return parsed_geojson;
-jQuery(document).on('ready', function(){
if ( !$('#search-page,#reverse-page').length ){ return; }
map = new'map', {
attributionControl: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution && nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution.length),
- scrollWheelZoom: !L.Browser.touch,
+ scrollWheelZoom: true, // !L.Browser.touch,
touchZoom: false
map.setView([, nominatim_map_init.lon], nominatim_map_init.zoom);
+ var osm2 = new L.TileLayer(nominatim_map_init.tile_url, {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 13, attribution: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution || null )});
+ var miniMap = new L.Control.MiniMap(osm2, {toggleDisplay: true}).addTo(map);
if ( is_reverse_search ){
// We don't need a marker, but an instance changes radius once you zoom in/out
var cm = L.circleMarker([,nominatim_map_init.lon], { radius: 5, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'red', opacity: 0.75, clickable: false});
function map_link_to_osm(){
- return "" + map.getZoom() + "/" + map.getCenter().lat + "/" + map.getCenter().lng;
+ return "" + map.getZoom() + "/" + map.getCenter().lat + "/" + map.getCenter().lng;
function get_result_element(position){
else {
- if ( is_reverse_search ){
- // make sure the search coordinates are in the map view as well
- map.fitBounds([[,result.lon], [,nominatim_map_init.lon]], {padding: [50,50], maxZoom: map.getZoom()});
- // better, but causes a leaflet warning
- // map.panInsideBounds([[,result.lon], [,nominatim_map_init.lon]], {animate: false});
- }
- else {
- map.panTo([,result.lon], result.zoom || nominatim_map_init.zoom);
+ var result_coord = L.latLng(, result.lon);
+ if ( result_coord ){
+ if ( is_reverse_search ){
+ // make sure the search coordinates are in the map view as well
+ map.fitBounds([result_coord, [,nominatim_map_init.lon]], {padding: [50,50], maxZoom: map.getZoom()});
+ // better, but causes a leaflet warning
+ // map.panInsideBounds([[,result.lon], [,nominatim_map_init.lon]], {animate: false});
+ }
+ else {
+ map.panTo(result_coord, result.zoom || nominatim_map_init.zoom);
+ }
$('#switch-coords').on('click', function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
var lat = $('form input[name=lat]').val();
var lon = $('form input[name=lon]').val();
$('form input[name=lat]').val(lon);
$('form input[name=lon]').val(lat);
+ } else {
+ var search_params = new URLSearchParams(;
+ var viewbox = search_params.get('viewbox');
+ if (viewbox) {
+ var coords = viewbox.split(','); // <x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>
+ var bounds = L.latLngBounds([coords[1], coords[0]], [coords[3], coords[2]]);
+ L.rectangle(bounds, {color: "#69d53e", weight: 3, dashArray: '5 5', opacity: 0.8, fill: false}).addTo(map);
+ }
highlight_result(0, false);
+ // common mistake is to copy&paste latitude and longitude into the 'lat' search box
+ $('form input[name=lat]').on('change', function(){
+ var coords = $(this).val().split(',');
+ if (coords.length == 2) {
+ $(this).val(L.Util.trim(coords[0]));
+ $(this).siblings('input[name=lon]').val(L.Util.trim(coords[1]));
+ }
+ });
-jQuery(document).on('ready', function(){
+ if ( !$('#details-index-page').length ){ return; }
+ $('#form-by-type-and-id,#form-by-osm-url').on('submit', function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var val = $(this).find('input[type=edit]').val();
+ var matches = val.match(/^\s*([NWR])(\d+)\s*$/i);
+ if (!matches) {
+ matches = val.match(/\/(relation|way|node)\/(\d+)\s*$/);
+ }
+ if (matches) {
+ $(this).find('input[name=osmtype]').val(matches[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase());
+ $(this).find('input[name=osmid]').val(matches[2]);
+ $(this).get(0).submit();
+ } else {
+ alert('invalid input');
+ }
+ });
if ( !$('#details-page').length ){ return; }
// center: [, nominatim_map_init.lon],
// zoom: nominatim_map_init.zoom,
attributionControl: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution && nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution.length),
- scrollWheelZoom: false,
+ scrollWheelZoom: true, // !L.Browser.touch,
touchZoom: false,
attribution: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution || null ) //'© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
var layerGroup = new L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
var circle = L.circleMarker([,nominatim_result.lon], { radius: 10, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'blue', opacity: 0.75});
+ var osm2 = new L.TileLayer(nominatim_map_init.tile_url, {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 13, attribution: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution || null )});
+ var miniMap = new L.Control.MiniMap(osm2, {toggleDisplay: true}).addTo(map);