and type = lookup_type
- INTO return_word_id;
- IF return_word_id IS NULL THEN
- return_word_id := nextval('seq_word');
- INSERT INTO word VALUES (return_word_id, lookup_token, normalized_word,
- lookup_class, lookup_type, null, 0);
- RETURN return_word_id;
- END;
- $$
- LANGUAGE plpgsql;
- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getorcreate_amenityoperator(lookup_word TEXT,
- normalized_word TEXT,
- lookup_class text,
- lookup_type text,
- op text)
- AS $$
- lookup_token TEXT;
- return_word_id INTEGER;
- lookup_token := ' '||trim(lookup_word);
- SELECT min(word_id) FROM word
- WHERE word_token = lookup_token and word = normalized_word
- and class = lookup_class and type = lookup_type and operator = op
- INTO return_word_id;
- IF return_word_id IS NULL THEN
- return_word_id := nextval('seq_word');
- INSERT INTO word VALUES (return_word_id, lookup_token, normalized_word,
- lookup_class, lookup_type, null, 0, op);
- RETURN return_word_id;
- END;
- $$
- LANGUAGE plpgsql;""")
+def default_phrases(temp_db_cursor):
+ temp_db_cursor.execute("""
+ CREATE TABLE place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_delete();
+ CREATE TABLE place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_keep();""")